Monday, January 15, 2018

Sex, Lies, and Shaun of the Dead!

I can't remember why I got the idea, but somehow I felt the Unicorn really needed to see Shaun of the Dead. She's with me for an extra day because of Martin Luther King day (no school), and also her father is out of town for some additional work training (so he says). He was supposed to fly back tomorrow but now he's saying his flight has been canceled due to snow...  
The FAA says no such thing.
LOL, he still doesn't know that I know the about last time.  
The last time he was "Training", he was actually in China banging some chick he met on one of those really sketchy 'chat with a regionally specific foreign babe' dating sites. The kind where the girls are all just trolling for green cards? Yes, he's that much of an idiot.
So, I have no idea where he really is now, I only know that he wants to stay there longer.  
I'm cool with it because it means the Unicorn gets extra time with me. Bran is sorta/kinda cool with it. He loves having her with us, but getting up at the ass crack of "Oh dear God, is that the sun?" to take her to school? - yeah, that part stings a bit.
Then to top it off, she has swimming at school tomorrow, but she forgot her swimsuit at home. So, Bran is a wee bit upset that now he has to drive her all the way home for that little bit of forgetfulness just so he can bring her right back here.
Also, Bran will still be at work when she gets out of school tomorrow. I have a text in to the Blue Falcon asking if he can help us out with transport. Outside of that the only option is Uber or Lyft.
SchmuckDad actually suggested having my mom or my sister give her a ride.
I don't want anyone in my blood family knowing where I live!!
Point of note: Now my ex knows exactly how much I hate my family. (fuuuuuuck!) I'm sure he'll use that as leverage against me sometime.
Anyway, we just finished Shaun of the Dead and she liked it. She thought it was funny. Next time I have her for a few extra days I'll show her Hot Fuzz.
Now we're eating pizza and watching Supernatural.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Yup! Still fixating! - Which is pretty damn annoying considering what happened last night. (See Below, RE: Blue Falcon) I surely would have thought my mind would be spinning on my Favorite Fucking Sweetie instead, but no. It still wants to hover on the unhealthy relationship that never should be.  
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – Oddly enough, there's been no more in the Yarn Therapy department either... I still haven't gotten to the second side of button holes. Today it got put off because the Unicorn and I were concentrating on our movie, and now I’m doing all the usual things that I do in the morning because I forgot about a doctor appointment that I had today.
I don't think I'm knitting today... :/
Not sure what tomorrow will be like.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 30 minutes, 4x awake, 23x restless, 57 minutes awake/restless - yeah, still kind of a sucky night.
- Fur-babies – No Dreamy last night because I was Movie Night'ing with the Blue Falcon, but he has cats too. So, officially I still got my Cat Therapy in.  :)
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Weight Management – I didn't record it, because I have my full physical next week, but if memory serves regarding my last weigh in, I've lost seven pounds.
I’m still not exercising, but I’m eating a lot less, so I guess every little bit helps. I think weight loss will help with the inflammation some. Or, at the very least it will put less pressure on my muscles and joints to move me around.
*sigh* Here's hoping, I guess.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I hope things even out, but right now Bran is a bit prickly about having to drive the Unicorn around. Whether it's at her because she forgot her swimsuit, or at SchmuckDad for (possibly) lying about where he is and why he's being delayed in his return, I’m not sure.
I'm really not liking the elevation in tension... it's the first time something like this has happened since he got back, so this is one of the first things significantly that's tested our new bonds.
It remains to be seen how we get through this one.
- The Unicorn – She really did like Shaun of the Dead.  :)  (good mom, go me)
We're watching the A Very Supernatural Christmas right now, LOL!!!
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Remember several entries ago when I was bemoaning the fact that the Blue Falcon and I don't seem to have much of a relationship anymore? You know, the whole 'date night without the actual date' thing that Movie night had become.
I mean, I knew he was backing off some because Bran was home, and we were all good there. But, then he just seemed to get way too busy to even spend any time with me at all unless it was hanging out for Movie Night. So, I was really feeling like we weren't even Sweeties anymore. Much less, how could he still be my Favorite?
Ye Gods... turns out, we still very much are Sweeties and Favorite might even be too tame of a word for him.
He was in my neighborhood kinda early, so he picked me up and we headed back to his place. Then on the way there he said that we were going to have some extra time, so after he got everything set up for the show, would I like to cuddle?
So, bedroom bound, he sits at his desk and gets everything in order. He doesn't host live guests at these shows. It's an online chat channel where people log in and screen share the movie. I'm the only live guest that the Blue Falcon entertains.
Anyway, he's getting things set up and so I ask about the clothing optional nature of this pending cuddle session and he's very quick and clear, he was intending to go fully naked.  
I'm all in. You know how I feel about skin.
He finishes the setup and starts to disrobe... now that I think about it I should have just already been naked and waiting for him, but whatever. It was fine.
So... I’m still struggling with my shirt and he's already all over me.
Turns out 'snuggle' was just one big, giant euphemism for throwing me down and pounding the holy mother fuck out of me.
And talk about endurance! Holy shit! All that time he's been spending at the gym has paid off in a way neither of us expected. That was the first time he made me scream in the missionary position.  
Long story short, he's still my Favorite Sweetie.  
After the hot hot sex I commented that 'snuggle' had been used as a cover for jumping the hell out of me. He agreed, that had been his plan all along. And then he explained that the only reason we hadn't for a while was just that he wanted to give Bran and I enough time to re-bond. So, since I'd been reporting for weeks that Bran and I are amazing, he finally felt it was time to rebreak that barrier.
I mean... just... wow...
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder – He still continues to check in when he can and I'm still helping him when I can. I love him to death and I'm really glad he comes to me for support.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  

I totally need to go... It's literally deep into the evening, Bran's getting off work in a minute and then we have to drive the Unicorn back to her dad's to grab that swimsuit.

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