Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Worried about Jasper - Fearing Abandonment:

I have something on my mind today… but it will come in at the 'Updates on Favorites' section.

Let's just say that despite the attention of Cocoa, I'm still worried about where things are standing with Jasper.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Therapy - Have to miss it again, today. Because of the phone issue. Phone is not coming back any time soon. I've got the $300+ power bull that needs to come first.
 - Writing - Tried to do some story structure research yesterday, but didn't get very far. My heart wasn't in it. But, I'm okay with that. It got set aside for my date with Cocoa.
 - Fur-babies - I did get a visit from both Dreamy and Splotches yesterday. Both came up into my lap to say hello, but neither stayed long. Splotches went home, but Dreamy took his afternoon nap on top of my kitchen cabinets. All is well on the therapy cat front.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Caffeine - I'm on point with the caffeine. But, I'm NOT sleeping well these days. So, I’m feeling really sluggish in the mornings.
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - Yeah, I really wish I had better news… for some reason, my heart just isn't in it anymore. It might be lack of sleep. It might be depression. It's likely both.
 - Inflammation - Again, I wish I had better news. My Turmeric supply is dwindling, and my diet is just as terrible.
 - Weight Management - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Family:

- Bran - he called me last night to say good night, and I just got off the morning call from him as well. He's been awake since 4:30 as a byproduct of _her_. I don't want to say that I'm taking pleasure in his pain, but to a degree, he earned it. This is what he wanted. This is what he has. This is now everything he doesn't want and he's stuck with it.

Also… it appears that he won't be home for 50% of Boxed Chocolates Day.

I’m forgiving him for this transgression. *shrug* It's just one more bullshit thing that he can't do with me until he's done being up north. I don't hate him for it. But, I don't love him for it either. He says he might throw a little $ at me so that I can at least go shopping for my own treats.

The weather KNEW this was going to be an issue.

*looks up at the Powers That Be* Yeah! Don't think I don't see you up there!!

You gave me a mild February that FEELS like April.

You made it so I could walk to the store and buy my own dam chocolate.

Thank you. Your efforts to keep me sane have not gone unnoticed.

 - The Unicorn - Ugh… in 9 days I have to be awake at like 5 in the morning so I can go to her IEP meeting at 7am. I purposely asked for this too. I knew that having the meeting in the afternoon would negatively affect her dad at work, and I was being kind and considerate about this. Not that I get any props for it. But, I was genuinely trying to be a nice person at my own expense.


Relationships / Sweeties:
 - Recent Encounters - This you already know, it was in my supplemental report last night.

 - Updates on Favorites - I sent Jasper a 'goodnight' message last night… he still hasn't responded.

I’m genuinely worried.

I've seen him blow people off when he wasn't interested in talking to them. I know it's possible that I've annoyed him, or made him regret his time with me. I also know he'd eat a bucket of broken glass before he'd ever willingly disappoint or hurt me. So, that's where the blowing off comes in. He shuts down replies when he doesn't want to hurt someone.

It's the curse. As soon as I begin to really love a sweetie, that's when they're done with me.

Don't get me wrong. His reasons are valid. If I'm only serving as a harsh reminder of how far away HLS is, then he's not being served by me and he deserves better.

I want better for him.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I wish better were me. NOT better than HLS, but at least able to take his mind off his pain for a little while.

Okay… so, it's not just HLS, though. He's dealing with work, moving… all kinds of madness. So, I’m backing off.

I'm going to try to not say good night to him tonight.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
 - The One Timers - Potential.1 from a few nights ago is going to be code named 'Coffee'. It's a good compliment to Cocoa from yesterday. Not sure if I'll hear from either of them again, but I'm not going to push it either. I know they're busy too.
 - The Hopefuls - I do have a date later today. First time with someone I met on Fet.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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