Saturday, May 13, 2017

Nothing Naughty Today:

Shooter canceled out date for today. He neglected to realize that this was Mother's day weekend and he'd need to be with his wife.

On the one hand, I'm okay with this… I have some bugs to iron out in the story. A whole chapter that I need to add to make sure the narrative is flowing right, even though it's going to push me way over word count.

On the other hand, I was kinda looking forward to the sex.

*shrugs* Meh…

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Bubbles is refusing to refill any of my meds until I see her again. I got really snippy with the nurse about it yesterday because I'd already set up a) my next (convenient for me) appointment with Bubbles, and b) my rides for the month. I'll have to apologize when I go in. I was frustrated and I had no right to be that much of a bitch. I feel bad.

It will be nice to see Valkyrie again. I've really missed my sessions with her.

My case worker assures me that my phone is 100% taken care of now. So losing my phone again will NOT be a problem.

 - Writing - I’m still struggling with staying under word caps, and I've realized that I'm not being descriptive enough with my people or my settings. So, I'm going to have to go back for a 5th revision just to make the visuals come alive, but then I should be good. I think this time around I'm going to ignore word count and just see what comes out of me. Then I'll re-set the beats for what Act I gave me once it was done. It won't be a whole/round number, but I'll see if I can get it close.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 7 hours 52 minutes, 2x awake, 9x restless, total of 25 minutes awake/restless. So, not bad (still)

 - Fur-babies - There were visits and snuggles from both Dreamy and Splotches yesterday. It got me to my exercise a bit late, but I managed.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Should be good with 3 today.

 - Blood Sugar - Bedtime snack of mushroom alfredo bumped me up to 143 this morning… eek…

 - INR - Should finally have a report on this…
 - Nervous System - …coming up next Thursday.

 - Exercise/Yoga - Some days I make it, and some days I really don't. I'm trying, but most days I'm so caught up in the writing that I just don't have the drive to exercise.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - He dropped his first months rent yesterday… so, he's at least stuck for the next month even though neither of us wants him to be.

Every day this gets harder and harder. Even the sweeties aren't enough to get me through it.

I'm not in any depression death spirals or anything, but the missing Bran weighs heavily on me and I can tell it's having a negative effect on me.

I just wish this were over.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I get to see him tomorrow.

I hope there are naked snuggles.

I really need naked snuggles right now.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing…
 - The Hopefuls - … new…
 - Honorable Mentions - … to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

I’m glad to have the day to myself. I know I need to figure out how to fix what's wrong with my story, again…


Some days I wonder if I'm ever going to get this thing right.

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