Saturday, February 3, 2018

I'm such a whore... *sticks tongue out*

I ran an errand for Bran yesterday. The kind that required an Uber because he was at work. It was a good errand, though. No social anxiety. I was really happy to do this one.
Several years back I had a severe mental breakdown. This subsequently led to my inability to work, which I've still not recovered from, and likely never will. So, of course, this also led to the inability to pay rent, followed by eviction, homelessness, bad times, etc.
I'm good now. I have stable housing and enough food.  
All is well.
But, in the early part of that dark phase when we were still hanging on by a thread, Bran tried to save us by selling one of his most treasured possessions to make rent. It didn't save us... but, in all the homelessness he probably would have not been able to keep it anyway.
Yesterday's errand was all about replacing that item.
It felt so good to place it in his hands.
He fondled it the whole rest of the day. It's right next to him now as he's sleeping too.
I should note that I did not pay for this, it's not in my budget. He took care of it himself, but it was just good that he had the means to.
As far as my budget goes, I decided against paying for a Scribophile Premium Membership this month. I had parsed out my budget months ago and planned my major expenses at one per month so I could still afford everything else I needed on a monthly basis. This month I was going to re-up my membership, but then I thought 'why?' I have this intense writers block right now... I wouldn't even be using the membership... so... fuck it. I'll take care of that one when I'm back to the writing again.
This left me some extra cash to do something I've wanted to do for a while. It's a really small expense, but this month I'm adding up a LOT of really small expenses.
This is a good one, though.
I finally bought some more long knitting cables for my two-at-a-time leg warmer projects.
I will soon be able to #yarnslut the hell out of more yarn simultaneously.
I'm such a whore.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Uhh... I'm okay. Not sure other people are okay. So, that kinda messes with my okay a little bit. I'm reaching out, trying to offer a hole to vent through, but you know I need to stay emotionally distant for my own sanity.
Fine lines, people... fine lines.
- Writing – Yup, so, no clue when this is going to happen again. Not worried.
- Reading – If I'm giving up reading for the time being too, why am I still paying for Kindle Unlimited?
- Yarn Therapy – As noted, more cables... YAY!! - Now I want more yarn too... I want to start my BonBon Stripes before I get my Blues or my Pink Camo on needles... - and I want to make sure I have enough yarn to finish Spiritual Ripples, which I won't know how much I need until I run out. And then there's the Black Corset...  
- Sleep / Fitbit – 5 hours 11 minutes, 3x awake, 15x restless, 41 minutes awake/restless... I'm noticing that I'm having a really hard time getting back to sleep after the water wake up. Soooooo, yeah. That one psyche med I cut out? I'm pretty sure the zombie-quality of that med was the thing that made it possible for me to go right back to sleep.
- Fur-babies - [insert long string of swear words and expletives] Catmom and her drinking!!
First, despite being told more than once that I had an important errand to run, she left the cats with me earlier in the afternoon anyway. But, then she took Splotches back after a little while and told me that Dreamy would totally stay asleep until I got back. So fine.
So, home, desperate need of nap. She's been told this. NEED NAP. Take Cat. I go back to nap.
AGAIN!! I am forcibly introduced to the least interested cat in the world.
OMG... just take your fucking cat and let me go back for my nap!!!
Also, she spends like 5 minutes telling me how pretty my eyes are.
My glasses are tinted due to my extreme sensitivity to bright light.  
I did not have my glasses on, because I was napping.
This was the first time she'd seen my actual eyes.
OMG, woman! STFU and let me go back to closing the fuck out of my prettier than thou, icy gray eyes!
And for the love of the godz, stop drinking!!
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Say what? Huh? I was supposed to be working on health shit?  
Fuck me, missed the memo again.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – He's awake now... doing that somewhat annoying thing where he has to interrupt my train of writing/thought to show me amusing things on social media. LOL.
I need to get used to this shit.
10 years together, people.
10 fucking years.
Never once has the 'if I'm typing, please do not disturb' sunk in.
It's pretty much time to just admit defeat at this point.
- The Unicorn – Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Shit. I hope he's not angry with me. He warned me about an upcoming trip and asked me not to have anything shipped during his leave of absence.  
I ship all things to him because if anything in a package lands on my apartment buildings front stoop, it's stolen within 30-seconds. Blue Falcon's residence has proven to be very secure about this shit.
Anyway, those knitting cables have a tiny little itty bitty chance of arriving two days into his leave.  
He was not his normal, chipper self, when I reported this.
*frowny face*
On the up-side, according to my Sugar Friend, the prezzies she sent me should gotten to him yesterday. So, I'll pick them up when I see him for Movie night tomorrow.
YAY! Movie Night!
I hope there are cuddles!
I hope he's not mad.


NEVERMIND! - all good, we're on for tomorrow.

- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Cuddle Crush – Fuck... I just want her to be okay. That's not too much to ask for, is it?
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
Sooo... if those cables are coming soon, I can at least cast on and get BonBon Waffles started, right?


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