Wednesday, February 21, 2018

#NapAttack's and Reset Buttons...

Yesterday was an interesting day for the Spoons.
I had everything all planned out for this IEP meeting for the Unicorn, so even though I'd done Coffee and Contemplation and Yarn Therapy to start, I still had the blog to finish. Other things had been shunted to days when I didn't have to leave the house.
I was prepared to leave the house at 2:30, but then I got the email at 1:30 from the Unicorn's teacher, telling me that she had a stomach bug and we'd need to reschedule.
No problem.
But... what to do with a whole afternoon suddenly free?
Part of me wanted to just fuck it off... but my reasonable side won out and I decided to actually use the time.
I'm learning that I need the #NapAttack to 'reset' me into a 'Creative Mode'. So, if I'm at home and I've been getting shit done, I need to reset before I can relax and get creative. If I've been out and at an appointment, definitely need the reset as well.
So, here I am going down for one of the earliest #NapAttack's ever, but then I got interrupted by Bran, so I had to reset the reset... (grr)
It was so early in the day, though, that I didn't get anywhere near Sleep 3 even. However, I was able to quiet my mind enough to take a bunch of creative notes regarding the subject of the latest Ghost Story. So, it was still very productive.
After the reset, I was able to FORCE myself to sew down one embellishment on one of Misha's leg warmers. Now, I'm not even considering that to be Yarn Therapy. Embellishments are getting logged as Random Adulting because I seem to want to avoid doing them at all costs and they tax me so much mentally when I am able to muster up the strength to work on them.
Embellishments are finite, though. So, I will get through them eventually.
Misha did take up a pretty large Spoon, though. So, after that I didn't have the mental energy to work on the Ghost Story. Which was for the better because Bran would have been getting off work in about 45 minutes after that point and it's useless to try writing with his many interruptions.  
I should also note that JerkDad is a fucking moron, LOL.
He sent an email back asking what time the IEP would be rescheduled for.
1) Teacher was already perfectly clear that it would be around the same time of day – and also, if he'd been paying attention all along, that's the optimal time for an IEP so that the Unicorn's high school teacher can be there.
2) He hit 'reply', not 'reply all', so I'm the only one who received his question and by that time I'd already shut down my computer for the night.
You think I’m going to put everything aside to drag my whole computer back out and save his ass?
Fuck no.
I will respond when I get to my normal email time during administrative tasks this morning.
Does that make me a bitch?
Do I care.
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – Experienced a brief glitch in the code somewhere between last night and this morning... only made me more determined...  
Yes, I'm being deliberately vague.
You wanna know what's up? You're going to have to ask.
- Writing – As previously noted, no writing yesterday.
- Reading – Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – Some more rows got done on Spiritual Ripples... still seems like I'm not getting very far.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 4 hours 52 minutes, 1x awake, 7x restless, 18 minutes awake/restless.  
Bran was Facebook chatting with our little sister (yes our, it's a thing) last night as it approached bedtime and up to a little after. I sent him a GIF of a sleepy kitty. He explained to Lil'Sis that we've linked my migraines to the sleep deprivation and that he had to let her go so we could get to bed.
We did knock down a little bit late – only midnight, though. I woke up at 5'ish for water and snackies... I know I fell back asleep'ish, but the Fitbit doesn't seem to agree with me. But, it's cool. No headache right now. So, we're good.  
- Fur-babies – Dreamy did stop by last night.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
I can't seem to keep mushrooms good in my refrigerator for very long. They get stinky and slimy within a few days... So, I guess I have to drop by to only buying one packet at a time and using them pretty much right away.  
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – He was doing that thing this morning where he was just starting to wake up a little bit and he couldn't stand to not be in physical contact with me. Oh... so sweet... the possessive paw.
He is my happy place.
- The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Never Enough – He tapped in with another question/problem, but unfortunately this one was something that I have no experience with whatsoever. So, the best I was able to do was some internet links. It's probably not enough, but I’m still really happy that he came to me.
Relationships / Just Friends:
OMG, so now I have another local attacking my views on the BIG BAD GUNS and ironically enough It's one of my Brit friends that's taking him on.
I just giggle at the stupidity of the locals.
I need to thank my Brit.
End Notes:  
Today has appointments... and hopefully, I'll remember to have my chiropractors office check to see if my insurance will cover the massage therapist... because... YES PLEASE!!
Post #NapAttack will very likely just be Spiritual Ripples unless some Ghost Story decides to leak out.

So, pretty relaxed overall...

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