Friday, February 3, 2017

This is bad…

I’m not just fucking off the yoga.

I’m getting into the nasty habbit of a 4th cup of coffee in the morning.

After the SSI hearing, I’m going to have to start ratcheting that back again. It's not fair to my budget.

I exchanged a couple of quick messages with the Blue Falcon yesterday. Not enough to confirm another date, but enough to confirm that he still holds me in comfortable regard.

I don't know why I get so insecure when guys don't maintain better contact. But, it seems to happen so much more when it's a Sweetie that I've grown emotionally attached to. I've noticed that I tend to only focus on one favorite at a time. First it was Gingersnap, then Foxtrot, now the Blue Falcon.

But, specifically in regard to the Blue Falcon, I have no reason to believe that he's lost any attraction towards me. But, then again, I felt that way about Gingersnap too. And, we all know what happened there. Gingersnap went from returning messages and carrying on conversations to not responding to a damn thing.

I guess it's just my fear of abandonment at work. This legitimate terror that somehow the Blue Falcon won't want me anymore. And I guess I just need that consistent reassurance that he's still a part of my life.

This probably dates all the way back to Set and what happened there.

Or it's just the BPD kicking in and mucking up my sense of inner peace.


I was supposed to be having a date right now. But he had to cancel. He's not important enough to have a code name yet. I guess I don't feel bad. I have work to get done anyway. Not to mention the whole 'blood moon' thing. Fucking cramps… ugh.


The Bestie spent the night last night! It was pretty awesome. I got her addicted to a new show. One that I've seen but she hasn't. It was our typical girls night. We had fun. I made what would be considered 'regular' goulash for dinner. But there was no cheese because she's picky about her cheeses.



I guess I’m okay today.

Or, at least okay'ish… okay with the fact that I’m only okay'ish?

I don't know.

I think I’m just going to focus on the work today… use that to keep my mind off things with Bran and the Blue Falcon.

I think that's all for now.

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