Monday, February 20, 2017

Still feeling better... :)

So… it's 7:30 in the morning, and I'm already on 3rd coffee.

There is a plan for a 4th, and possibly even a 5th.

The Unicorn's IEP meeting is at 7am on Thursday, and that means severe adjustments to my sleep/wake cycle, as well as my caffeine consumption just to properly adjust to this. I'm probably going to have to get out of bed somewhere between 4-5am on Thursday.

Now… that being said… I've noticed that any time I go introspective on the Blue Falcon's visit yesterday, I smile.

Not just a 'that was nice' wistful smile.

I mean an ear to ear, Cheshire cat grin kind of smile.

It was just SO good to know that I have someone both trusted and reliable to reach out to for physical contact when I'm at my worst. In his own words, the Blue Falcon told me that he feels people only reach out when they're at their breaking point. Granted, he realized quickly that I hadn't been at my breaking point when I reached out, but in his mind that didn't make my call to arms any less urgent. Even if he'd been busy, he would have found a way to get to me as quickly as possible.

Just having someone who makes me feel safe. Who makes me feel cared for and desired. Who will talk with me on literally ANY topic that comes up and do so with consideration and intelligence.

It was sweet.

I’m not doing the standard update today.

It's too early for that shit.

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