Saturday, February 25, 2017

No witty subject line...

I'm struggling with the foreknowledge that I need to be a lot more integrated in all my social medias regarding my blogs and my writings… Ugh… this is… so… very… daunting…

How am I going to stay on top of this?

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I finally have a working phone again. So, I FINALLY get to see Valkyrie next week. I need to book a time to see Bubbles too. I feel like it's been too long and I must have missed canceling an appointment with her for the transportation reason.

 - Writing - The story structure research is done now. And now I have to go through the very daunting task of compiling all of the information against my current narrative… oh hell… I'm really scared I'm going to miss something.

 - Sleep - Got to bed on time last night. Woke up twice during the night for water refills, the second of which I did not take. Woke up twice before the alarm. Once I went back to sleep and had another fifteen minute rem cycle.

Sometimes that's all I need. Just one more rem cycle and I'm ready to start my day. So, I got up before the alarm because, coffee.

 - Fur-babies - One visit yesterday. Both Dreaming and Splotches requested cuddles. Splotches was even a little jealous of Dreamy that he got his snuggle time first. LOL, too cute.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Caffeine - 4 today. Going to try to ramp back to 3 tomorrow.
 - Yoga / Movement Goals - fuck you
 - Inflammation - go to hell
 - Weight Management - someday soon, maybe… *sigh*

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - He's putting the wheels in motion to transfer back down to jobs in the cities. He's also putting wheels in motion to qualify for a mortgage. HE'S NOT PLANNING ON STAYING GONE LONGER!! He's coming back when his lease is up. That's it. He's done up north. He's extra done with _her_. He'll be mine again, soon.

 - The Unicorn - We finished Season 3 of Buffy last night (she's back to her quiet time and anime today)

Seriously, the best thing about her is that she has these running fan-fic's in her head. And she has to have me pause our shows every once in awhile so she can tell me the new episode of what SHE would do if she were helping any of our main characters.

So, we're getting revved up for the big boss fight with the Mayor, and she's all - MOM, this is what *I* would do! And I just had to keep my mouth SHUT because it was SO CLOSE to the way the actual boss fight went down. The Unicorn damn near lost her mind when the big twist reveal happened and it turned out be almost exactly the way that she would have done it if she'd been on Buffy's team.

I think the Unicorn is starting to identify as a Slayer. LOL

I swear by Lucifer's feathery wings that I'm the luckiest mom ever.

Relationships / Sweeties:

 - Recent Encounters - I spent a good portion of last night chit-chatting with a new potential. I feel very positive about this one. Last night the conversation got derailed a little bit by my fears of things being one sided. But, as I reflected on the conversation this morning, I began to realize just how much he's feeling a void of unconditionally loving touch in his life.

We're good.

I can be what he needs.

    - 1) good company: We get along.
    - 2) good conversation: We are compatible in a number of areas.
    - 3) good snuggles: I'm truly confident that this will be awesome.
    - 4) good sex: He won't always be the Alpha that I need. But that piece is in there. So, I'm sure he'll bring it to the surface at some point.

Like I said, I'm confident about this one.

 - Updates on Favorites

- Jasper - He goes quiet on me more often than not these days. He says it's work, and I believe him. I feel bad because of how much I miss him. He became so important to me so quickly. But, I need to let it go. I need to let it all go. Bran will be back soon and then I'm sure that even the possible overnights with Jasper will come to an end. He won't feel the same connection to me because we won't be the conjoined twins of pain anymore.

I still want to be here for him. No matter what. But, chances are he won't let me be and that breaks my heart so much.

 - Blue Falcon - I haven't been in contact with him since last Sunday. I should drop him a love note today.

Update! - love note dropped - looks like the Unicorn gets to meet the Blue Falcon tomorrow!!

He'll even treat us both to DINNER!!

We're leaning towards pizza. OMG, I’m SO EXCITED.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - So… that 'first time' from last Monday… the one I held back on code naming… he's been in REALLY GOOD CONTACT via text since our date. So, I feel pretty good about him coming back and upping to full fledged Sweetie status. So, he's code named Cookie, because he's so sweet.

 - The Hopefuls - I've really been putting the kybosh on the hopefuls lately. This depression/anxiety death spiral is killing fresh contacts. That… and Bran is coming back soon.

I think I might have the ones that I need… like Cookie and The Blue Falcon… maybe even Jasper too.

*shrug* I don't know. I guess I'm just being more careful for some reason. 

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