Friday, May 5, 2017

We're getting through it...

This is one of those Fridays where I'm glad that I have no reason to go out and I’m only worried about JerkDad having to drive with the Unicorn in this mess. I won't care if someone plows into him on his way home. I just don't want some drunk crashing into him when my daughter is still in the car.

Sorry if that sounds bitchy.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - So, I lost internet yesterday, due to non-payment. Bran is supposed to be helping me to get onto a lower cost internet sometime today. The only reason why I'm on now is that the Blue Falcon uses Xfinity and there's a hotspot near where I live. So, I’m signed in and mooching off his internet for a few days until Bran and I can sort out our shit.

This means limited gaming - no more cable TV - And the Unicorn and I are going to be watching our shows on the Chromebook.

*shrug* - it is what it is.

I am still allowed to game, and I did still get my daily tasks done to help out my guild last night. So, I still feel somewhat accomplished at least.

 - Writing - I'm getting through Daniel's sequel after the cataclysmic kiss in the rain now. Supplying one really strong, insightful flashback as well as some other juicy tidbits from his past. We're getting a deeper look into him and why he's so obsessed with Jessa. Also, the phone conversation I needed him to have with his grandfather happened!! So, that's one more thing I needed that I was able to accomplish.

It's starting to come together.

We remain hopeful.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - I received my new bands yesterday and I couldn't be happier. The purple one matches my favorite yoga pants outfit exactly.  :)  -  Sleep last night was good, but that might change. I’m almost out of one of my sleep meds and I don't know if my psychiatrist will refill them if I'm not able to go in and physically see her  *grr* 


8 hours exactly, 2x awake, 11x restless, total of 31 minutes awake/restless.

Really. Not bad at all.

 - Fur-babies - No actual visits from the fur babies yesterday, but we (the Blue Falcon and I) did spot Dreamy being carried inside by CatMom. She had stuff to do, otherwise she would have let him come over.

He's such a good boy.  :)

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Should be fine with 3 today.
 - Blood Sugar - 147 and no reason why it should be that high… weird.

 - Exercise/Yoga - I'm going to try really hard to do both 5 minute sessions today… (dun wanna!!)

 - Weight Management - Still barely eating. This is a good thing.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - So, there are actually good things. I mean, if you try hard enough, you can find the positives in any situation. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

Bran has a longer commute now, so I get to keep him company on his long drives, and that's really nice.

The landlord of the new place as left a very full sized sofa there. So, Bran sleeps there now. He's no longer sleeping next to _her_, and I'm 100% sure that has her feathers ruffled. She's got to be upset about that.

Also, her stupid therapy dog prefers Bran's company, LOL.

I'm sure she's miserable.

 - The Unicorn - I’m going to try to figure out how to get the Blu-Ray to pull from the wi-fi hot spot… not quite sure how that works, but whatever.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - I might actually have someone coming by today. After coffee and work… wish me luck (more info in Hopefuls)

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I only got to spend about 2 hours with him yesterday. It was a good day, though.

When we were heading out I was on the phone with Bran and I wound up just putting him on speaker and letting the two of them talk while the Blue Falcon drove. Later the Blue Falcon told me that he'd felt a little awkward about it. I know he's worried about Bran not liking him or being angry that he spends so much time with me. I did my best to reassure him that Bran is fine with him and that we've been non-monogamous for going on 10 years. We've been around each other's others before.

The Blue Falcon and I went on a Costco run so I could grab some avocado oil and he could pick up some essentials for his household. We discussed options for dinner and settled on a rotisserie chicken (then later decided on curly fries and mozzarella sticks from Arby's as our sides). LOL, he made a little bit of a big deal that we weren't eating a single vegetable, but we both decided it was okay.

While in the Arby's drive through, he told me that he might wind up homeless for a few weeks. So, I told him to just come stay with me if that happens. Later when I was talking with Bran on his drive home, I told him the Blue Falcon's conundrum and even Bran made sure that I'd offered the Blue Falcon a place to stay.

The Blue Falcon and I made it back to my place and he got me set up on his internet, then we ate and watched a few funny YouTube videos. Then he left.

We kind of forgot the hug and kiss.

I did get the chance to explain that I didn't need my love to be reciprocated. I just needed him to understand and accept the fact that I feel it outwardly towards him and I need him to not reject it. He's totally fine with it. He's letting me love him.

He's such a good guy.

He will be forever one of the most positive things in my life, and I do love him for that.  :)

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - I've let the date from last Tuesday go. He's not worth my time if I'm not worth his.

 - The Hopefuls - So, there was this guy that I chatted with a bit, but then he dropped all communication after we set the date to meet. So, I'm all in 'red flag' space, thinking he just wanted sex, and I ignored him.

But, then I told the Blue Falcon about him yesterday and the Blue Falcon reminded me that NOT EVERYONE does the lengthy 'getting to know you' over the 'words on a screen'. Some people just prefer to do that in person.

I got a message from the guy last night, asking me what had happened, and I apologized whole-heartedly for my premature rejection and he confirmed what the Blue Falcon had said.

We're most likely going to be spending a few hours together today.

Wish me luck!!

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report. (but I should text him and check in on him soon)

End Notes:

So, the last and final thing… is it possible to get my blue-ray to connect to a wi-fi hot spot?

I'll try to solve that after the writing when I should be working on my exercise (because I usually use YouTube for that)  :)

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