Thursday, October 5, 2017

On we blindly stumble...

There was no post yesterday because I had to do a fasting blood draw. My normal appointment time for blood work is 1:30 in the afternoon, and I didn't want to go through the whole morning and the early afternoon ravenously hungry. So, the night before I stayed up til about 3:30, and then yesterday I slept in to about 11:30. Problem solved. I got home just as my tummy was really complaining and two minutes of beans and rice in the microwave later and I was fine. 

I'm working on a plan to stay as caught up as I can be with my fall TV. Naturally, I can't watch The Walking Dead or American Horror Story, because I don't have cable and I don't trust the 'free' sites online, but there are other shows. Like the ones on the CW for example. 

I started season 4 of Gotham and then realized I had no clue where I was as far as the ending of season 3, so I’m rewatching 3 now. 


In other news, my main laptop, Victor, is officially dead. Last night he hit a blue screen of death that he couldn't recover from and I don't know what to do. Bran always handled these things. So, I’m stuck without my main computer. I can still get by with most things on November, my Chromebook, but there are some things that are a hassle, like no left and right mouse buttons (solved with an external mouse). The keyboard is a bit smaller, so getting used to typing on it is a little difficult. There's no 10-keypad for numbers, which I prefer. And lastly, when I go to copy/paste from my private journal (in OneNote) to my blog (Blogger), it formats the background of the text as white. I could remove the formatting, but that would also take out my bolds and underlines from my different sections of updates. So, if I want my entries to show up pretty, I have to go in and manually remove all the <div></div>'s that are formatting the background of the text in white 



On we blindly stumble... 

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself: 

 - Therapy – The depression still seems very well under control. I'm not at the stage where I can openly flirt or break out of the writer's block, but I'm not crying my eyeballs out either. It's not exactly 'numb', but it falls within the range of 'neutral'. 

 - Writing – Still on hold 

 - Reading – Still reading the same series... taking a bit of a break to watch season 3 of Gotham. 

 - Sleep / Fitbit – The Fitbit recorded my 'doze in front of the TV time' as sleep time. So, the readings are off from last night. 

 - Fur-babies – Nothing new to report. 

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself: 

 - Blood Sugar – woops 

 - INR – Since yesterday's blood draw was fasting (for other tests) we did the INR that way too. I got the call this morning telling me that my INR was in the normal range, but I can't remember what the actual numbers were. We've adjusted the dose of the rat poison anyway. Just a straight 12.5 every day instead of the back and forth of 15's and 10's... we're going to try that for a week and see what happens. Also, I've been off the ramen long enough that I think my vitamin K levels have evened out, so that might have something to do with it too. 

 - Nervous System – I've been having some weird shit with headaches and numbness/tingling. My chiropractor says that these could be symptoms of a migraine, but he's not sure. The pain level of the headache doesn't seem severe enough to qualify. Nevertheless, the sphenoid was very insistent that it be adjusted yesterday. C1 as well. Both can result in headaches when they're out of whack. I'm really glad we didn't push it out 3 weeks. I think seeing him every other week is right where my comfort zone needs to be. 

 - Exercise/Yoga - Tuesday, when I tried to exercise, I only made it about 5 minutes in before my body noped out. I think it was still mad at me from the walk on Monday. I skipped yesterday and I'm skipping today due to time constraints. I should be back at it tomorrow, though. 

 - Weight Management – I'm pretty sure all the beans and rice I've been eating are not making my weight happy.  :( 

Relationships / Family: 

 - Bran – We talk when we can. Usually when he's picking up the elder abomination up from daycare, which he hates, but he does it so he can call me. It amazes me how much he despises that little monster now and how much he looks forward to the day when that kid is no longer his problem. 

I admit it. 

It's nice to have my husband back. 

Now if he could just come home, that would be stellar. 

 - The Unicorn – I was completely stuck on what to get her for her birthday! Fortunately, the Blue Falcon stepped in.  :) - I got her this strange little musical instrument that will be sure to annoy the crap out of her father! 


This is going to be fun. 

Relationships / Sweeties: 

[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ] 

 - Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report. 

 - Updates on Favorites -  

 - Blue Falcon – I got a very unexpected text from him around 5:30 last night, asking if he could come over. Of course, I said 'of course!'. He helped me out with a quick bank/serve run so that I have cash in a usable format. Good thing too. I was able to order the Unicorn's birthday present 

Then we got back to my place and clothes were grabbed, but he soon realized that he was kinda in the way and that there was an order to which my clothes needed to come off, so he hung back and waited for me to get naked too. Then there were the snuggles... and the more than snuggles. 

I missed him so much. The last time we'd seen each other was September 14th, and that's probably the longest we'd ever gone without hanging out. 

We were only together for about two hours, though. He had so much he needed to do. I'll probably see him for a shade this weekend, though. He'll probably come over to drop off the Unicorn's birthday present.  :)  Then there can at least be a hug. 

It was very good to see him. 

 - Sweeties - 

 - Bear – Nothing new to report. 

Relationships / Just Friends: 

Nothing new to report. 

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions: 

 - The One-Timers – Nothing... 
 - The Hopefuls - … new to... 
 - Honorable Mentions - … report. 

End Notes:  

I spoke to Bran a little bit this morning. He tried to walk me through some recovery options for Victor. I now have a troubleshooting web site open. I'm going to try that before I post this. 

It's a bust. With Windows 10 there's no way to access the recovery options unless Windows is working. I can't even get it to boot into any type of a safe mode unless Windows is working. My only option now is hoping that someone has a copy of Windows 10 on a thumb drive that I could boot from. 

I wouldn't even have a clue about who to call on that one. 

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