Sunday, November 5, 2017

We got one episode in, and she was HOOKED.

Yesterday turned out to be a day off because the Unicorn woke up at exactly the same time that I did, and dammit we had a show to watch!
The adventure started Friday night when we couldn't remember if we'd left off on Angel or Voltron, so we started with an episode of Angel on HULU. Then we proceeded to Netflix on her account. That's when I saw the banner advertising season two of Stranger Things and I suddenly remembered that I was going to ask her if she wanted to watch that too.
A decision was quickly made to start toggling between Angel, Voltron, AND Stranger Things. The Unicorn has friends at school who won't shut the fuck up about Stranger Things, so she was definitely curious about it.
We got one episode in, and she was HOOKED.  
She was so hooked that suddenly Angel and Voltron were completely forgotten about and all she wanted to do was keep going with Stranger things. We got two more episodes in, and then it was late, we both needed sleep.
She was kinda freaked out, though. So she asked if she could sleep with me instead of crashing on the living room couch. Sure, why not.
Saturday morning game (yesterday) and my alarm starts going off bright and early, telling me "It's time for coffee, Bitch!" - and she woke up too.
We wasted zero time... it was right back into stranger things.
We plowed the fuck through it! Binged the whole rest of season 1 and ALL of season 2 as well!! She loved every minute of it!!
Then she thought she was going to be okay and she left to crash in the living room.
Middle of the night she flopped next to me in my bed and told me she was scared. I told her to climb in and I held her to help her get to sleep.
LOL, so that's why there was no entry yesterday.  
Now she can talk to her friends at school and she'll be able to say she's seen the whole thing.  :)
She's watching her own anime shows today, leaving me to my own devices. I'll probably try to see if my tablet will cooperate and let me watch my shows... otherwise I'll just read.
I'm tired today. Having a hard time waking up.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Both the depression and the anxiety seem to not be so bad right now. I seem to be pretty okay. Nothing to really complain about.
- Writing – Now, don't get all excited. I’m still nowhere near taking up the writing again. That will come back slowly sometime after Bran's return. It's just good that I don't feel bad (for now).
- Reading – It's going to be interesting to take a break from the Indie authors and read an A-List book for once. I know I'll like it, but in a way I'll feel like I’m cheating and betraying my species.
- Sleep / Fitbit – The firmware wants to update and I have a feeling there's not enough room on my phone to make this happen... but it's going to try. This is going to take awhile.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Post Oral Surgery - I’m still pretty sore. It doesn't really 'hurt' exactly, it's just that certain muscle movements along my jaw will cause a twinge of pain. I'll admit that I probably haven't been as 'on top' of the oral care as I should be. I’m not rinsing out with salt water nearly as much as I should be. I’m just operating on faith that this will heal well. Stupid, I know. I'll get on the salt water more. I promise.  
There still seems to be some swelling, but it's not too bad.  
I am looking forward to it not hurting anymore, though.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Nothing new to report.
- The Unicorn – I hope she's able to sleep tonight. Her dad isn't nice about supporting her when she doesn't want to be alone. I hope she'll be okay. I know Stranger Things is pretty spooky, but I feel like she got through it okay.
She really enjoyed the relationship between El and Mike. That was one of the first times she WANTED to see a kiss happen. It was great, really. I've never seen her SHIP a couple before. It was pretty cute!
Ugh... I wish she didn't have to go home tonight. I feel like she could use one more night sleeping next to mom just to get her head right.
Hopefully she'll be okay.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – Nothing new to report.
- Rain – Yeah... guess who just popped up out of nowhere?  
I had deleted him from my contacts, but I'd never deleted him from my Google Voice/Hangouts. I only archived him. I never even gave away his notification tone. So when that notification chimed out of nowhere, I was all 'who the fuck?' - and he was just 'It's Rain'.  
We started chatting and he quickly apologized for leaving me the way he did. He explained that it was 'family' and I told him that I didn't need anything more. He's forgiven.  
It appears that we're going to pick up where we left off. Snuggles and season 2 of Supernatural. Of course, he mentioned this being a Snuggle-Fuck date. You're not going to get any arguments out of me!! He wants a Snuggle-Fuck? I’m totally good with that!
Will I let myself get emotionally attached again?
I doubt it.
It's not that I don't trust Rain. It's just that with Bran coming home soon, I don't feel the pressing need for emotional attachments to keep me afloat anymore. I'll be there for my sweeties, I'll let them be there for me, but I won't need to rely on them so much for my survival anymore.
Much healthier way to go about things if you ask me.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
So I find it kind of interesting that I binge watched all of Stranger Things twice in about the same week. LOL.  

I’m awesome like that.

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