Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Code Name: Rain (way too soon, but I'm going with it)

And, here we are… last day of February. Spring comes soon, but Bran might not… more on that later in the entry, I guess…


Here goes:

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Valkyrie called in sick today. And she's out next week too. So I'm not even going to see or hear from her until the 14th. And that sucks… I miss her. But, I'm doing okay on the mental health stuff, so I'm confident that I'll survive until I see her again.

 - Writing - I finished adding the storm bits to my chapter one. And now I have the very daunting task of editing my chapter two. First I need to make sure I get in there and figure out the target word counts for every chapter. I need to make sure I'm going to hit my beats on time. Gods, there's just so much that I need to focus on from the story structure research.

KM says it gets easier once you've got your system down BEFORE you start writing. But going BACK is harder.


 - Sleep - I really wish I could say that I slept better last night. Gods this sucks. And, even worse. The double dose of anti-psychotic that I've been taking to help myself sleep at night? I just realized that Bubbles changed the prescription from 60 pills down to 30, so now I'm in serious danger of them running out before I get it fixed.

Double fuck.

 - Fur-babies - Just one visit yesterday. All Dreamy, no Splotches. Cuddles were most definitely requested and had. But they were cut a bit short by the arrival of a sweetie. Dreamy was NOT pleased by this, to say the least. But, got sweetie inside without Dreamy escaping, and then much to my surprise the sweetie got Dreamy snuggles too. Dreamy got into my lap, and then to the top of the couch, walked over and stepped down and laid on the sweetie. OMG, so cute. That sweetie has some anxiety issues. So, I think Dreamy was just tapping in for him and helping him as much as he could.

He really is an amazing therapy cat.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Caffeine - Just three today, and yes my body/brain is regretting it. I might have to take a shower soon, just to see if that would help me wake up. If I wait until 11 I risk running into my productive time and I want to get to that chapter 2 revision today.

RE: Yoga/Movement, Inflammation, Weight - I'm just going to start taking these out. I'll keep them in the template, but I’m going to delete them if I don't have anything to report on the day in question.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - So, we're back to the threat of Bran's return being delayed again.

Fuck fuck fuck

Fuckady fuck Chuck dammit, fuck

He might miss our anniversary.

He's trying not to… but he might miss it…

This is not good.

I'm putting in a message to Jasper now. I'm going to ask if he'll get me through it. Just asking of he'll put it on his calendar to get to me that night. I'll ask the Blue Falcon and probably Cookie and Rain too… just to be sure I can survive this. (you haven't met Rain, yet. His update is coming in the 'Hopeful's section)

Update: I messaged the Blue Falcon too. He's penciling me in for both April 2nd and 3rd. Ye Gods, I love him so fucking much.

I have people who will get me through this… and I’m pretty sure I'm going to be able to add both Cookie and Rain to that list as well.

This sucks…

But, at least I have support.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

- Recent Encounters - There was a sweetie visit last night. But, it appears as if he's already ghosted me. It's sad that so many of them only need this to be a one time thing. I mean, I don't mind… I get what I need from it too. But, still, I wish more of them would come back.

    - 1) good company: He was really exhausted when he got to me. The very first thing he did once I took his coat is he flopped down on his back on my couch, laying on Bran's memory foam pillow. He apologized for being kind of a bum, but I'm pretty sure I told him it was okay.

I sat down on the other end of the couch and Dreamy came around, hopping up into my lap and then up to the back of the couch. I asked Dreamy if he was jealous of my sweetie and I guess he wasn't. He was just up there checking him out.

This particular sweetie has some anxiety issues, and Dreamy must have picked up on that because he walked right over and climbed down onto the sweeties chest. Laid right down and started therapy snuggling him.

That was awesome.

    - 2) good conversation: The conversation was at it's peak post-coital and post-sex coma. We talked a lot about his past and who he was when he was growing up. His ascension event that triggered his empathy, as well as his growing anxiety issues as a result of his empathy.

It was pretty clear to me that his anxiety is being spiked because he can sense how much is wrong with the world around him. I did my best to help. I gave him a back massage and told him about the 'mindful body meditation' of just focusing on one area of the body at a time.

He seemed to take the advice. But, it's hard to tell because I've not heard back from him. I messaged him my standard thank you, as well as a reminder to do the mindful body meditation. And, nothing.

I hate it when they ghost me like that.

    - 3) good snuggles: I am not going to lie, he was an amazing snuggler! He did a lot of wrapping his arms around me and massaging the knots in my shoulders while I was in his embrace. I did my standard 'running my free hand' over him… I got some good, soft moans out of him. I was trying not to push for sex, though, because I knew how tired he was.

There were a couple of times he got on top of me and started dry humping me. Weird, but okay.

- 4) good sex: Eventually he became bold enough to ask for attention to his cock.  We got him naked from the waist down and I started to stroke him. He made comments about how good it felt. Then I did the 'cock making out' which he loved.

He's a very good 'dirty talker'. Was moaning things about me sucking that cock.

I kept it up until I got tired, and apologized for not being able to get him to cum.

Then I put some lube on my hand and went back to stroking him until my arm got tired too…

Then he asked if I wanted his cock inside me, so of course I said yes.

As usual, I told him not to hold back. He kept his arms wrapped around the back of my neck and just pounded the fuck out of me. It was really amazing. The dirty talk continued. "You like that dick, baby?" "What's the biggest cock you've ever had?" "You want me fucking you?"

I told him about Bran's cock without mentioning Bran. Bran is the biggest.

"Did you cum all over that cock?"

"Actually, I don't cum. But I enjoy the ride."

"Yeah? I think I’m going to cum now."

"Please do!"

So, he did… it was lovely.

Then that's when all the cuddling and talking happened. It was pretty wonderful. But, he had to get going so he could see his kids before they went to bed. Totally understandable. Just wish he would have responded to at least one message by now.

 - Updates on Favorites

 - Jasper - I'm trying really hard not to squee the fuck out of things when Jasper checks in. He goes dark so often. Which I know he hates as much as I do. He's made that pretty clear.

We're both having rough times right now. We're both expressing that we'd love to be of more help to each other, and I think we both accept our limits on what we can or can't do from a distance.

Update: I just heard back from him regarding the extra support around mine and Bran's anniversary. He says he'll do his best.

He really is wonderful. I wish he was so much closer and with a less crazy work schedule. Anything to see him again and ease his pain. Anything to see him again and have him ease my pain.

Don't get me wrong, I have others, but Jasper is so special to me. I know you know why.

 - Blue Falcon - I pinged the Blue Falcon on being with me around the 2nd and the 3rd of April too. He's already penciled me in for both dates.

So, there you have it. I have support.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
 - The One Timers - I'm really hoping last nights adventure wasn't a one time thing. But, we all probably know that it is.

 - The Hopefuls - And here we go:

- Code Name: Rain -

I don't even know how long we've been chatting. It feels like forever but I know it really hasn't been that long.

He reminds me of Jasper a little bit.

He's a super strong empath and a good reader of people, even over distances. He knew I was broken the second he started talking to me and he's been overcome with this intense desire to help me in any way that he can.

Okay, you know me, I do NOT fucking let myself trust anyone this early on!

I've especially learned my lesson on assigning code names before the second date.

But he's just so comforting… like rain against my window.

He sees me exactly the same way that Daniel sees Jessa. Tough, Open, Damaged.

He's coming over after he's done with work today.

Strong arms… strong cuddles… white chocolate popcorn and Supernatural.

I've already vowed not to shut him out. As scary as it is to get my hopes up about another Peter/Daniel... I know that's where this is is going.

I can just feel it… coming at me in waves… how much easing my pain means to him. And, neither of us really understand what's behind that desire for him.

I have my suspicions that it could be Bastian again, just like it was with Bran.

Rain is only 18 years old… But, he's so much more advanced than his age would betray.

I don't know. I just can't hide from him and I don't want to.

I hate it that I've let him in so hard already. I know he has so much power to break me further. But, I'm sure you all know what it is that I'm really hoping for here.

I hope he's the one who will look me in the eyes and say 'no, you're not' when I lie and say that I'm okay.

I need that… permission to cry… just once… I really need someone to pull the pain out of me.

Just once…

Can Rain make my tears fall like rain?

I don't know…

I really don't know…

But, I also really hope so…

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