Monday, February 19, 2018

Could be another bad day ahead...

I'm more than a little fed up right now.
My sense of self-preservation says 'sleep'.
My sense of 'get shit done' says 'nu-uh!'.
I’m here, so you can tell who's winning.
Another groggy morning following yet another night where I got to bed super fucking late because Bran did not understand the simplest of fucking words. I was perfectly fucking clear about a) we have NOT been sticking to our bedtime and b) I needed a 45 minute warning of when he was ready for bed so I could eat.
Finally at damn near 3 am I decided to at least roll over and shut my eyes so I was 'resting' while I was waiting for him.
Fucker thought that was me 'going to bed' and that it was now bedtime.
God fucking damnit!
So, then I'm awake for another 45 minutes (after eating and SCREAMING AT HIM while I was eating) while he's fucking asleep already.
It's like he doesn't even fucking care that the lack of sleep could be the cause of my migraines.  
I could be completely debilitated and in bed all day again because of this shit and explaining this to him is like talking to a brick mother fucking wall.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – The worst part about the 51-days is all the fucking Ghost Stories... because I barely even have the mental energy to knit some days, much less write. So it's all just in my head, infecting my every thought. No matter where I am or what I'm doing I just keep spacing out and returning to it.
Yeah, so that whole getting a grip thing? Not so much, I guess.
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – For about half a minute yesterday I was happy because I thought I'd done at least a full row on each leg warmer of Spiritual Ripples, and then I realized I hadn't even done that.
I also figured out what I want for the pattern of Magic Hippo Dance. It will be interesting to execute! It's a great pattern for solid colors.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 5 hours 41 minutes, 2x awake, 7x restless, 23 minutes awake/restless
- Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Great.
Apparently he overslept and is late for work and this is now somehow my fault. I didn't hear his alarms go off!! Normally they go off like 20 times alerting me to the fact that I need to be nudging him.
I do want to note that he was very sweet and bought me a new set of Bluetooth headphones. My old set was wonderful, but one day I forgot I had them on an I took a shower... so, they were good for music after that but calls, not so much.
The ones he got me are water proof, so I can even wear them in the pool when I start my regular Magic Hippo Dances. It was very sweet of him and no I'm not being material. This was a very thoughtful gift.
He also brought me a pen.
I have somehow found myself coming up lacking when it came to pens recently.
This is a really nice pen that shouldn't skip ink. I have a problem with that because my hand seems to get a little oily and once that oil transfers to the page, ink won't write. I hate it, but I think this pen will work.
And now he's all smiles because he panicked and THOUGHT he was supposed to be at work a half hour earlier than he's actually supposed to be.
No apology for blaming me for not getting him up when his alarms didn't even go off.
Nope... just an 'all clear'…  
- The Unicorn – Shit... we're kinda killing it on the binge watching spree... we only restarted Supernatural around the 1st of the year and we're already almost done with Season 4. We've also pretty much pulverized our way through Fate. We're already on Season 2 of Apocrypha.  
Anime we're good on. We're starting Sailor moon next and after that she has dozens more to show me.
But I'm running dry on stuff to show her!!
Then I remembered Dead Like Me and Teen Wolf. So as an experiment we watched episode one of each and she already fucking LOVES Teen Wolf. She's so hooked. So, we've got that.  
We'll probably still do Dead Like Me. I think I can get her into The Vampire Diaries too. Last resort we're turning to Charmed. I watched the first episode a long time ago and thought THIS IS STUPID... but I hated Supernatural at first too, so we're going to give it a shot.
She's still with me today because it's a School Holiday.  :)
YAY!! One extra day!!
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Never Enough - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
I feel like one of my 'friends' is trying to pick fights with me on Facebook in regards to my views on gun control. I mean, what the fuck ever, dude. It's my Facebook profile and I can post whatever the fuck I want to it. If it gets your panties in a twist, just scroll past it or even go as far as taking me out of your news feed. We've already tried arguing this debate and 1) we're arguing two entirely different subjects, and 2) these are my fucking views. You're not going to change them by posting a few Snopes links to 'counter' my memes.  
Get a grip.
I’m not your problem.
I've begun the process of not even returning fire. The whole 'don't get into an argument on Facebook/the Internet' rule. I'm following it.
I'll still post inflammatory shit because, again, it’s MY FUCKING PROFILE and I have the right to express my views, but if someone wants to get all pissed off about it, I don't have to care.
UPDATE: I just posted a blanket 'disclaimer' stating that my views on gun control are basically the same as my views on birth control and condoms. That line from AvP.  
"I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it."
Hopefully that will shut everyone the hell up.
End Notes:  
I would like to note that I stood the fuck up to Bran and told him that it's not my responsibility to get his ass up for work if he doesn't set his alarms correctly. Which he realizes now that he didn't.
He did apologize.
I'm glad he apologized. It's done. Forgiven. Just a bad morning.
I didn't FUME about it all day!! I didn't bottle it up!!
My fear of confrontation didn't beat me again!!

This makes me so fucking happy!

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