Sunday, February 12, 2017

OMG... Jasper...

Oh wow… where do I even start?

I had Jasper last night… all night… ye, motherfucking, gods, did I ever have Jasper…

Okay… so, I'll get to that in a bit. But if any of you need to, you can just skip ahead to the 'Recent Encounters' section. I'm going to write all of that out now, while it's still fresh. And then I'll come back and fill out the rest. Also, the 'Recent Encounters' section is going to flow along the 4 precepts of a good Sweetie. So, if you need to, you can just skip ahead to the 4th precept of 'good sex'.

Yes, I know some of you need exactly that.  *winx*

So, here goes.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Nothing really new. Just sweetie time with the amazing Jasper.

 - Writing - On hold. So. Many. Sweeties.

 - Fur-babies -  I had a visit from my friendly neighborhood therapy cat this morning.  :)  Dreamy came to call on me and even came up and cuddled in my arms. Just purring and loving me. It was so sweet.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Back to normal, all good.
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - Starting tomorrow - just light stuff… I need to ramp back up to the full routine.
 - Inflammation - Not good. I feel like I’m running low on Turmeric and my diet has been crap.
 - Weight Management - Probably shitty… haven't weighed in for awhile.

Relationships / Family:
 - Bran - For the time being, we're good. I'm honestly giving him a do-over for the whole last year. Once this is really over, for good, I want _her_ to be nothing more than a distant memory of regrets. *sigh* it's going to take time… but, we'll continue to work on it.

- The Unicorn - So perfect. Friday we Buffy'd until bedtime. Saturday she kept to herself and her anime until it was time to get her ready for a birthday party. I learned too late that it was going to be a theme party and she had no costume or anything. Amazingly enough, we were able to piece together some things from my closet and actually did an EXCELLENT job getting her all suited up. She came home this morning with a hand made wand. I was able to deconstruct it (visually) and figured out it was a chop stick with some hot glue to make the design, and then the whole thing was painted brown for wood and detailed with a little gold.

She did say that one bad thing is that her dad's ex was there. Dad's ex is friends with one of my former friends. Former friend's son is still one of the Unicorn's best friends, so there's a lot of tolerating the bad with the good on that.

She's back with me now for a few hours and we're Buffy'ing it up again.

Relationships / Sweeties:
 - Recent Encounters - Jasper - Holy hell… there are reasons why this man is one of my favorites.

- 1) good company: We start here…

First. He took care of dinner. Which he totally didn't have to do, but he knows the landscape of my current financial situation and he's kind enough to spend his meager petty cash on me. We ordered pizza. I was in the mood for a stuffed crust meat lovers… which soon turned into a personal crusade for him. We sat talking for almost 2 hours before we even ordered. I was just so engrossed in the conversation with him.

So, despite the fact that he'd not eaten since early that morning, he didn't TELL me that he was hungry. He let me set the pace. And I get it. But, I still feel bad. I would have liked to have fed him sooner. I'll have to remember to stay on top of that more in the future.

Also, he arrived on time. Exactly the minute he said he'd be with me. I like that about him.

So, we got to the ordering pizza, and he started with Papa Johns, no stuffed crust. Progressed to Dominos, no stuffed crust. I'm regretting asking for it because I can feel his frustration at the first two options not being options, but again. I get it. I wanted stuffed crust, and hell and damnation, I was going to fucking get stuffed crust. He accepted the challenge and he delivered. We ended up with Pizza Hut, and a desert side of brownies. YUM!!

Continuing… Jasper and I have the exact same taste in music. So, leaving my Pandora set to Skillet Radio was just PERFECT for both of us. I also got to introduce him to Within Temptation.  *smile* go me!

And, he brought the booze, again. I got to try FIRE WHISKEY! He even mixed me a Fire-Whiskey and Coke once I was done with the pizza. It didn't set well though, I think the grease from the pizza just wasn't mixing well with the alcohol. *poo* - but the upside there is that I didn't get so drunk I bit him again.

I found out last night that I actually left bruises when he was with me last time. *yikes!* I didn't want to do that again.

So, there you have it. Jasper is Good Company.

- 2) good conversation: He's so good here.

Ye Gods, what didn't we talk about?

I guess my favorite part about our conversations is just how in sync we are with our primary partners and exactly what Jasper and I mean to each other in the light (or shadows) of our primaries. Jasper and I can wax poetic for hours about Bran or HLS, and neither of us ever feel 'put down' or 'not good enough'. We're just in total agreement about our relationship being more than just sex, or just friends, but less than serious. *warm sigh* We're just so good for each other.

I was sad for him, though. He'd had a very rough/stressful week. And things are not 100% good between him and HLS (his girlfriend). They had a huge argument this past week, and after learning the details I can understand why he's so hurt.

Jasper and I are both trying to put things behind us when it comes to the un-kept promises that our primaries have lathered us with. It's really hard. But, this is also another area where Jasper and I are in perfect sync with each other. We literally are just perfect for each other. We get each other so much!

We also talked about our previous encounters with past lovers. I told him all about Saph, Birdman, and the Blue Falcon. We both really seemed to enjoy that part of the sharing.  :)

- 3) good snuggles: And, again, where do I even fucking start?

First cuddle didn't really happen until post first-sex… I think… I'm not sure. It was just on the couch while we enjoyed each others good company and digested pizza.

In the bedroom, post second-sex, he just held me and talked to me for hours. Until he was fading so hard… but it was okay. That just happened to be around 11pm, and I needed to stay on schedule and take my meds anyway. So, it worked out perfect.

I slept fully clothed… well, minus sox. He slept in just his boxers…

We were like synchronized swimmers, the way we shifted and cuddled, and played big/little spoon with each other. We were rarely not in physical contact with each other.

I sleep SO good next to him.

He's just so quiet, and calm, and peaceful. I can tap right into his biorhythms and I go down SO HARD next to him. *warm sigh* Jasper is living proof that I CAN sleep next to more than just Bran. It's just that some guys are assholes *cough*Coperhead!*cough* and glom onto me like a sweaty, naked beached whale.

Jasper is a joy to sleep next to.

I don't think I could ever have a nightmare with Jasper in my bed… not ever…

We woke up about 7 am… we cuddled until after my morning alarm went off. Then his need for food, caffeine and nicotine kicked in… and HEY, on THAT note, why doesn’t he ever STINK like cigarettes? What the hell! Does he have some magic ability to just not let smoke congeal around him?

I seriously would never have known he's a smoker if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

- 4) good sex: Oh… oh god…

I mean it…

Just, oh my fucking god.

So, the pizza arrived… and he was in the dining area setting everything down. He said something about how we have pizza, brownies, and booze.

"What more could you want?" He said with a smile.

"You." I replied.

He shruged. "Okay! I mean the pizza might get cold, but."

Then he walked over to me and held out both of his hands. I slipped my hands into his and he helped me to my feet. He pulled me into a kiss and delivered it with both depth and passion. The pressure of his lips gracing more than just my lips as he trailed his kisses down both sides of my neck and then back up again.

I can't remember if he took off his shirt first or mine…

He continued to kiss me and then pulled away. "I kind of feel like I want to just bend you over the couch right here."

"Do it, " I said.

He spun me around and I put my knees into the couch cushions while I leaned my upper body against the back of the couch… he tore my leggings down away from my body and then wasted no time. He was just inside me and he felt so good.

I looked over my shoulder, back at him. "Try to break me."

He alternated between gripping me by the hips and enclosing his firm hands around my shoulders while he pounded into me. My neck was at a bit of an awkward angle, but that was okay with me. He just kept slamming into me, over and over. Pulling those rich sounds out of me while I begged him not to stop.

One thing I love about him? He's _not_ a quiet lover, at all. He likes to make his own noise.

We were both screaming when he came.

LOL, I feel sorry for the neighbors.

Okay, so, then we ate pizza while we cuddled and talked. I drank that fire whiskey and coke, which didn't agree with the pizza.

Once both our tummies had settled a bit, I suggested we go to the bedroom and snuggle.

Ye gods. There's probably few things in this world that are more peaceful than laying my head on his chest.

Kisses started to happen…

He got us both naked.

The original position wasn't working for me. He had me bent in half with my legs over his shoulders and took to pounding into me again. But, it was just compressing my unhappy tummy, so I asked him to let my legs down.

He kissed me while I wrapped my legs around him.

Gods… he felt so good inside me.

Then he stopped and told me that he was slipping off the edge of the bed. We were a bit close to the side, I'll admit. So we disengaged so that I could shift over, but then I rolled over too, putting myself face down.

For some reason, I seem to like facing away from my lover. I feel like it allows my lover to a) pound me harder, but b) his cock will hit my g-spot pretty hard.

He had me screaming into the pillows before his back gave out on him.

We transitioned to just cuddling and talking again… then we went to bed.

The rest you know, it's in the upper portions of the update (If you read them, I know some of you skipped here)

I hope I gave you good update. It would be lovely if some of you would comment once in awhile *sticks tongue out*

 - Updates on Favorites

This you pretty much know as far as Jasper is concerned.

I pinged the Blue Falcon just a little bit ago. I let him know that my whole week is full up, but to ping back if he wants to hang out next week. He's pretty awesome, I hope I see him next week. That would be awesome.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
 - The One Timers - Still no word back from Cotton Candy… and there are some other distant honorable mentions that don't require mentioning.
 - The Hopefuls - I have dates literally ever day/evening this week! I'm not kidding… and I'm starting to get some takers on next week too.

Yes… look forward to a lot more sex updates.  :)

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