Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tomorrow's entry will be more exciting...

I spent the bulk of yesterday getting all my social media re-updated and integrated with my professional website. Unfortunately I didn't actually check any of the links, so now I have to fix that again today.

I'm so excited that I get to see the Blue Falcon today. I also spent a bulk of yesterday wishing it were today already. It's amazing how much I care about him.

I'm deeply saddened by how much Jasper has dropped off the map. I know it's just work. But, still. I miss him.

I also put an inquiry in with a woman who does writing related psychic readings to ask if it would be appropriate to merge Imarii Morningstarre into my other writing personas as well. Since it would give me more stability in terms of managing constant content.

That's my nutshell…

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Therapy - Nothing new
 - Writing - Taking my standard 'Unicorn weekend' break from the work. But, tomorrow I have my work cut out for me. I need to add a raging storm outside my opening scenes just to increase the sense of motion and drama.
 - Sleep - DOING OKAY!!  :)
 - Fur-babies - 2 visits yesterday! It was a good day.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Caffeine - back down to 3 cups today
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - nope
 - Inflammation - nuh uh
 - Weight Management - I don't care

Relationships / Family:
 - Bran - He's coming home soon… I still can't believe I've almost survived this whole six month ordeal…
 - The Unicorn - She spent the entirety of yesterday in the bedroom watching Anime. She just needed her 'me time'. I'm super excited for her to meet the Blue Falcon today.

Relationships / Sweeties:
 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report
 - Updates on Favorites -

- Jasper - You know as much as I do… he's gone dark on me… I know he's still there… I just wish he were here.

 - Blue Falcon - I will have an update tomorrow! Expect sex :)

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
 - The One Timers - Still hoping that Cookie makes a return appearance
 - The Hopefuls - Couple more blips on the radar. And that's IMPORTANT. It means I'm coming out of the death spiral.

*long sigh*

Hoping for the best… as always.

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