Monday, February 13, 2017

Code name: Cocoa

So... yeah... that taking the rest of the day off from sweeties didn't exactly work out like I'd planned.

How the hell did that happen?

Let's break it down…

At about 12:15 this morning, I got a "Hey what's up? How are you doing?" on OKC. I was well asleep by that point, but I responded during morning coffee…

Conversation continued until after the point where I was bitching a blue streak about Potential.2.

I promise, I WAS trying to get some work done. But, Cocoa asked me if I wanted some company. He seemed polite and genuinely interested in improving my mood. He even said it would be okay if I needed to cry. So, yeah. I hated myself for doing it, but I let him come over.

Sweetie Report - Recent Encounters - Code Name: Cocoa

- 1) good company: *cough*ahem!* His picture doesn't do him justice. He's fucking gorgeous, and now the second black man that I've been with in two days. I'm sensing a theme.

He was very gentle and very keen on things being all about me. So, in other words, he was determined to not be selfish. We pretty much settled on popcorn and a movie. I made him my white chocolate popcorn and played him one of my favorite horrors called Dark Summer. LOL, I had him going the whole time. I totally kept it close to the vest that I knew what the surprise twist was. He said I was a dick, but he loved it, LOL.

He gave hugs and kisses before he left. He was very sweet.

- 2) good conversation: Previous to the movie and before I went to make popcorn, I opened up to him about the separation between me and Bran, as well as my serious pain over Jasper. He was very empathetic and seemed to really love talking to me.

I complimented him on his awesome jeans and he explained that he's a fashion consultant. He's also new to the area even though he grew up for a few years in Minnesota. We giggled about how Minnesotians would be very utilitarian about their clothing, which is the exact opposite of what he's accustomed to. I compared it to my being a web designer, not a developer, and he agreed whole heartedly.

- 3) good snuggles: During the movie, he sat really close to me. When it became clear that we were both done with the popcorn, I set it down and he held my hand… Over the second half of the movie that hand found it's way inside my tank top and was really enjoying playing with my right breast.

After the sex, he took a total sex-coma NAP, which he CLEARLY needed. And I just enjoyed holding him and cuddling him while he rested. If there's one thing I don't mind, it's the sex-coma. It's a totally necessary body function and for a girl to get upset over the guys need to take a nap after sex is just fucking ridiculous. I let him rest, for which he was grateful.

I'm not going into details, but I am very aware of the kind of stress he's currently under. So I totally get why he needed that nap and I was very proud and happy to hold him through it.

- 4) good sex: Oh, here we go!

Movie done… he immediately went to kissing me. It was clear by the kisses that he was very intent on pleasuring me. I suggested we move into the bedroom. So, we did.

He hadn't taken of his shoes yet, so those came off, as well as some accessories of his. Then he climbed into bed with me. We were both fully clothed.

He continued to kiss me, hands wandering… touching me… eventually his free hand snaked its way down the front of my pants and I had to warn him about my clit. I didn't go into detail, I just told him to avoid it…

I really liked the feeling of his fingers inside me.

The hand came out, and he started to tug down on the waistband of my grey, python print leggings.

Hey, I know how to take a hint. I helped him get ALL my clothes off, and then stroked his lovely, dark cock a little as his clothes came off.

He didn't even ask me to go down on him, or indicate that it was even a necessity. I only needed to explain the condom rule and he was cool with it.

Soon he was inside me. I was lying on my back and he did that thing where he hooked his arms behind my knees, folding me in half and angling me up to meet him. I told him not to hold back and to go as hard as he could. He did NOT disappoint. He gave me a great pounding while I made my happy noises.






 - Just sayin -

He eventually started pounding me so hard I was screaming, and he whispered down to me that I was going to make him cum. HEH! Challenge accepted. I tightened my pussy muscles around him and… yeah… cum he did.

His skin went super sensitive, and I knew I couldn't continue with my fingernails on his back. I just told him to curl up and take the sex-coma nap.


And, there you have it…

He woke up and explained why he needed to get going. We joked about him exceeding my expectations of a good sweetie. Gold star, and I should have a roll of stickers or suckers to give out to sweeties after they please me, LOL.

I repeat, there were both hugs AND kisses before he left. I told him to come back sometime and he said he would.

It remains to be seen, of course. But I enjoyed him enough to give him a code name. Which I DID clear with him!! I didn't want naming a black man Cocoa to be taken as a racial slur.

He seems good with it.

Not sure if he's really coming back, or not… I just wanted to write about the experience while it was still fresh.

He DID improve my mood quite a bit. And he expressed that he was sad that I was upset and hurting earlier and he really wanted to see what he could do to give me a better day.

He did a good job.

I'm grateful. But I'm not going to blow up his phone or anything. He'll make contact when he wants to and if he needs to. I know he's busy sorting out some life stuff. So, I'm not going to bug him.


*sigh* Now… if only Jasper would message me in a good mood and let me know if things are going to be cool with us.




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