Monday, February 26, 2018

I'll probably be a little bit grouchy...

I'm doing this an hour earlier than usual today, and this is after getting to bed nearly three hours later than what I would like. *sigh* I didn't realize it had been that late until I saw the Fitbit readings this morning. Ugh... this sucks ass.
However, being sleep deprived today might mean a good sized headache, and since I'm seeing the neurologist this morning... yeah.  
She's the reason I'm up early trying to get this entry in.  
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – Unfortunately, under-rested also means poorly emotionally regulated, so I'll probably be a little bit grouchy later on. Or maybe a lot bit. It's hard to tell.  
This also means that other emotions are going to be stronger and much harder to manage. Especially my feelings of rejection and exclusion. I'm almost tempted to say that this has become a 'Notice me, Senpai!' level situation. Except I really don't think Senpai applies here and I have no way to find out.
Stop screaming 'Vague!'
Shut up.
Some things are better left unsaid in a public setting.
- Writing – The upside of knowing that no one is looking is that it might be possible to Blog Publish the current Ghost Story without many risks. I did get a fair amount written on it yesterday. Just shy of 3K. Then later on I bullet pointed the rest of it so I could remember how I wanted the rest of it to play out.
This one doesn't have a sex scene. It's more of an opener. It's the start of a relationship. I'm beginning to realize that there's probably enough there to go Novella with it.
But should I?
I'm not sure how far I need to take this one.
I think I mentioned this before, but this one is coming from the place that the originals have always come from. This isn't a writing prompt. This one is me satisfying a need that I can't satisfy in the real world.
It's pure fiction. Pure fantasy. It's not meant as a wish for fulfillment or a spell for evocation or anything manipulative or diabolical like that.
I'm just using Ghost to get something in my head -out-.
So... it's technically harmless, right?
- Yarn Therapy – I did do Coffee and Contemplation with #YarnSlut yesterday morning, and I really wanted to get back to the knitting after I'd finished writing... I really did. But, it soon became evident that I'd used up all of my mental energy and focus on the story.
In other words: I wanted to knit, but the spoons said no.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 4 hours 52 minutes, 3x awake, 11x restless, 22 minutes awake/restless - and see – that's not so bad. I've gotten by on 5 hours of sleep before. It's just going to mean a little bit longer of a nap this afternoon. I'll probably stay down for 1.5 hours instead of just 1.25.
- Fur-babies – Dreamy did come over last night. This time I was all post napped/showered and everything. He just took his nap while I laid down and watched Netflix. It was all good.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
So, depending on how things go today with the brain doctor, there may or may not be a new section here for the headache related stuff. If it becomes a thing, I'm totally going to title that section:
- Scanners -  
I know /exactly/ how fucked up that is.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – LOL, he brought me goodies last night!! There were some 'gifty' things on 'get this shit outta here' at his job yesterday, so he helped by clearing the last two of them out of the stock.
Each package contains: TALL coffee mug, tin of cookies that are like long, fudge lined straws, that could conceivably be used as straws (some of them are too broken, though), and a box of coffee pods.
I no longer have a pod coffee maker... but Bran mostly wanted this so that I had two, really nice, matching, big ass coffee mugs so I could entertain guests with coffee.  :)
I’m good with that.
- The Unicorn – I'm really not sure when this IEP is going down... hopefully we'll figure it out this week. I'm tired of living day-to-day with it hanging over my head.  
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I'm not sure I'm down with the March 4th movie night selection. None of the movies look good, but I miss the Blue Falcon and I want to hang with him.
*sigh* But, truthfully, I miss him as my Sweetie more than anything... I know that connection is still in there, somewhere...
Now... he's gotten this trip south out of the way, though. And from what I understand there was a girl involved. I do know that about half the trip did not go as planned, but I don't know how things went with the girl!
The Blue Falcon may very well be in a Long Distance Relationship now...
So, the Sweetie thing might be moot anyway.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Never Enough - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
One coffee down... no headache yet... still 14 minutes before my normal wake up time...  

Go me?

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