Thursday, February 2, 2017

Let's just hope it's the blood talking...

I don't really know if I have anything to report today.

I got my period yesterday, so I'm fucking off the yoga again. My SSI hearing is in a week and it's WAY early in the morning, So, I'll be fucking off the yoga next week too. I might just ignore it until after the hearing. I think that's a wise plan.

I've been taking a bit of a break from the Sweeties. I don't really feel bad about that. The work has been commanding more and more of my attention. Also, to be fair, my heart is really with the Blue Falcon. It's the same way I felt about Gingersnap. Everyone else either just fell away or didn't seem to hold the same significance.

I do plan to text the Blue Falcon later today.

I chit-chatted with the Dragon for a bit yesterday. In the morning I was still working on coffee, so I was very standoffish. I apologized for it later and we got our Sweetieship back on track. Focusing on his need for pleasure and my ability to give it. Looking back, I don't really know why I felt an experience with him would be completely one sided. I guess that's just the mood I was in yesterday morning. My walls were up. I'm glad I was able to get them down.

The Dragon was very forgiving. He told me he wasn't worried or going anywhere. He also made sure that I knew I would receive my pleasure as well.

Loose plans have been made for next week, but I don't expect any follow through. I'm pretty sure that if I see him again it will be after he finishes school in May. I'm okay with this.

I've been loyal to him for a full year now. I'm not going to stop now.

The Dragon expressed some performance anxiety over stamina. I told him not to worry. Even if the first time only lasts for a breath, neither of us are predisposed to one-night-stand's. There will always be more times for us to fully enjoy each other.

Last night I was… not okay.

It was a very non-specific 'not okay'. I was just relaxing and watching some trash TV and every time my thoughts wandered I heard myself being asked if I was okay, and my response was 'I haven't been okay for a very long time'.

I still believe that's true.

I've been really okay with the fact that I'm not okay. But, I really have NOT been okay.

Bran might be gone longer than the spring. Much to my surprise, I confessed my loyalties, again.

What the hell was I thinking?

I don't want this separation anymore. I miss sleeping next to him. I miss waking up next to him. I really believe that's the reason I've been sleeping so poorly lately.

I just wish I had a solid sweetie to really fill in the blanks until he came back.

I admit it…

I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend right now.

But, that might be just the blood talking.

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