Thursday, January 11, 2018

It's worth the growing pains to get there...

I really don't mind having to rip and restart a creative project.  
It doesn't matter if it's writing or yarn slutting, sometimes a major part of the creative process is knowing when the formula is flawed from the start and being comfortable with the idea of scrapping all current progress to start over.
Yes, it's tedious.
Yes, it can feel like so much effort has been wasted.
But, really, we learn just as much from our mistakes as we do from our successes. How many times do inventors get things wrong before their final eureka moment when it all falls into place?
Isn't it better to have a beautiful finished project that one can be proud of, vs. a project where one can see every tiny little error in the design?
Hell, my favorite purple leg warmers must have been ripped and restarted six or seven times and I still fucked them up. Yet, the finished product is absolutely gorgeous and I'm the only one who notices the mistake, so, it's really fine.
These new leg warmers are being made with a variation of a 'ripples' pattern I found for a washcloth and they're being done with colors I picked from the 'Spiritual' pallet in my color theory book of pantones.
LOL, yes, I use my former life as a graphic/web designer to pick yarn colors.  :)
The finish will be lovely, so it's worth the growing pains to get it there.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Nothing new to report.
- Writing - Nothing new to report.
- Reading - Nothing new to report.
- Yarn Therapy – As you might have guessed, I have to start over again. Somehow between the closing of the cuff and the finishing of the button holes, I'm missing six stitches. It's entirely possible that the process of taking in the button holes themselves might have robbed me of those six stitches... but even that doesn't track because there's way more than six button holes.  
I also fucking hate the way these button holes work and I think that next time I'm going to attempt them without the yarn wraps and see if that improves anything... In fact! I think it would be a good idea to TEST THAT THEORY on the cocked up leg warmer I have now!!
Something just needs to work better.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 6 hours 22 minutes – sleep interruptions did not record. (frak)
- Fur-babies – Dreamy came over for a lovely nap yesterday evening, but that's all it was.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Last night I took a shower and then managed to seduce Bran before I got re-dressed into my pajamas. At first he turned me down because he had stuff to do, and I was cool with it, I didn't feel rejected at all. It wasn't an emotional crush for me. He had stuff to do and that was that...  
But, then it seemed he couldn't resist me anyway, so he ended up back in the bedroom with me. He revealed himself and I gave him some oral attention. Then I looked up at him and he said "Lay down," with a bemused smirk.
We do this position at the edge of my bed sometimes. It's kind of like our quickie position where he stays pretty much dressed and ready to accomplish adulting tasks. I'm all the way down at the very edge of the bed with my ankles braced over his shoulders for support so I can stay balanced. He has all this great traction with his boots on the carpet and he can thrust really deep.
Heh... I just wish he'd risk upsetting the neighbors by going a lot harder.
After that we cleaned up and OMG, he actually triggered the start of my cycle. I was only 3.5 days late. Sheesh... my uterus is so temperamental. Some months I'm half a week late, other months it commits seppuku three days early.
I was so engrossed in the yarn that I made it to food about an hour late, so he offered to share one of his man meals with me instead of me having to expend energy to cook that late at night. That was very sweet of him.
This morning the snuggles included him stealing Cas. T. Elephant from me, the stinker. But, the cuddles were still awesome, like always.
I was going to make him my famous one hour chili today, but he told me to put it off until Saturday so that the Unicorn could enjoy it too.
He has a very valid point.
He's so fucking WONDERFUL!
I love him so much.
- The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder – He's getting a little extra help where he is, which is a good thing. Not that I minded being the sole support, but I can't always be there. Sometimes I might not be available to chat, so it's good that he has another outlet to work on some coping skills.
I hope things improve for him... I hate it that he's going through this rough patch right now.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  

Okay, so I’m going to get on with my day here. I've got some other administrative tasks to attend to, but for the most part I'll be deep in the yarn slutting today... not sure how far I'll get on this before bedtime tonight... but I have high hopes.

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