Friday, January 19, 2018

Edge of Seventeen - an honest movie review:

When I streamed Shaun of the Dead so the Unicorn could watch it, I did so by starting my 1-week free trial of Showtime on my Amazon Prime. Don't worry, I have it on my calendar to cancel it before I get charged. I'm not making the HBO mistake again.
So, last night I figured "Hey, I should see if Showtime has any good movies!" - and I actually found a few that looked interesting when they were still in the theaters. One of which was Edge of Seventeen.
Edge of Seventeen is described as an 'Honest and hilarious coming of age story'.
Here's what it really was:  
  • A bullied child with a popular brother receives little to no emotional validation or support from her parents regarding the torture of her daily life at school.
  • Said bullied child makes exactly ONE friend in her life that suddenly makes living bearable. Meanwhile, her brother continues to be the golden child both at home and at school while she is still ignored at best or ridiculed at worst in both environments.
  • Bullied child matures and the one adult (her father) who even gave her the tiniest smidge of care, dies.
  • With zero emotional validation from childhood into adolescence, as well as the sudden passing of her father, it's clear that she's developed at least one mental health issue, if not several. But, instead of getting her help, the mother continues to berate her behavior and question 'why can't you be more like your brother.'
  • The best friend is the only thing keeping her even remotely sane at this point.
  • Then, the brother takes that too as he FUCKS and begins DATING the best friend.
  • Traumatized by losing her ONE friend to her golden boy brother, the teenager quickly spirals out of control.
  • She still receives no help of any kind from her parent.
  • She's able to force one teacher in her school to be the anti-hero, helping her a little bit, but STILL NOT ENOUGH TO STEP IN AND SUGGEST THAT SHE GET SOME SORT OF ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL HELP!!
  • After one final meltdown and a heartfelt backhand from her brother, she somehow wakes the fuck up and realizes that she's been the toxic one all along. (um... what?)
  • After her completely ridiculous epiphany, she seeks out the boy who’s been crushing on her for all of forever, and finally gives him a chance.
  • Now that she has a 'man of her own' she's suddenly happy and all is well.
  • Happily fucking ever fucking after.
I hated this fucking movie.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I think I'm still traumatized from watching someone get emotionally abused for her entire life until she finally gives in and becomes what her abusers want from her.
Oh, and yeah, still fixating.
I was actually seriously considering putting myself in the path of my fixation so that one of those little scenarios in my brain might have the chance to play out.
Then I came to my senses.
This needs to fucking stop.
Only I don't know how to stop it.
In the past, a Ghost Story might have helped, but I have no desire to write because 'yarn'…  
I think I might be fucked.
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – I've made it into the second row of the pattern, and this is good! But, there is a hard part here. I have to make sure I'm knitting loosely enough that the fabric can still stretch enough to fit my leg. I hope it works out... I really love how it's going so far.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 46 minutes, 3x awake, 20x restless, 70 minutes awake/restless - despite a horrible time trying to get back to sleep after a water refill, I actually feel rested. No clue.
- Fur-babies – No visit from Dreamy last night.  
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Weight Management – You know how I've been worried about not getting enough calories to keep my body from going into starvation mode?  
Yeah... not worried about that for yesterday.
Bran spoiled me with a jar of jalapeno and garlic stuffed queen olives. Those things are like 25 calories each! I downed the whole jar in like 15 minutes while he told me a story about something funny that happened in the parking lot of the grocery store.
It was dinner and a show.
I fucking love him, LOL!
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – There just aren't enough words for how much it means to me when he reaches for me in the mornings. Both of us still half asleep, and he just needs to touch me. Waking up next to him is definitely my favorite thing in the world.
I also love the random hugs throughout the day.  :)
- The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – He checked in last night. He seems okay, but still not sexually satisfied. Not sure when I'll be able to be there for him, but I hope I can be.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  

Oh yeah, that errand I was supposed to run yesterday? It didn't happen. Turns out I need a thing first. Bran gets off work early today and we're going to go get the thing. The errand has been postponed untill Monday.

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