Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Good Doctor

I've been helping the Unicorn with her homework this weekend. It's been pretty rough going. She is taking a computerized course that's teaching her about things like managing credit and finances. But, it's also going into financial decisions about college and owning/running a business. And all this shit about investing and saving for retirement too. It's a lot of information to process and the Unicorn is still having a really hard time with some of the big words in reading. Her brain just looks at about half the letters and then supplies a random selection of letters that aren't supposed to be there, and then based on 50/50 information, she guesses on the word and the questions don't make any sense.
She's getting frustrated.
I'm staying patient.
We're taking a break.
Some of the assignment that we worked on  last night was about a girl needing help to decide what the best career option would be for her. LOL, her skill set SCREAMED Surgeon! But, the fucking thing would only give us Nurse Practitioner at best.  
It did get me thinking, though... about one of my favorite shows that's currently running.
So, on this break that the Unicorn and I are taking, I have her watching ep.1 of The Good Doctor right now.
She fucking loves it.  :)
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I'm wracking my brain here, but not much seems to be going on with me mental health wise that wouldn't be updated in other sections of the rundown here. I have my yarn. I have my unrequited affections. I have my snuggles. It's pretty much good here... nothing else I can think of to bring up that won't be brought up elsewhere.
- Writing – I was going to renew my Scribophile membership in February. It's a pretty huge expense considering how little money I have, and other expenses were piling on too. And then this morning I was all "What the fuck? Writers block. Why the hell would I pay for a writers expense that I'm not even going to use?" So... fuck all that noise. I'll take care of that some other day and finally get my fucking hair cut.
- Reading – Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – So, like I should have done for goodness knows how many projects before this, I ran my test swatch on my BonBon Waffles last night. Now I know exactly what layout I need and what gauge I want to knit it in.
I'm still a little on the fence over how well this will display the BonBon, though... so my brain created another leg warmer design this morning. In the store, BonBon is paired with a purple yarn. I can do bands of the BonBon with bands of the purple, and I should have enough of the turquoise left over to embellish it a little bit there too.
So, now that I'm stable with Spiritual Ripples and I've successfully tested BonBon Waffles, I have no excuse. I need to get back to work on Misha's stuff...  
Ugh... I have no idea why I don't want to... but whatever it is, I need to get the fuck over it.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 15 minutes, 3x awake, 12x restless, 43 minutes awake/restless. Not bad. Still waking up at 7 am for water and munchies, though. Weird since my body clock usually gets me up for the day at 8 am... today it let me sleep in till 11 am, though... so... weird, but... whatever.
- Fur-babies – We got a Dreamy last night, but nothing much happened. We got cuddles and he took a nap. It was all good.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Blood Sugar – Hopefully, I remember to check it today. It might be high though... been kinda on some sugary stuff today.
- Exercise/Yoga - I'm a little nervous about the water therapy. I think my swimsuit is over 15 years old and the crotch liner has disintegrated out of it... and I'm not sure if it even fits anymore... this could be bad.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – OMG... the wake up snuggles.
He also loves to squish the Unicorn a lot.
And he bought us delicious things.
And he's unclogging the bathroom drain as I type this.
OMG... so much fucking love for that man.
- The Unicorn – Oh Godz, back the grind on this whole homework thing.
That literally took us all fucking day. Aside from the ONE episode of The Good Doctor, we had NO TIME to watch any of our other shows. We did manage to squeeze in the Season 5 Finale of RWBY, so that's good. But, OMG those fucking financial decision assignments were even cooking my brain by the time we got through it all.
But, we did get through it all.
She's back with her dad now.
And, point of note, he hasn't responded to my email since I called him an egocentric ass to his face. I think he's pretty much taking the low road and not justifying me with a response. Thus further proving his sociopathic narcissism because the fucker only thinks about himself.
I asked a completely legit question about the Unicorn's health and he went on and on about how he's in perfect health and his nutritionist is a bad ass. Literally nothing to do with the Unicorn.
So, I called him an egocentric ass.
And he still hasn't answered my question about her health.
So... still very much proving my point that he's an egocentric ass.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – Bran just got a weekend job... so... I will have time and hosting space to see Bear again.
And now I'm stuck.
I don't want to.
I promised I wouldn't abandon him...  
And I want to.
I just don't feel anything for him anymore.
It's all about Bran.
Does that make me a terrible person?
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder – I was very happy that Pathfinder checked in this morning. He gave me the latest update about what's up on his end, and then he asked me how I'm doing. I filled him in on yarn, and then mentioned Cuddle Crush.
Once I laid it all out, he was very adamant in agreeing with Bran, it's just better and safer for everyone involved if I just stay away.
I'm very grateful for that external voice of validation telling me the correct path because you know how out of control my emotions have been.
- Cuddle Crush – Not only that, if you really break it down, what can I really offer Cuddle Crush anyway? Cuddles (naked), but no sex, love, but never in love, and ambigusweetie is the highest relationship level that could ever be achieved?  
It's not enough!
Even I know that!
Cuddle Crush is better off without me. I could never offer the relationship level that is more than deserved here.
And, of course, there's also that high probability thing of me shattering the holy mother-fuck out of that precious, beautiful heart.
I have to love Cuddle Crush enough to just keep my distance.
And it's hard... it really is... but I know it's for the best.  
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
Fuck the world and those long ass assignments. It's 7:30 at night and I haven't knit a single stitch all day.


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