Friday, January 5, 2018

Slow progress is better than no progress...

I'm very slowly (but surely) starting to disintegrate non-Paleo foods from my diet. It started when I ran out of my favorite bread that I use in my breakfast sandwich. I simply decided not to buy more. Now, I still make a super cheesy scrambled egg thing, and dairy is NOT Paleo, but I have cut out the grain from the bread. Instead, I've been adding meat to the scramble to fortify it and make it more filling. With the added benefit of also making it more protein rich.
Although, with the meat, the meal is a bit heavy. So, I've been toying with the idea of using beans instead. It would be tasty, but not much more in the protein department. However, a little extra fiber is never bad either.
Yesterday I ran out of milk.
I drink three mugs of coffee to get myself going in the morning. Usually the first two cups are sweetened with a stevia based sweetener and the bitterness is cut down with a little bit of almond milk. It's good, but not amazing. My 3rd mug of the morning was always my 'treat mug' where I used real sugar and whole milk. OMG, tastes SO much better.
But, I ran out of milk.
And I decided not to buy more.
Today I'm going to try a third cup with real sugar and almond milk, just to see if it's still a treat. If it's still not good I'll investigate the Paleo-friendliness of a non-dairy creamer.
Cheese will be the hardest thing to cut out. I crave the texture of real melted cheese. The texture (melted or not) of the Paleo-friendly, vegetable based cheeses just isn't the same. HOWEVER, if cheese is the only non-Paleo thing in my diet... maybe I can get by?
I guess we'll have to see.
It depends on how sore I get when I try to exercise.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Not really a whole lot to say in the mental health department today... I feel pretty good. There have been cookies and ice cream and snuggles and more sleep. I'm hoping to be much more awake today. The last few days I've been hovering in that limbo of being too awake to nap but too tired to do anything useful. So I just lay there and watch shitty movies waiting for Bran to get off of work so I can just lay there and watch him play video games. I’m hoping to actually be able to DO STUFF today.
- Writing – Except that... still not in a place to do that.
- Reading – Eh... I'll get to this when I can.
- Yarn Therapy – So, this embellishment process has been SLOW!! Largely because of that sleep vs. exhaustion thing. I can only get a few things sewn down before everything quits on me and I need to be vertical for a while.  
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 48 minutes, 5x awake, 18x restless, 59 minutes awake/restless. There was a midnight water run and a need for a snack too. I usually sleep much better than that with Bran there but last night I guess I just wasn't having it.
There were SNUGGLES this morning, though.
Worth it.
- Fur-babies – My pre-evening food was a cheeseburger that I made with a little Chicago steak seasoning and some Worcestershire sauce. It smelled so good to Bran that he asked me to make him one too. That was about the time that Dreamy came over for his snuggles and nap.  
Dreamy was NOT happy that I was standing up in the kitchen instead of laying in my place on the bed so he could take his proper nap with me there. He doesn't really meow. He kinda squawks. So, he squawked at me a couple of times.
Finally I was done making Bran his break snack and then I got to lay down with Dreamy for a bit.
Then I got a craving for ice cream and I let him have a few licks. He seemed pretty happy after that.  :)
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Exercise/Yoga - I am so on the fence about this today. I know I should... I really don't want to. I don't know what will make me want to.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I don't even have the words for how good we are right now. How often he comes to me randomly during the day for a hug. How readily he reaches for me or cuddles with me when we're in my big squishy bed together. How he shares his snacks with me. How he will randomly decide he needs to fuck me. It's everything we were before the horror and more since we've experienced such near-destruction. It's good. It's amazing. It's wonderful.
I'm so happy to have him back.
- The Unicorn – She's learning a lot about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in school right now. It's got her so worked up I'm almost expecting her to be a Straight Edger at some point in her life. And, I'm not saying that as a bad thing. I much prefer that to an addict. I actually think it's pretty cool.
I’m really proud of her.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – He was pretty desperate to see me yesterday and he started making me uncomfortable with the kinds of questions he was asking about Bran. He wanted to know of Bran could leave for a few hours. He wanted an update on how soon Bran would have what he needed to be gone for a day on the weekends. It just felt wrong, but I didn't tell Bear that he was upsetting me.  
I promised Bear that I wouldn't abandon him, and I haven't. It's just that right now neither of us can host and neither of us can afford a sleazy motel room.
I know we'll sort it out eventually, but shit... I hope he finds a girlfriend soon.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
Catmom is deep in her cups and it's not even Noon yet. As a result I have both a Dreamy and a Splotches confined to my room right now. Dreamy will settle down pretty fast, but Splotches is going to go stir crazy for a bit before he's ready to give up and calm down.

*le sigh*

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