Monday, February 13, 2017

Ugh... disappointed and taking the rest of the day off from Sweeties...

Ugh… You're probably going to hate me for this, but… I just begged off on seeing Dusk today.

It needed to happen, though.
If there's one thing my time with Jasper has taught me, it's that I seriously crave the touch of someone who can be more Dominant with me.

Dusk isn't Dominant.

He's not submissive, either. He just kind of 'is'. And right now I need something that can be more firm with me.

This guy, today… he's told me that he's very Dominant. So, we'll see.

Something Jasper said last night has caused me to question whether or not he's going to work out as a continued Sweetie. Don't panic, I’m NOT done with him by a long shot. But, if I'm hurting him more than helping him… I'm sorry… he may need to back out on continuing to see me. He's still a priority Sweetie. He will be for a very long time. But keeping that door open isn't enough to maintain whether or not he will continue to walk through it.

This breaks my heart.

I was just getting close to admitting that I love him.

*sigh* okay… so, the update.

I had a date last night. No code name yet, so for the purpose of this entry we're going to call him 'Potential.1', Potential because we don't know yet if he's going to come back and make this a regular thing.

The super sultry, confident Dom that I've replaced Dusk with is going to be known as 'Potential.2'. Potential because this is our first meeting. He wants something regular, but we don't know yet if he will choose to be a regular of mine.

I only gave Potential.2 priority status because he's identified as Dominant. And I NEED that. Especially if Jasper needs to end things with me.

Okay… here we go:

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I still don't have a working phone. So Valkyrie and I are probably just going to do our 'check-in' tomorrow. This is really starting to piss me off, but I'm glad that she takes the time to at least make sure I'm okay.

On my end, I've been continuing to plug away at my Radical Acceptance. And, I guess I'm doing okay for the moment. So, there's not much more I can report.

I got a call from my psychiatrist earlier regarding a request for a prescription refill and for some reason Bubbles wanted to know if I'm continuing to see her. What the hell? I thought we had an appointment booked… did we not? I'm thinking I might have missed an appointment with her… so, I'd better sort that out once I have a working phone again. Which is going to be a bit, I'm afraid. My power bill is up over $300 and no end in sight on these budget issues.

 - Writing - So. Many. Sweeties… - you know it's always there in the back of my mind. But making my Sweetie reports counts as erotica.

I'm dead serious about that.

 - Fur-babies - I got a visit from Dreamy yesterday morning. I had to set Victor (my laptop) down in order to entice Dreamy up into my lap, but once he got there he just collapsed into a puddle of purr-fur. I was literally holding him in my arms like a baby. It was so sweet.

Then the Unicorn was getting re-dropped-off and I had to get up.

Dreamy was seriously unhappy about this, but he got some time with the Unicorn's toes. So, I think that made it up to him.

Update during the re-read. Just had a visit from Dreamy and Splotches. Both came up into my lap to say hi, but no one snuggled. Splotches is back home now, but Dreamy is passed out on top of my kitchen cabinets. I really wish Dreamy would have snuggled… After the disappointment I just endured (Potential.2), I really could have used the therapy cat snuggles.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Still down to 3 cups, but feeling constantly tempted by the 4th… maybe even a 5th…

 - Yoga / Movement Goals - Yoga just went on hold so that Potential.2 could come out today. I tried to make him promise to get my heart rate up, but he didn't respond.

 - Inflammation - Potential.1 gave me a bit of a massage last night. Enough to tell me that my muscles ARE upset with my diet of late. But, there's still nothing I can do about this until Bran gets back.

 - Weight Management - Second verse, same as the first… everything good for me (besides Sweeties) is on hold until Bran gets back.

Relationships / Family:

- Bran - Not sure what to tell you. We snap… we talk on the phone when we can… He's still with _her_ and there's fuck all that I can do about it.

Oh… and you want to know my fresh new hell? As long as my budget is a problem, I'm thinking that I need to use my measly petty cash to pay my bills until my budget is sorted out.


That means the PROMISE I made to buy my commitment rings with Bran is ON HOLD for the same exact fucking financial hardship excuse he used on me.


*MID ENTRY UPDATE* I just got off the phone with the electric company, and if I can't come up with over $300 by Friday, I lose my power. Completely.

This is one more thing that Bran's leaving has totally fucked me over with. I have zero help to get MY bills paid. But, his are just doing honky dory.


My case worker is going to try to get electric resolved today. And I'm somewhat hopeful… but not okay with how this is all playing out.

And fuck you powers that be… I totally get it. FINE. You want me to be MORE IN CHARGE OF MY OWN MONEY. Message received, now joyfully FUCK OFF and keep my bills paid. Dammit!!

- The Unicorn - She got back to me in the late morning yesterday and we binged a significant portion of season 3 of buffy. It was great to spend that kind of quality time with her.

I felt a bit bad for her, though. This party she was at, she had to interact with her ex-stepmom because her ex-stepmom is besties with my ex-almost best friend. Ex-almost best friend is the mother of one of the Unicorn's best friends.


Poor Unicorn. She actually had to interact with her ex-stepmom.

People can be so inconsiderate! Why the fuck would you put a young girl in the same room with someone she hates? Especially if it's someone who used to emotionally abuse her. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Recent Encounters - Potential.1:

    - 1) good company: He got to me kind of late because he'd lost his keys, and then he couldn't stay long for the same reason. He'd never actually found his keys. He'd borrowed someone else's car just to come out to me. He seems gentle. All around good guy. For the life of me I don't know why he's interested in me at all. It seems like he could do so much better. But he was really disappointed when I had to reschedule with him after my SSI Hearing. He understood, but he expressed more than once that my meeting him was 'long overdue'. We haven't even been chatting for two weeks, I don't think. But, to him, it felt like years. I'm just not sure where to file that one.

    - 2) good conversation: We talked a bit about different things. I shared with him some details on the Unicorn. About our spiritual connection and such. He seemed to take it well. He wasn't scared away, at least. I probably would have talked to him longer, but I knew he was short on time, so I proceeded quickly to the 3rd precept.

    - 3) good snuggles: I took him into the bedroom and he climbed into the monster bed with me. He raised his arms over his head as more of a stretch/relax move. But, that left his chest open for a head to be placed on it. He gave me some shoulder rubbing and some hair stroking pets… I traced the lines of his chest, tummy… etc. The way I always do in that position. Then he put my hand on his cock.

Okay… message received. Fucking can now commence. 

    - 4) good sex: His clothes started to come off while I explained the condom rule. I performed my warm up cock worship. [reminder: that's slowly kissing my way up a cock from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip… the tongue swirl around the head… the deep throat to moisten the entire cock to lubricate for the motion/sucking…. Take cock deep, pull back, tongue swirl, and deep again. Repeat until needing to stop.

I stopped, he asked if I had a condom. I grabbed one.

My clothes came off, he got into position, but the angles were off. That was okay. I knew how to correct it. I quickly got up and placed one of the gel memory foam pillows on the bed and then repositioned myself on top of it. Angles correct, we began.

I was NOT shy about directing him to fuck me hard enough to break me. And YES he did get me screaming.

But, then he came super fast, LOL.

He shouted 'Oh SHIT!' and pulled out. I panicked and thought the condom had broken, or something. But, no. He was just surprised at how quickly he came.

Meh, oh well.

We snuggled a bit more and then he took a quick shower and left.

So… that was it…

He fucked me plenty hard, and for that reason I'd probably see him again. But I don't see Potential.1 becoming a priority Sweetie any time soon.

I guess I'm okay with that.


*Pause Detail*

Potential.2 is arriving soon - so I will probably continue this update with Potential.2's encounter report as well.


Ye Gods… I don't even have the words for how disappointing Potential.2's encounter was. So, you know what? I'm actually going to drop his report into the Honorable Mentions… I'm not interested in seeing him again.

 - Updates on Favorites

  - Favorite - Jasper - Oh… where do I even start.

I'm so worried about Jasper right now. We chit-chatted a little last night and he came clean with me about how being with 'someone' 'anyone' 'including me (even though he didn't specifically say that' only makes him MISS HLS MORE. None of us are her. None of us can even hope to take his pain. We only serve as not so gentle reminders that he's not with her, and it's going to be a long time before he's with her again.

Okay… this hurts.

I'm in Jasper's life to EASE his pain, not MAKE IT WORSE!

I know he didn't mean to hurt me, and I don't care about my pain. I'm just so worried about him.

I don't know what the rules are on love when it comes to Jasper and HLS. I just know that I trust Jasper with my life and I simply can NOT let someone get that close to me without beginning to feel a great deal of outwardly directed love.

I'm not falling IN love with Jasper. This isn't that.

I just love him, and I want good things for him. And if I'm not a good thing, well then I don't want me for him.

And here we go again with the pattern of the favorites being great for me, but shit for them.

I actually don't know right now if I'm seeing Jasper again.

I would gladly see him again, don't get me wrong. And I know him well enough to know that he'd eat a bucket of broken glass before he'd ever disappoint or hurt me. And that's precisely why I'm considering backing off.

In fact. I think I'd better. He has too much on his mind right now, and it's probably for the best for both of us if I just let him initiate contact when he's ready.

No, I'm not even going to tell him I'm backing off, I'm just going to let him come to me when he needs me. If he needs me.

I care so much about him… enough to take whatever pain is necessary to let him go.

Don't worry about me. In his defense he DID have a really BAD day before he told me about any of this. So, he might have just been in a DARK MOOD. And I'm okay with that… But, I just feel like I should let him come to me.

Okay? - *sigh* - yeah… okay.

 - Favorite - Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - 13FEB2017 - Potential.2 / DIS-Honorable Mention:

    - 1) good company: Okay… what the actual fuck? The whole date was literally half an hour.

He came in, I took his coat and hung it up in the front hall closet. I told him to take a seat and then explained that I was letting him be in control.

    - 2) good conversation: We talked about his taste in music for about five minutes, and then he slid over to kiss me… quick, kisses… then he moved to undo his belt, and I said 'bedroom'. So, to the bedroom we went.

    - 3) good snuggles: We literally skipped this part. I hugged him and then his clothes were off. Now, granted this has echoes of ANOTHER one timer from before, and I was FINE with that one… but I’m not okay with this one.

- 4) good sex: This was literally all about me pleasuring him… he had no interest at all in pleasuring me… I mean, he did SOME stuff, but not enough to count. What fucking EVER.


His clothes came off and I did a little cock worship with him standing and me sitting on the edge of the bed… Then my clothes came off. Then he laid sideways on the bed, his knees over the edge… told me to suck his balls, so I did… until he presented me with cock. I didn't even do my full 'kiss my way up' cock make out session… He just tried to tell me that I should massage his balls with one hand while I was LAYING ON MY AWKWARD ARM, while maintaining grip on his cock with my dominant hand and keeping him in my mouth.

He tried some face fucking… whatever.

OKAY, so I will grant that he got me into more positions than anyone ever has before. I WILL GIVE HIM THAT.

It's just that I didn't LIKE any of them.

Okay, so here's what we worked with.

Me lying on my back with my head dropped over the edge of the bed so he could throat fuck me that way…

I couldn't maintain it.

He came onto the bed and I stroked his cock (awkward) while he put some fingers inside me… then he had me lick his fingers off… And I don't disagree with this as a thing. I KNOW I stay clean specifically for reasons such as this. I stay fresh just in case anyone's mouth is going near my pussy, including mine. *shrug* I probably just tasted soap, and not really me.

Uh… then I think that's when he slid back and told me to get on top.

OKAY, I will grant that he actually GOT ME ON TOP. Which no one has ever really done. But then I couldn't maintain that either.

So, off I go… and now we're diagonal on the bed a little bit and he tries to fuck my mouth again ( I think, it's all still kind of a blur ) so, I told him that I couldn't keep it up enough to get him off. I grabbed lube, got my hand all slick and started jacking him…

He told me he was close, I got the mouth in position, and no cum… ugh… really?

Then he STANDS and tells me to get on my KNEES in front of him.


So, there I am, kneeling and trying to look up at him while my knees are screaming… and again we go to the me jerking him and getting ready to swallow…

Mission accomplished. He came in my mouth. Good for him.

Then he just sat on the edge of the bed until I asked him to lie back with me.

No snuggles happened.


I just took a load of this joker's cum in my mouth, and he couldn't even be bothered to snuggle with me.

Um. NO… just no…

So, we talked about this upcoming trip he needs to take, and some about his injured finger, and then he's like "Well, I guess I should get going."


All together…

30 minutes, tops.

I'm so disgusted.

And, I can't get the taste of the crappy lube out of my mouth.



I don't remember WHERE in the sequence these happened, BUT:

On my back, him kneeling, inside me… couldn't even fuck me hard enough to make me scream.

Doggy… I will grant that he did do some pushing me into the bed and actually moved to pin my wrists down… this didn't last long.

Me, face down, perched on the edge of the bed with him standing and plowing me from behind… he grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms back behind me, which I DID like… but I kept falling off the edge because I couldn't maintain my balance or stability. This kept popping him back out of me…

I'm not even going to bother counting how many new positions this was. I'm just going to say that none of them worked.

So, he came… he talked for _maybe_ five/ten more minutes. And then he picked up and left.

I canceled on Dusk for this?


I don't actually plan on re-trying to get Dusk here.

I think I just need to take the day to be introspective about Jasper some more.

 - The Hopefuls

Nothing new to report.


I think I'm just going to take this as a Sweetie-Free day and get some dishes done or some shit.

I still have the lube taste in my mouth.


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