Sunday, October 29, 2017

I'm out of candy corn... :(

After getting caught up on a couple of other shows, I spent the majority of yesterday re-watching season one of Stranger Things, and then I got two episodes into season two before it was past bedtime and really time to shut down.
I love the show, except for one thing. The child abuse. I hate that part. Any time I see child abuse I always think of the Unicorn and I can't stop myself from imagining her in that situation.  
Other than that, it's a great show.
And, other than that... yesterday was completely boring. Nothing really worth writing about.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – The sense of loneliness is easing up just a little bit, which is mostly me pulling a heavy handed 'suck up and deal'. Bear is out of town and the Blue Falcon was totally non-commital about us hanging out tonight.
I'm going to shower anyway.
- Writing – Still on hold.
- Reading – Meh.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 12 minutes, 4x awake, 16x restless, 46 minutes awake/restless.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
I've been indulging in treats. I have ice cream (rocky road), candy corn (all out now, though) and chocolate. It's probably me eating my feelings. But I just felt I needed these things.
I also bought some ranch dressing so I could munch down the zucchini I had in my fridge. For some reason I just didn't feel like spiralizing for anything. I've just not been feeling up to the task of cooking the more top shelf, healthy meals.
It's like I just want to be left alone.
I feel like I’m never going to get healthy, and right now I can't even get motivated to care.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I got a couple snaps from him yesterday, so, that was nice.
- The Unicorn – I got to talk to her for a little bit yesterday, so that was really nice. We talked about her disease presentation for school. She had to do a presentation on 'Shingles', and it was really hard for her because some of the pictures were really grossing her out, but it sounds like she was able to muscle through it.
We talked about the Halloween party at her school and about doing our own belated Samhain thing this coming weekend. We both agreed that she's too old for Trick or Treating. Even though I think I probably should have gotten her a big bag of candy at Sam's Club or something. I guess she'll just have to survive.
I wonder about Ostara...
If she's too old for Trick or Treating, is she too old for an egg hunt? I always said I'd show her the movie Donnie Darko when she was sixteen so she'd know where I got the name Frances/Frank (the bunny) from. So, that really gives me a couple of years yet, and Frances is one of the non-corporeals that she still talks to regularly...
I don't think she's ready for me to drop that bomb yet.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – To be honest, I'm glad I didn't take any other offers to hang out. I'm just not there with the rest of the world yet. It's the Blue Falcon, or Bear, or no one.  
Yeah, that means I'm kinda in death spiral space, but it's okay. It's a comfy death spiral for the time being.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Naturally I’m still stressing. Somehow thinking that he just doesn't want to hang out with me anymore. Logically I know how wrong that is. Emotionally, I wish I could just shut down and shut the voices the fuck up because they're doing me no good right now.  
I’m still going to make myself hangout ready, just in case.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
I'm looking forward to my continued down time today. Minus that whole thing where I get off my ass and bathe, of course. I know it won't take me long to power through Stranger Things and then I'm going to be in a hole...
I'm hoping I can get back to the reading at that point...

Reading is good.

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