Sunday, January 21, 2018


Alas, my subscription to Showtime on Amazon Prime has ended.  
Of course this meant staying up until 4 am last 'night' fitting in the last of the horror movies I wanted to watch. I also watched The Girl on the Train, because... whatever. Unfortunately, this was post 3 tacos and I food coma dozed halfway through the thriller part. This was also after Bran had abandoned me to watch it on my own because it was just moving too damn slow for him. It's okay, though. I was awake enough to whodunit the whodnit.
Anyway... this also means a short entry today because Bran and I have shit to do and then there's Movie Night with the Blue Falcon.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Because I’m an idiot, I've still attempted to reach out a little bit to my fixation... but there's been some pull back on the other end. I no longer feel that my friendship is welcome there...
Ye Gods...  
I wish I could just let it go already.
I still want the friendship. I still want to be there. I still want to help.
Ugh... I'm just so inexplicably drawn in.
But, I don't think I'm needed anymore.
And I need to be okay with that.
- Writing – Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – I got nowhere yesterday. It was a cleaning day for the household and then there was an impromptu movie night where we watched the sequel to the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. By the time I finished those three tacos I knew I was done in.
However, the obsessive thoughts were still there, of course.
I realized I have enough scrap yarn, variegated too, that I can test some upcoming patterns before I commit them to leg warmers and go through the whole rip and restart phase. Why the idea of TESTING a fucking pattern never occurred to me before? No fucking clue, but it's there now, so that's what's important.
Also, I have a design in my head of something I wanted to make for someone else *cough*fixation*cough!*, but I think these leg warmers would be better suited for me instead. Most of the design will be done in a sparkly black yarn where the design itself will be barely visible except for just a hint of white accent. But the embellishment on the outer calf? FUCK YEAH! I'm going to knit in a series of buttonholes so I can lace up a silver satin ribbon and tie it off with a cute little bow at the top.
It's going to be delicious.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 5 hours 35 minutes, 4x awake, 10x restless, 24 minutes awake/restless. Don't let the sleep quality fool you. I just had less time for shitty sleep, that's all.  
- Fur-babies – Last night I actually captured video/audio of Dreamy snoring next to me. Posted that shit everywhere!
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Inflammation - / - Weight Management – So, apparently Paleo is out as the current 'weight loss' trend, and Ketostatic is totally in. Well, good. Since Paleo was never a weight loss diet to begin with. So, on the one hand, great, I don't have to listen to people using Paleo for the wrong reasons.
On the other hand: Less Paleo-friendly options and more scrutiny from trendy assholes telling me that Paleo is 'sooo last year.'  
Yeah, fuck off.
Shit... I hope they don't stop making my protein powder.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – So, we have BIG PLANS to hit both JoAnn's Fabrics and Michaels today. We're going to price out some yarn and possibly even buy some so that I have my next few projects mapped out. We might look at needles, hooks, and stitch markers too.
I really want to check out the sparkly yarn... I want to see what colors it comes in besides black and white. If it's affordable, grey might be an option too.
- The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – MOVIE NIGHT!!!!
Oh, and please please please, more euphemistic cuddles.  
Update: Just checked in with the Blue Falcon and there will be no time for cuddles today. Euphemistic or otherwise.
Still totally cool. I don't NEED them. Just spending time with him and knowing they're still an option overall is more than enough.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  


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