Monday, May 22, 2017

Fuschia Rides Again:

Yesterday was a very full day for me, so this update is going to be quite action packed. Not only was there an adventure with the Unicorn and the Blue Falcon, but I had a date last night too.

Once again, I'm struggling to hang on to that code name and wait for the second date to hand it out, but… damn… he feels so worth it.

Okay, so, I better get on with it:

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Totally skipped Game Therapy yesterday. I did a small check in on one character to take care of a few things, but that was about it. I get to see both Valkyrie and Bubbles tomorrow. HOPEFULLY I will have good news about a SECOND date.

Ye Gods… I really hope I have good news about a second date!

 - Writing - This has really been on the back burner for days. I'm hoping to bring it back to the forefront again today.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 8 hours 12 minutes, 2x awake, 14x restless, total of 30 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - Both Dreamy and Splotches came over while the Blue Falcon was here. So they got some attention from all three of us. It was pretty sweet.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - I'm about half way through #2 right now and I'm feeling pretty good, so I should be fine with 3 today.

 - Blood Sugar - 134 today, which is disappointing after that perfect reading yesterday. Still not sure what's making it so high…

 - INR - I've backed off on the meds. I might have gotten a call from the clinic but they must not be using a number I recognize. They probably left a voice mail, but I've not checked that either… fuck me, I'm bad at this.

 - Nervous System - I see my chiropractor this week… SO overdue!

 - Inflammation - I've been very non-paleo lately, and I can feel it. Ugh, I wish I could afford to eat better.

 - Exercise/Yoga - I really wanted to get back to this today, but now I've gotten my period two days early… not sure what's up with that.

 - Weight Management - It 'could' be a sign of weight loss that I've gotten my period early. Too weird to tell. So, not really sure what the fuck is going on.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - _She_ has been raising hell lately. She's pulling some serious 'nagging wife' bullshit. *shakes head* this is not going to end well for her. She called him and cut into our conversation time just so she could bitch at him about neglecting to buy her mayonnaise. She's also demanding that he get up earlier in the mornings to help her with the abominations.

So, he's going to give her what she wants. But, she's not going to like it.

Sorry, not sorry?

She gets what she deserves.

 - The Unicorn - OMG, we had the BEST fucking time yesterday.

It started about 10:30'ish, when she was in the bathroom doing her hair and trying to get it perfect for the Blue Falcon. And then I snuck in to use my dry shampoo while she was in there.

"Why do you put dry shampoo in your hair?" she asks me.

"Because it instantly absorbs all the oils in your hair and makes you look like you took a shower when you totally didn't."

"NICE! I am your daughter!"


The Blue Falcon got to us about 11am. He brought the powdered sugar we were going to need for our baking adventure and he brought me more atomic fireballs!!! OMG!!! He's SO amazing!

We weren't ready to start baking yet, so we watched an episode of an anime while I fed him left overs. Unfortunately the meat had dried out a little bit, so that was disappointing. But, he liked the way I made potatoes! So that was something.

THEN! On to the baking!

OMG… it was such a fucking train wreck.

We were using a boxed kit.

First, the cookie dough wouldn't dough. It was all crumbly. So we put in a little more butter and a splash of milk, and then it was way too sticky. We couldn't roll it out for shit! No matter how we flowered it down. We had to settle for the Unicorn patting it down with her hands, and then she couldn't actually lift the cut out shapes up because the dough STUCK to the surface.

Eventually we wound up with 9 of the most deformed hearts you can imagine. It was hilarious.

We watched more show while they baked and cooled. We made the frosting and then I got that into the piping bag.

It was amazing. I went through all this trouble to make sure the piping bag would pump out this perfect, thin line… and what does she do? She squeezes out these poopy globs and then spreads them out. Like, why did I even bother with the piping bag in the first place? Eventually she even gave up on the squeezing and she just started inserting a plastic knife into the bag and digging out frosting to put on the cookies. LOL.

The Blue Falcon decorated one cookie too.

Then I ate a cookie and I gave him a bite. His body rejected it and he ended up coughing and gasping. OMG… what the hell? LOL.

The Unicorn went back with her tiny 'Easter' cookie cutters and made more cookies, but we didn't frost those. Omg, they're terrible without the frosting.

All in all, it was just an adventure in train wrecks. We laughed our asses off and we had an amazingly fun time, but we all agreed that next time we try baking, we're just going to opt for cupcakes or something a lot safer.

After the baking the kitchen was a total disaster area.

I'm just thinking 'happy fucking mothers day' I get to clean up this mess! But then the Unicorn tried to enlist the Blue Falcon's help to clean up the kitchen and he got totally overwhelmed, noped the fuck out and left. It was okay, though. I didn't mind.

After the Blue Falcon left, the Unicorn and I bonded a little more over another horror movie. This time Resident Evil. She liked it.

It was a good day.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - I'm calling him Criminy.

I was expecting him to be tame like the Blue Falcon.

Ye Gods, I was wrong.

It's just the way he was so polite in our correspondence. He just seemed so sweet, and he was willing to wait a really long time for that first date. We were supposed to meet this coming Saturday… and then I opened up to him about Bran being gone and how that was hurting me. I mentioned how hard it was for me, especially being alone at night. I told him how I draw strength from proximity to masculine energies and how that's at it's most potent when it's sexual energy.

He asked the question of how that works. Was it a sort of 'recharging my batteries'?

In a way, yes. I told him. But it's more like feeding. It's more like satisfying a hunger. The more potent the energy, the longer the hunger is sustained. Just sex can tide me over for a little while, but it's definitely not enough. Having a connection is more important. Having the kind of connection that comes back to feed me more is the best.

Somehow, he totally understood this.

Then he asked me if I wanted to get together sooner. Like Monday (tonight)… and he asked if my sexual feeding was similar to a succubus.

I said yes to both. Monday would be great, and it's not similar to a succubus. It literally IS a succubus.

So, yesterday… pretty much the whole time I was cuddling with the Blue Falcon, I was finding out that 'feeding a succubus' has been Criminy's sexual fantasy since he was 14.

And there it was… all out… we both had something the other needed.

Fuschia hasn't been fed since Set, and she's been HUNGRY.

Criminy couldn't have that. The idea that the succubus part of me has been neglected for so long. It's like he could feel how hungry she was and he was filled with this need… this intense desire to feed her. He needed to be fed off of as much as Fuschia needed to feed.

Lovely… so wonderful.

    - 1) good company: Over the course of the day, we realized that we didn't even want to wait until tonight for that first date. So, we waited until the Unicorn went home and we set up our first meeting. He got to my place kind of late, but enough for me to pick things up, take a shower, and make him dinner.

He's an interesting person who has two bunnies that he loves more than anything in the world. So I HAD to put his dinner in the bunny bowl. He just needed the cute.

He respects the cute. I love that about him.

He's the kind of guy who always remains very true to himself. He's good at radical acceptance… He was easy to be comfortable around.

    - 2) good conversation: We talked about a lot of things. We talked about what made me part succubus and about my different personalities. He didn't seem too thrown by the fact that I'm 10 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag. We talked about some of his past experiences and how he's managed to take even the negative things in his life and turn them around. Like I said, he's good at radical acceptance. We're very evenly matched in that regard. I loved talking to him about all the things we talked about.

    - 3) good snuggles: After he finished eating it was time to retire to the Chamber of Snuggles for a little bit. I knew he needed to food coma out for a spell. I was okay with that. We held each other tightly. It was good.

    - 4) good sex:  Ye Gods… where do I even start.

When he started to kiss me it was so full of passion and fire… his energy was so potent that it was already getting through to me, already feeding me. We held each other and kissed for a bit… I was laying on my left side with my right hand exploring his body… working my way up under his shirt and clawing him and then reaching down to rub his hard cock through is jeans.

Then he moved on top of me and pinned me down, kissing me while he held my hands down to the bed… oh, god… that drove me fucking crazy. I think that might have been when he found the sweet spot on my neck the first time too, but I'm not sure.

His shirt came off and he held me and kissed me while I clawed his back. There was so much passion in those kisses.

He moved to take off his jeans. I asked if I was over dressed. He said yes. We both got Naked.

His cock is beautiful. Not too big, not too small. Just perfect.

I hate the fact that my hips tire out so quickly.

Oh god… the sex… he was just pounding into me, making me scream while I wrapped myself around him, and he kept kissing me or finding that spot on my neck… I kept clawing at his back and I bit him a few times too. He didn’t mind.

He felt so good inside me. I have no words. There were a few times when he had the angle just right and he was tagging me right in the g-spot. That got me screaming! I did that thing where I reached up and braced myself against the headboard so that I could stabilize my body to take a harder pounding. My other hand just clutching him to me.

Then there were times when he pulled my hair just right… oh, the moans he pulled out of me when he did that.

Sometimes we just wrapped our arms around each other and held each other tightly…

But, my damn hips.

Eventually I had to flip over and let him take me from behind.

Oh… you bet your ass that got me screaming too!!

He came so hard… I loved the sounds he made when he came…. I shuddered after like I felt his orgasm too.

Then we cuddled until it was time for him to go.

He MIGHT still come over again tonight.

Fuschia is still hungry and I know he wants to feed the succubus some more.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I did get some good snuggles in with him yesterday. We were on the couch while the Unicorn too my chair. We spent a little time with his legs in my lap, and then later some time with my head in his lap… Omg… being close to him just makes me so happy. It's insane how hard he kills the pain. It seems like I always miss him the second he's gone because he just feels so good when he's here.

It was also funny when he was trying to blow up one of the Unicorn's balloons and he just couldn't get it. He was puffing and puffing and then he reached up and pinched his cheeks and the balloon puffed a tiny bit.

I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. It hurt so fucking much.

Yesterday was just so much fun.

I really do need to exercise more, though. He wants to go on more walks with me and the Unicorn and I need to be ready to start exploring with them.


Remind me, okay?

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - I'm praying that Criminy wasn't just a one time thing. He was so good.

 - The Hopefuls -

 -- Friday -- Nothing new to report.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

Yesterday was probably one of the best days I've had in a good long while.

I'm glad for my loved ones.

I better get the rest of my day started here… this was a really long update.

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