Tuesday, February 13, 2018

... lather, rinse, repeat.

Yesterday was literally my only 'get shit done' day this week.  
I can't do stuff on my 'time sensitive things to do' or my 'household chores' lists on days when I have to be together enough to leave the house and adult. It's all about the Spoons. I know what my limitations are.
So, yesterday there was a lot of looking things up, making contacts happen, noting things on additional to-do's, and general life maintenance.
Today is therapy, tomorrow is INR, Thursday is Aquatic Therapy, and Friday is Legal Aid regarding some big, scary wage garnishment that makes absolutely no sense at all. Then it's another weekend with the Unicorn and lather, rinse, repeat.
I really wish I just had $500 in a Yarn Fund, and the ability to stop time, but still have Netflix be totally functional.
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – The dialogs keep spinning. A range of emotions keep churning. The Cassandra Complex is in full swing, but now I KNOW there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. So, I just have to fucking walk away. The latest round of Radical Acceptance is realizing that I will never get the answers I was seeking the whole time. Answers that I didn't realize I was probing for until last night's round of internal conversations.
This is so messed up.
Leeloo Dallas Multipass, my ass.
Fuck this shit.
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – Got my shipment of extra-long cords yesterday. So, I /could/ start BonBon Waffles if I were so inclined... but I kinda want to devote my energy to Spiritual Ripples because that shit is taking forever and I need to know when or if I'm going to need to budget out for more yarn.
Plus... of course, Aquatic Therapy Leg Warmers...  
I mean... priorities here, people.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 5 hours 42 minutes, 3x awake, 19x restless, 62 minutes awake/restless - bedtime was delayed by over 2 hours because the Under-Bob had spoken.
- Fur-babies – We had a Dreamy and a Splotches for a little bit last night. First time in 5-days.  
Weird that I seem to have an abandonment issue with the crazy, drunk cat lady.
I'd miss her fucking cats!
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Oh, fuck off.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I've still been extra-grouchy lately. I need to tone it the fuck down.
We still seem to be in a good place, though. Last night we made the 'regular' grocery store run, whereas the night before it was the 'warehouse club #1' grocery run. We still need a few things from 'warehouse club #2' and the 'fancy' grocery store, LOL.
We haz them.
Side Note: Entry was momentarily side tracked by wake up snuggles.
- The Unicorn – A few weekends ago I helped her with some financial planning homework produced by Mass Mutual. Then the Blue Falcon had alerted me to the possibility that there would be no class based, follow up learning along these lines.
She's only in the 8th grade. There's no way she's going to retain all that information until it becomes relevant. Hell, she couldn't even retain the information that weekend! So, I had to figure something out.  
Some research yesterday told me that this was the FutureSmart program, but it was only available to schools. No way to contact them about this either, but they did post their social media information, so I tweeted them.
They tweeted right back and told me there's a phone App that is an extension of the program and helps growing adolescents make wise financial decisions!
Now I just need to get JerkDad in on this one.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I didn't even get a hug yesterday... this bothers me... I think he's right. I need to start using services like Locker Drop Offs to mail my packages to. Using him as my personal mail drop just isn't working anymore.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
I skipped Coffee and Contemplation again, but I did drink my first 'wake up' cup while I tapped something out in my PRIVATE PRIVATE journal. So, I feel I was awake enough to be coherent for this.
I’m not in the best place emotionally, so... I'm just going to get all my shit done so I can binge Netflix and knit. I need my Yarn Therapy today.


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