Sunday, October 22, 2017

Facebook is NOT a dating site!

I forgot to set up / program the coffee maker last night.
I fail at life.
It's running now, but damn... I'm deep in the groggies.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I'm still doing pretty okay emotionally. No bad dreams, so nothing to really throw me into the pit of despair. Cuddles scheduled for tonight, so there will be a bump up in oxytocin to keep the depression from crushing me. I think about Kohai less and less, but I still think about him. I'm sure he'll be a distant thought soon enough, though.
All in all, I think I'm doing okay.
- Writing – Still on hold.
- Reading – I read two more chapters of the current story last night. I'm actually enjoying this one pretty well. Not as much as I enjoyed that Alien Alpha one (can't remember the title), but I'm definitely enjoying it enough to keep reading.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 10 minutes, 4x awake, 17x restless, 56 minutes awake/restless - gods, no wonder I feel like going back to bed.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
I’m going to shower today... that counts for something, right?
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Nothing new to report.
- The Unicorn – I still can't believe she predicted the end of Buffy... Gods, I love her so much.
Yesterday we toggled back and forth between Voltron and Angel for a bit, and then she said she wanted time to watch her own anime's, so we separated off.  
Today/Tonight: Bear is coming over to meet her, so that should be fun. I already clued her in that physically he's not my type because he's neither pale nor scrawny, but he is absolutely everything I needed in a sweetie. She understands.
I’m anxious for them to meet. I should probably clue the Unicorn in on how this is a position of honor for a sweetie. Sharing her with them is very special. She's special.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I think I mentioned that he's taken ill and won't be able to come by this weekend. Gives me a sad, but I'm sure I'll see him again soon. I have Bear in the meantime.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – Really looking forward to the cuddles tonight. I bet he is too.
Eventually we're going to have to address the emotional attachments...  
Not yet, though.
I don't think either of us is ready for it yet.
Relationships / Just Friends:
It's interesting seeing my Facebook friends reactions to certain things that I post. Last night I had to post another "PSA: Facebook is NOT a dating site" - One of my dear friends from overseas responded 'again? Lol' to which I replied "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard".
It's still frustrating though. I recognized the guy from my feed. He had posted that he was looking for a lady to complete him, be his soulmate, and be a mother to his daughter. But he did this with zero punctuation and used the wrong pronoun to refer to his female child. Calling her a him/his.
So, then he starts chatting with me, asking me my name twice. Dude... you can SEE my name!! It's at the top of the fucking chat window!!
He obviously didn't look at my profile at all before messaging me, because he's 48, which is a big 'no can do' for this Cougar. And then he asked if I'm single.
I told him I wasn't. Because it's true. I just said "No I'm not" in a Facebook Messenger auto reply that I just had to hit once.
See, this is the problem with guys. They always ask if a girl is single. They never ask if a girl is 'available'.  
Had he asked if I were available, I would have said yes, because that's also true. With a non-monogamous husband and two sweeties, I am, in fact, available. But I still wouldn't have dated him because he's older than me, has a kid, probably wants monogamy, blah blah blah...
So, after that response, he just said 'Oh', and that was the end of the conversation.
Facebook is not a dating site.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing new...
- The Hopefuls – … to report.
- Honorable Mentions -  Not quite an 'Honorable' mention... but then there's this other snot nose on the actual dating site that I'm on.  
I'm sorry, if a guy can't read my profile even just a little bit, then I have no time for him. I've met guys like Bear who have been 100% attentive to my profile and look where it got him!! So, as much as I love and respect the Blue Falcon, I'm not entirely buying the line that guys need to cast a wide net and that they don't have time to read the whole profile.
I get that they're not going to analyze all the way into the metadata of my favorite foods. Yeah, I have no problem with that. But mother fucker, AT LEAST read the 'About Me' section!!
I promise, if I've taken the time to actually WRITE it, then it's worth your time to fucking read it. But no. Instead this little snot nose writes me asking a question that would have been easily answered if he had just read that far, which means I didn't justify it with an answer. I just ignored him. Then he messaged me again this morning, further proving that he hasn't learned his lesson and hasn't bothered to read my profile.
His initial message asked me if I was into younger men at all.  
HELLO! Proud Cougar!
The What the Fuckery abounds.
Then today he's all butt hurt that didn't respond and saying 'age is just a number'.
Well, no, it really isn't, Dick Cheese, otherwise I wouldn't be a Proud Fucking Cougar.
What is WRONG with some people?!
End Notes:  
I bet you can tell when the coffee kicked in, can't ya?

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