Monday, May 8, 2017

The Cougar is BACK!

OMG… I'm so sore today.

Muscles I didn't even know I had got a work out last night.

My date passed his in-person interview for a Sweetie position, but I'm being good this time. He's not being upgraded to full sweetie until he's made it to the second date. That might be awhile. He's moving up north at the end of this week. Possibly even further north than Bran is now, I'm not sure. He still plans to come back to the cities once or twice a month, though. I even offered him crash pad space with me, which he appreciated. So, there's a good chance I'll see him again.

Assuming he's still talking to me, that is.

He might just ghost me. We never know these things until someone starts returning messages. And who knows, with the pending move, I might not hear much from him at all…


Okay… moving on then…

OH! Yes, there IS a Recent Encounter report!

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I feel like I game too much… So many hours are spent in this virtual world. But, these are all down time hours where I wouldn't have been doing anything but watching TV anyway… *sigh* So, I’m not quite sure where to put that. I do enjoy the gaming, even though most of what I do is Guild Grind. I'm still able to help out some people and get some of my own character development done. I'm almost up to wings on my second character… I just don't know how I feel about how many hours are spent in that world where I feel like I should be writing. But the writing only seems to come in short bursts.


 - Writing - Speaking of short bursts. I burned out fast yesterday. I should have been able to wrap up my new chapter 11, but my brain quit at the Hemingway stage. I started skipping and skimming instead of tightening and that's bad. So, I knew it was time to shut down.

I think my mind was mostly on last nights pending date.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I got to bed about 45 minutes late due to the gaming. I just needed to make sure I got all my guild dailies done on the important characters. Nevertheless, last nights sleep actually went quite well, all things considered. 8 hours 2 minutes, 1x awake, 6x restless, total of 14 minutes awake/restless. I even woke up 2 minutes before the alarm today, ready to start the day.

So, that's a good thing.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Something seems off today. Even though I got some decent sleep last night. I'm about halfway through second coffee and I'm usually feeling much more awake and alert by now, but I'm still totally groggy and wiped out… So, I'm guessing it's 4 today…

 - Blood Sugar - 125, so that's pretty close to good/normal

 - INR - This week…
 - Nervous System - … we hope.

 - Exercise/Yoga - I still don't feel like I can do this right now. My body is so sore, I've been getting light headed whenever I stand up, and my gums have been doing a lot of unprovoked bleeding… I think my blood is too thin, so my blood pressure might be really low right now.

 - Weight Management - I hope I don't forget to weigh myself this week if I make it in for my INR.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Not a whole lot is new on Bran's end. I just love it that the things that are new are making _her_ miserable. He won't even sleep next to her anymore now that he's got an ideal couch to stretch out on. And her own therapy dog won't sleep next to her either because it prefers Bran over_her_. That just makes me laugh my ass off.

Bran didn't get to call me during his ride home, and that's okay because I was with my date anyway. But he did call once he was close to home, just to say goodnight, and that was pretty wonderful.

I really miss him.

 - The Unicorn - Did I tell you my internet got shut off? Yeah, so we're mooching off of the Blue Falcon's Wi-Fi and sucking up his data a little bit. So, as a result, there was no Buff/Angel this past weekend. The Unicorn spent the entire time sucking up the Blue Falcon's data and watching her anime. So, we didn't spend a whole lot of time together, but that's okay.

We did get some good talks in, and the date with the Blue Falcon was awesome. So, I know she had a good time.  :)

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Oh… here we go!

    - 1) good company: He's definitely an interesting guy, though I would say that we both appreciated quiet more than forced conversation. So, I actually don't really know a whole lot about him other than he likes to work out and spends a good amount of time at the gym when he can.

He's 20, so I *love* the age difference.

As previously mentioned, he's about to move up north for work. He's going to be helping out with the environment and he's very excited about it. I can't remember the exact job description or title, though. Me and my terrible memory.

Things were SUPER awkward when he first arrived, we went straight to the bedroom. - Then Bran called while we were naked and snuggling between rounds and that made him feel really awkward too. He says he's very new to the 'open relationship' scene, so it's still hard for him to imagine that a woman's husband would be so chill about him being naked in bed next to her while she's on the phone with him.

It was okay, though.

I really feel like we enjoyed each other. I'm hoping it's more than just a one time thing. I know that's what we both wanted going into it, and I know my feelings haven't changed in that regard, but it's too soon to tell if I made as strong of a first impression on him.

    - 2) good conversation: We honestly didn't really talk all that much. We seemed to enjoy the quiet cuddles more. But we did discuss musical tastes and I played Within Temptations 'And We Run' for him because he mentioned liking old school rap a bit. We're not much of a match in musical taste, but he says he listens to just about everything, so we'd be fine if I just left my Spotify on.

We talked a little about how this past year has been for Bran and I, so he knows the full story about why I'm so fucked up right now. He knows I'm strong enough to take it, but he also understands just how much things suck too.

I also ended up sharing a few stories about the Blue Falcon with him, including how the Blue Falcon and I met and how he got his code name. He was amused.

We talked a bit about Cougars and how I'm the only nice one on OKC. We also talked about how I'm a Cougar and a Self-Aware Goddess, and yet I'm submissive. Those things are pretty strong contradictions, but I'm glad that he was comfortable being the more dominant one.

    - 3) good snuggles: Ye mother-fucking Gods, he was AWESOME at this. He kept his arms around me and he was great at keeping up with the tender caresses too.

When he got to my place, we skipped all pretenses and just proceeded directly to the Chamber of Snuggles. He agreed that my bed is awesome. He was really great at taking control and pulling us both out of snuggle space too.

   - 4) good sex: Yes, I know you were waiting for exactly this.

He's very 'partner pleasure' focused. So, he was mostly interested in stimulating me as much as he could.

He took us out of snuggle space by starting with slow, deep kisses… some of them going down on my neck, too. I have a couple of hickies on my neck today, one on each side.

After kisses he took off his shirt and then moved to get my tank top off. Then he tugged at the waistband of my leggings and I moved to get my socks and leg warmers off while he stripped from the waist down. Then he stripped me from the waist down…

He started by inserting his fingers into me while he was kissing me… that got some interesting moans. Then he moved to lick my pussy, but I was too close to the mattress.

Get this… HE grabbed the pillow to put it underneath me. He understood that sometimes the angles are off and you have to get a little extra padding under a girl to make it work. Not a lot of guys are that experienced that young to make that work.

So, he got me elevated off the bed a little bit and played between using his fingers and his tongue on me… then he had me flip over for a little ass play… I had honestly expected more ass play out of him, given that is one of his more serious kinks… but it must have been messy… or something. As it often is. He cleaned up and we both moved on.

There was more fingering and some light spanking and this is where I KNOW my sore muscles came from!

His fingering and spanking was so intense that I was writhing HARD.  My back was arching so much that my whole upper body was lifting up off the bed. I was gripping pillows, I was gripping sheets… ye gods, it was amazing.

Then he asked me if I wanted his cock…

You're damn right I did.

Angles were WAY off, though. He wasn't able to stay in me with me face down, no matter what we tried, but he was great about talking about it and trying different things. I would also say that occasionally he lost his erection a little bit too. He needed me primed and seriously turned on. So, he would finger the hell out of me in between cock insertions… it all worked out in the end… I wasn't disappointed in the least.

Since the face down wasn't working out so well, he had me flip over to my back again, and then he got inside me and LOL… Even though I had warned him about what a screamer I was, he was NOT prepared for just how loud I got when I did start screaming. He kept putting his hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds because he was terrified that someone was going to call the cops!

OMG, it was great…

He really seemed to love eating pussy and then kissing me after, and I'm totally cool with that because I'm religious about keeping myself clean. He did hold me down a little bit while he was fucking me, but it wasn't the kind of holding down where he really meant it. It wasn't like it was with Jasper or like the way I imagine it will be with Friday. It was okay, just nothing super special.

The sex was good, but he loved pleasuring me with his fingers more. I showed him those tight little muscles of mine too.  :)

He also loved seeing how many fingers I could take inside me. He was very impressed by how elastic my pussy was because I was able to take quite a bit of his hand, and yet I was still tight for him when he fucked me.  (go me)

I did end up getting over stimulated, though. I told him I needed a break and we just went back to cuddling and talking for a bit. That's about the time that Bran called too. Which, again, was awkward for my date, but he pushed through.

He checked the time and it was close to both of us needing to wrap up. So he took control and pulled us out of snuggle space again. It was more of the same, exactly what I've reported so far. Until I asked him to fuck me until he came. He said 'not yet' and fingered me some more.

Somewhere in there, the stimulation became so intense that I bit his upper arm and he TOLD me to bite him as hard as I needed to. OMG… Love it when a guy tells me not to hold back on the biting! Later I told him how Bran had to train me not to bite. It was amazing though. I didn't leave much of a mark on him. It was just good to be able to bite him like that. I loved it.

When he did resume fucking I begged him to go harder. "You want it harder?" He asked - "Yes!" I said. He pulled out, put his fingers inside me and POUNDED the fuck out of me with his hand. HOLY SHIT did I SCREAM…

Then he fucked me until he came.

It was good. Really good.

Then he apologized profusely for not being able to stay and cuddle longer, but he did have to get going.

The goodbye was a little awkward… but, hopefully he's okay and I hear from him again.  :)

Either way, I fed.

So, that's the best part.

He should sustain me for a bit.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - OMG, so the Blue Falcon actually texted last night while I was naked snuggling with my date, and I checked the message too, because the Blue Falcon almost NEVER texts! But he was just asking if I'd tried any more of the chocolate he'd bought me. I had, but I also told him that I've been conserving it too.

I hope I get to see him for some naked snuggles soon too.

I miss him.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.

 - The Hopefuls - Nothing new from Friday, but that's to be expected. Either way, I'm resolved to not worrying about losing him again. Now that I know how intensely bad things have been for him lately, I need to be much more understanding about the fact that his life doesn't revolve around me or our pending relationship.

I have to trust him.

I know he'll be with me soon.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

I think I'm still going to skip exercising today. I'm finally awake on only 3 cups of coffee, but I'm still sore and worried about how much I’m bleeding. I'm pretty sure my blood is too thin.

I'm very hopeful that I'm able to make it in for my INR this week.

Wish me luck.

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