Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dickable Rain

In a word…


OMG… I'm in such an amazing place today.

It's the morning after, and he's returning texts.

I don't want to say I doubted him because I didn't. But, there will always be that part of me that feels a little fear of being ghosted again.

This is our morning exchange so far:

ME: Woke up almost an hour before the alarm, decided to get up anyway because.... coffee

RAIN: A morning poem:
coffee coffee coffee coffee
Everyone shut the fuck up

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Mornings are hard


ME: *snuggles*

RAIN: *Snuggles* also peppermint dickables

ME: LOL!!!
Are you ready to harvest your dickable vinyards?
(I can't say 'are you enjoying your dickable afternoon' yet)

RAIN: Yes, yes I have.

ME: And now I get an extra giggle about your notification tone, especially since it's morning. I'm wondering if you've found pants.

--  Clarification -- I've recycled Mahogany's text/notification tone.

I gave it to Rain a few days ago.

I haven't talked to Rain about this yet, but from the way he's described his attraction towards me, I can tell he was called. Or, at least, he feels called. I've been on both sides of callings enough to know what that sensation is like. And, of course, because I got it wrong so many times I'm naturally suspicious of my own acceptance of this. Hell, just look at Alpha. There's every chance that Rain could have been just another narcissist. But I just didn't get that read off of him.

Rain is a bully survivor.

Being bullied triggered his empathy and it's one of the reasons he was able to read me so well. He liked what he read from me. He could clearly see how my past (bad) experiences have shaped me. He knew from the moment he started talking to me that I'd been through a lot and that it had made me a stronger person. So, he liked that. The strength.

He also loved it that I remained open, in spite of all the damage. He's very much the same.

Can we say 'Law of Attraction'?

I know what you're thinking.

"Don't say it ImariiStarre… don't go there… don't trust… don't love… don't risk it all again…"

You know I’m tempted to claim him as another Blue Lion. A co-healer. My male counterpart the way Mahogany would have been. Someone who walked the underworld and came out the other side needing to help others the way that I do.

You know…

The _one_.

The Peter… The Daniel…

The Tulpa the Ghost Stories were intended to call to me.

You remember the reason we went dark on that one, right?

Because it would be so unfair to my co-healer. For someone to truly have the power necessary to heal me, he would have to be damaged as much or even worse than me. It just seemed so selfish to ask the universe to punish someone and to make them suffer, just so I could be healed from my lingering wounds.

Well… okay… but what if I met that person anyway?

What if it was his own contract with his higher/future self that triggered his pain and his healing abilities?

What if it had nothing to do with me?

What if he was just called to me anyway?

What if I could be his next stepping stone in understanding his powers?

Well, it would be worth it all then, wouldn't it?

I'm not saying Rain is it… that it's him.

But, I can't lie to you either.

I know I want it to be him.

Not just for my sake, but for his.

I want to fall in love with him, and I want him to need to love me back.

Especially after the shit that went down with Bran last year.

Just once, I need someone to fight for me again.

The way that Bran did when we first met and during the two years we were homeless.

I need to feel chosen again.

Fuck… I'm crying now.


Okay, the update:

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I'm a little disappointed that Valkyrie had to call in sick yesterday. Not sure if I mentioned that. But, there it is. And, she's out next week too. So I'm not even seeing her until the 14th… so much has happened. I wouldn't even know where to start with her.

 - Writing - I’m still under the Story Structure Blues. I hit brain melt about 2:30 pm yesterday. A full two hours before it usually happens. I was going through the chapter two sequel checklist, the other checklist, and the master checklist and when I got to the part of 'go back over notes and work book notes and make sure you didn't miss anything' I just fucking folded. I curled up in a little ball of 'dun wanna'.


So, I dropped it…

I might still pick it up this morning, yet. Depends on how fast I finish this entry.

 - Sleep - I got to bed late, due to sweetie snuggles… I woke up a full hour before the alarm and decided to get out of bed anyway, because - coffee.

 - Fur-babies - Sadly only ONE visit yesterday. Dreamy and Splotches were just coming in when I was panicking because Rain was dropped off at the wrong address. So, I had to run out to collect him just as Catmom was bringing the fur babies in. She got super talkative and I had to tell her to STFU so I could go get Rain.

I knocked on her door after I'd collected him, but she wasn't answering. I feel so bad.

I hope I get a chance to apologize and get some kitty kuddles today.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
 - Caffeine - 4 cups. Don't judge me.

Shut up.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I'm in a really tough spot with Bran right now. Just learning that he might be gone longer… that he might not make it back before our anniversary.

Fuck. That hurts.

It hurts more than I'm letting on, even to you.

But, I have back up systems in place. Both the Blue Falcon and Jasper have been given the heads up. And if Cookie and Rain come back for third dates, I'll add them to the favorites section and ask for their continued support as well.

Rain says he might spend the night sometime. (squee!)

So, if I can't get Jasper that night, Rain would be an amazing back up plan. I'm going to ask Rain for an overnight before then, though. Just in case Jasper can't make it, I need to know for sure if I can sleep okay next to Rain.

Relationships / Sweeties:

- Recent Encounters - Ha ha! And here we go.

The original plan was for him to make it to my place by 4:30 pm. But, just after 4 there was (I’m not kidding) an extreme, real kidnapping just outside his work. A black van pulled up and snatched a little girl.


So, he changed his ETA to 7 (explaining later that he'll overestimate ETA's if he's delayed so it's a surprise and not a disappointment if he's there earlier)

He got to me about quarter after 5'ish, but got messed up on the buildings. So, I had to run out and collect him because I was worried about him. We found each other on the sidewalk and got a big hug in, right there.

He rocked me.

Soothing hugs… good sign of what was to come.

    - 1) good company: OMG. We talked so fucking much. But, we'll get to that.

Okay, as previously mentioned, he's a bully survivor, so his energy is very loving. After we talked for a little bit, I went to make the popcorn. He hung out with me in the kitchen while I prepared it. Then we sat down with IMDB and figured out the best place to pick up Supernatural Season One for him. He had seen enough of One that I didn't need to catch him up on much. He already knew about Meg. I explained that Season One is all about "Where's Dad?" as well as "What's up with Sam's psychic visions?" but we only watched Bugs. I'm saving Home for his next visit. We might try to nail down more than one episode and he's actually (really) looking forward to Season Four where the drop the bomb on the fourth wall for the first time.

We decided on Bugs because of the funny bits about sexual orientation. He was amused.

I did move the popcorn bowl to get some snuggles in before the episode ended. Then we decided on more cuddles in the bedroom.

    - 2) good conversation: A vast majority of the conversation was post-coital… where we were just naked and close to each other while we talked.

For the life of me, if you ask me what we talked about, I couldn't fucking tell you!!

All I know is that it was good!!

There was some soul bearing, but not much. I kept it in check and I didn't have any emotional break downs with him. He's not ready for that yet. He's still in the 'cheer you up if you're sad' phase as a healer. It's going to take some time to get him comfortable with the process of pulling pain out of people. But, I'm totally on board as a teacher, and I'm hopeful he'll allow me to take it there with him.

We also inflicted funny YouTube video's on each other. He's been fully introduced to both Stanley the Honeybadger and Dr. Tran. I even showed him the LotR Catapult.

Ye Gods…

His laughter.

Fuck me.

I love making him laugh. He's one of those 'full body' laughter types. It was so wonderful. We talked about so much and just enjoyed each other.

He wanted to leave about 11'ish, and that was fine with me because 11 is my bedtime. But when my pill-minder started shaking at me, I just ignored it. I was enjoying him so much. He was enjoying me too. He actually ended up leaving closer to 11:30 and both of us would have loved an overnight if he didn't have to be up early today. He's heading up north for a short vacation.

Okay… I'm addicted to his presence… I'm not afraid to admit it.

Emotional attachment is forming.

I promise not to go crazy about it, okay?

    - 3) good snuggles: I really wish the report here was as good.

I mean, don't get me wrong, he's GOOD. But, he could have been better in the snuggles department. When I got close as we were still watching Supernatural, there was some hand holding. Then he put his arm around me and did some finger trails on my shoulder. That was good!

When we moved to the bedroom, there was mutual holding. That was awesome.

Post-coital though… he was just next to me. Actively very engaged in conversation, but not really engaged in mutual touch. I'm not really sure if he was holding back, or why he might have been holding back. It might have just been a comfort level thing.

We'll see how it goes next time.

    - 4) good sex: Pros and cons here as well.

On the one hand, he was TOTALLY cool with adjustments having to be made on positioning. He clearly felt it when my legs got fatigued and he was the one who suggested the shift to me being face down. I've also been told that it was the best head he's ever had.

And yet… there were performance issues. Which I'm NOT upset about. All guys go through them. It just makes me worry that it was me. That he was somehow not attracted to me enough to really fuck me. He also held back, A LOT… heh… it's going to take me some time to get him comfortable with getting rough with me.

The GOOD STUFF: - he licked my pussy… steered clear of the clit, just like I asked him to. He did feel good inside me. Like really good. He's well endowed. But, his body just wasn’t' cooperating.

It's fine though.

He didn't leave after it became clear that sex wasn't going to work out. That's the major thing!! He actually stayed later than he'd intended and neither of us wanted him to leave, but he had to go.

I know… I know…

Stop judging me.

I like him… a lot… and if he keeps this up I'm going to love him. I won't have a choice. It's like Gingersnap and Jasper. My heart just can't hold back. Hell, even the Dragon is still in there too.

I hope he's okay being loved.

 - Updates on Favorites - Nothing really new here on either Jasper or the Blue Falcon. You already know the most recent update about my asking for extra support around April 3rd if I need it.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Not a peep out of the guy from Monday night. Fuck it. Another one lost. Which sucks. He had so much fucking muscle!! Such a turn on!

 - The Hopefuls - No one new on the radar. At least no one worth mentioning.

And there you have it…

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