Saturday, October 21, 2017

Yesterday, Buffy/Angel. Today, we do Voltron!

There was SOOOOO much Buffy/Angel yesterday! We just plowed through hours and hours of it. We finished season 4 of Angel and we're down to the last 2 episodes of Buffy, ever. We probably could have stayed up till about 1:30 am and killed Buffy too, but the Unicorn was tired.
Today we're doing Voltron. So that should be fun. Unfortunately that's on Netflix and that's a bit harder to watch because my entertainment system doesn't play nice with Netflix anymore. My internet just isn't fast enough to cope. So we have to do it on November, the chromebook. I think I'll suggest we do it in the bedroom so I can still stretch out. My body doesn't like being cramped up for long periods of time.
From the way the Unicorn described the season structure, we might get through all of Voltron today too.  :)
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – The depression still seems to be kept in check, but I'm starting to miss Bear snuggles. I think we'll have to book some time together soon. As for other symptoms of the BPD, DID, or PTSD... nothing else seems too overwhelming. No bad dreams. No episodes of missing time. No episodes of meltdowns or emotional freak outs. I mean, I melted down a little bit over Kohai, but that's over.
Yes, I still think about Kohai, but he's made no effort to be in contact with me and I've archived his chat on Facebook. I don't even know how to unarchive a chat. So, unless he makes contact first, contact isn't going to happen. Assuming contact will unarchive the conversation... I'm not really worried.
I'll forget him eventually.  
- Writing – Still on hold – Even the brief glimmer that the situation with Kohai gave me about a possible Ghost Story has faded. He's not worth it and I have nothing I really need to process with him.
- Reading – Still on the same vampire series... obviously not reading much this weekend because it's time to binge watch some shit! - I'm sure I'll get to it.  :)
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 56 minutes, 3x awake, 21x restless, 46 minutes awake/restless.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Exercise/Yoga - See, this is what bothers me. I know that DDP Yoga is my ticket to much better health. But it has to be STUCK WITH – especially with how much it costs... and yet I have zero fucking motivation to exercise, especially when I'm not alone in the house.
How am I ever going to get better if I can't get over that hang up?
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I actually got to talk to him twice yesterday because the Screeching Harpy had to take her youngest abomination to a specialty doctor down in the cities (I think). She had to arrange a medical ride that was like, 2 hours long... yeeesh!  
It was good to hear from him.
He's still ahead on bills.
He just needs to talk to his landlord, who is still out of state.
I miss him, but I'm hopeful that this ordeal will be over soon. If not... I have the Blue Falcon and Bear to get me through it, right?
- The Unicorn – I'm really looking forward to Voltron today. It will be good to spend more quality time with her.  
One of the things I love about spending time with her is when she gets hungry and she isn't in the mood for on of her self-sufficient foods. Ramen, Mac n Cheese, and Eggs she can make on her own. But sometimes she's in the mood for something that I can cook for her. This visit I've enjoyed making her cheeseburgers with a spicy dill pickle on the side. She also really likes the way I make beans and rice too. I just love cooking for her. Sometimes I have zero energy to make food for myself, but I can always find the energy to make something for her.
Now if I could just figure out something with the zucchini I have in the fridge... I haven't been in the mood for zoodles!
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Woke up to a note from the Blue Falcon. He came down with something last night and he won't be able to visit this weekend. Disappointing, but I hope he feels better soon. I know the Unicorn will understand.  
- Sweeties -
- Bear – We exchange texts sometimes. It's clear that we miss each other, even though we don't exactly say that. It's obvious we're both getting emotionally attached. I just wonder when we're going to start to admit it.  
Relationships / Just Friends:
I really wish I had local friends. Just someone who would come over and hang out sometime. That would be nice.
I spent a small portion of last night talking to a friend of mine in the Poly community. HIs Poly situation with his primary relationship isn't going well. The SOOSO is making waves and disregarding his feelings. I feel really bad for him and I wish there were more that I could do, but he lives to far away for me to be of any real help. Otherwise I probably would have made him a cuddle buddy by now. It makes me sad to know that he's in pain and I have nothing to help him with.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls – … new to...
- Honorable Mentions – … report.
End Notes:  
I still need to put laundry away.
Today is a shower day too.
I'm fairly certain I'm going to be saying 'fuck it' to both of these things and putting them off until Monday.
Today is Voltron day.
Nuff said.

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