Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bless the Blue Falcon!

So… a few hours ago I realized the depression/anxiety death spiral had hit me full force. Part of me KNEW that the only way I'd get out of the depression was 'contact'. I needed to be with someone, to touch someone, to be touched by someone. And, yet, the other part of me was locking down into isolation mode.

This means only one thing.

This means that only the TRUSTED can get close to me.

Well, fukkin-a, I actually HAVE trusted this time around!!

Granted, yes, part of me only wanted Jasper, and I've not heard from him since Friday.

BUT, the other part of me said "Ping the Blue Falcon".

So… ping the Blue Falcon, I did.

He was by my side in less than twenty minutes.

He just happened to have plans today that fell through, so he was available. He's also the kind of person who knows that people often don't reach out until they're at their lowest. He says he's been there. He says he's had friends who've been there. He's just the kind of person who will be there as fast as humanly possible when someone reaches out like that. If he'd been busy, he would have worked something out so that I wasn't alone for very long.

And yeah, it got naked, but I'm not giving you the full sex report this time.

Stop pouting.

No, really, the sex was secondary. High quality, as always with the Blue Falcon, but secondary.

What was primary was just the fact that there IS someone local that I can reach out to. Someone who will rush to my side if I need him. Someone I can trust, and who will take care of me when I'm down. In fact, he was in such a hurry to get to me that he forgot his wallet at home. What he needed his wallet for, I don't know, but he forgot it.

There was a significant amount of naked cuddling and talking…

Gods… I love the hell out of him. It doesn't matter what topic we wind up on, he has something intelligent to say about it. And not just 'talking out of my ass' level intelligent. But serious 'oh, I've read up on this!' level intelligent.

He got me laughing.

He kissed me a lot.

He made me feel so much better.


Okay… so now I'm a bit stuck.

I finished the research, and now I should get back to work, but it's already 5pm and I knew my brain was going to shut down early today.


Okay… guess I'm going to watch some Walking Dead.

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