Wednesday, February 7, 2018

WTF body? Why do you hate me?

So far I’m functioning much better today that I have been recently.  
Last night it took literally all my mental mojo to work up the strength just to take a shower, but then after that I seemed to perk up a bit. Before that, I'd been worried about how I was even going to accomplish food, since Bran and I had both exhausted most of our 'easy' options.
But, after the shower I surprised myself. I was actually able to make a pretty stellar dinner for the both of us.  
I even fried an egg on mine!
This morning the headache is about a 1 on the pain scale. Low enough for me to feel okay, but there enough for me to know it's not gone and it won't take much in the way of stress to bring it back.
I guess I should be careful, huh?
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – Therapy-wise, Valkyrie and I didn't cover much yesterday. I seem to be keeping up with my trend of 'already doing the stable/right thing' and just telling her about it. Then she scribbles her notes on her little sheet of paper and tells me how remarkably mentally healthy my already existing plan is.
In other words, yeah, I've got a Rock Star Therapist.
But, as patients go, I'm pretty fucking Rock Star myself.
No bragging.
We gushed Supernatural a bit, of course.
We closed with my vicarious ferret ownership via Facebook, including my knowledge of just how badly I fucked it up when I had ferrets of my own once. Now that I know so much more about their specific needs, I realize I'd never have the means to really take care of some in the future, but, Bran hates ferrets anyway, so vicarious it is.
This got Valkyrie and me onto the subject of the Amazon River Otter, which she'd never heard of  – she went nuts.
Then I told her about Grasshopper Mice, also new to her – she completely lost her shit. Especially when she found the YouTube videos of them howling... omg... she was squeeing and giggling so hard she was snorting. It was fucking adorable.
I don't really know what to say about our sessions.
Some weeks I need to work on something and dammit, we do the fucking work. She always has a solution no matter how fucked up I am. My problems are vast, and they could range from anything involving the physical to the metaphysical, and yet she can cope and still come up with specialized strategies that work just for me. She's just there... like she's connected to the cosmic plane. She just jacks in and downloads whatever data it takes to help me. And some days, I really need that level of intuition out of her.
But most of the time... we just sit and be totally social... It's like she gets paid to be the best friend that understands me the most.  
SHE'S the one who actually gets cranky if I end up having to miss a session.
I'm that necessary to HER!!
Our rapport is so amazing that it just barely grazes the edges of unprofessional. But, I tell ya, when I need a Rock Star Therapist and not a _friend_ she performs at her full potential, every time.
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – Pretty much the same here. I'm progressing slowly on Spiritual Ripples and not able to brain Misha pretty much every day. I'm looking forward to BonBon Waffles and spending the necessary budget funds to gain the materials necessary for BonBon Stripes.
I’m going to have a lot of BonBon left over.
I'm sure some idea will come up eventually... like, maybe I could find a hot pink to pair it with and pull another pair of leg warmers out of it? Hmmmm and then what for the design?
- Sleep / Fitbit – 6 hours 3 minutes, 4x awake, 13x restless, 39 minutes awake/restless - my sleep has returned to normal with the psyche med being reintegrated into my nightly cocktail again. Probably the main reason why I've gotten some of my perky back.
- Fur-babies – Good cuddle with Dreamy last night, as always. Splotches was here too. Yowled some, but stayed quiet some too. For a while he laid at the end of the bed and watched TV with me... All good.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
You know... it's one thing to have the double decker of the migraine plus the stress/tension headache knocking me down. I've got the forehead pain complimented by the sensitivity to light and sound. And then I've also got the localized body ache that's putting all this pressure right between my shoulder blades.
Okay, so, there's that...
And now my uterus literally decides to commit seppuku three days early... again!
It's like... wtf body?
Why do you hate me?
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I realized last night that we've had one of our failures to communicate in regards to bedtime. I thought I'd been clear about my narrow sleep window when it came to my medication, and that being the reason why I had to wait for him to be down first, but apparently not.
This frustrated me greatly last night.
I will smooth this thing out and make it crystal fucking clear today.
- The Unicorn – Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Cuddle Crush – Back in limbo again...
Want... can't have.
Reach... no reply.
Want to reach... second guess it.
Never ending.
All encompassing.
Completely overwhelming.
Not even sexual... 'cause, still not into chicks, but damn... I sure do think about kissing her a lot.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
I really hope I have enough energy to food well again tonight.
Though, I'm almost out of coconut milk for my morning coffee... so a grocery store run will have to be made tonight too... easy food can be acquired.

We'll work it out.

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