Saturday, April 22, 2017

Date with JerkDad

It's taken me 9 years to get over the trauma of what he put me through, but I can now sit across from him at a table and tolerate polite conversation with JerkDad.

Granted, I wasn't the one in conversation with him most of the evening. That was actually all Blue Falcon and he did marvelously!! As much as he worries about offending people, I didn't get any of that from him.

So, the evening actually started around 5pm. The Blue Falcon showed up at my place in his work clothes (kinda grimey) but changed into dress clothes in my living room. He had settled on an absolutely lovely sage green button down, black dress pants and shoes. He looked amazing. I have to admit, I was pretty turned on.

I know he doesn't mind driving me around to do errands, but I always feel guilty asking. Like I'm taking advantage. And then he just said: "Whatever, I'm helping people." - it was a reminder that in addition to being a mentor, one of the Blue Falcon's strongest drives in life is being there for people and helping them. That relaxed me a lot.

On the way to the bank he asked how we should split the bill for dinner. He told me he didn't mind paying for both me and the Unicorn, but he didn't know what was the socially acceptable way to go about things. I told him that I'd be okay with him covering me because I'm broke, (he knows I'm broke) but JerkDad would cover the Unicorn.

Bank run. I'm literally on my last pair of clean underwear, so the bank run for laundry quarters was pretty mission critical. I also had to pull out cash to load onto my prepaid credit card. (long story).

From there it was grocery store. The Blue Falcon wanted to see if they had these vinegar drinks that he really likes. I was low on my water flavorings. I can't stand the taste of plain water. It just tastes like ass to me. Especially with where I live. The water is so hard and so full of grit. Calcium I think. Anyway!

Final stop was the dollar store where I could load my prepaid credit card. Now I have usable funds for emergencies and stuff.

Back home and we spent about an hour inflicting videos on each other. The Blue Falcon and I share a very similar sense of humor so if one of us finds something amusing, it's almost a guarantee  that the other one will find it equally funny.

Then it was time to leave for dinner.  :)

We were worried about arriving late, but it turns out that the restaurant was only about 4.5 minutes away from my dwelling. And then JerkDad was held up by a major highway being closed too, LOL. So no problem.

The Blue Falcon had picked the place. Since he knew the Unicorn's favorite food was Asian Fusion, but he wanted her to try something new/different.

While we waited he ordered egg rolls.

Once the Unicorn and JerkDad arrived the Blue Falcon and I asked her if she'd like to try eating Cthulhu. She got a big bright smile and said YES! So we ordered the calamari too. LOL.

I was a little worried about the four fire marks next to my chosen feast, but the Green Curry was really calling out to me.

From there I mostly just held my tongue and let the Blue Falcon do all of the talking.

I think he did great. He really seemed to connect well with JerkDad and he gave him some good ideas for the Unicorn's future. I'd also given JerkDad the Blue Falcon's number, so HOPEFULLY JerkDad will follow up with him.

We shall see.

After diner the Blue Falcon took the Unicorn and I home. I mostly needed to be catatonic on the sofa for a bit, LOL. I was so stuffed.

They watched some more of the anime that the Blue Falcon got her into, but then he had to leave and get some sleep because he had to be up early for work.

All in all I would have to say it was a very successful evening!

After the Blue Falcon left, the Unicorn and I watched one episode of Buffy and then it was bedtime.

She's in the bedroom now, watching some of her anime.

We should be closing out Season 4 of Buffy today.  :)


Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - About half of my time is spent gaming… part of me is so addicted to it that I want it to be more… I still feel that it's the healthiest thing for me right now, though.

 - Writing - Probably throwing down some more work on the new chapter six today (formerly known as chapter 5) - it's really long, though. There's a chance that it might need to be split in two, but I'm clueless on an end hook if I split it. I'll have to leave that up to crit feedback.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - About as expected for a night with the Unicron: 7 hours, 37 minutes, 5x awake, 19x restless, total of 46 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - Should be fine with three today.

 - Blood Sugar - Skipped today because I ate something in the middle of the night.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - It's looking like there's no job back in the cities for Bran yet. Certainly not anything that he can come back to in the next two weeks. So, that's where we are. He has to move in less that two weeks because (for lack of a better term) he's being evicted and he's about to be homeless up north.

His options are limited, but one of his options is to leverage _her_ and the kids to secure a roof over his head.

I get it… but I don't like it.

Every day he's with her is another knife in my heart and I fucking hate it, but he has to do what he has to do to survive. Just like I’m going to have to do what I have to do. Some of that would be things he probably wouldn't approve of.

It is what it is.

 - The Unicorn - I’m excited to close out Season 4 of Buffy with her this weekend. That episode with the shared dreams and the cheese man. OMG, she's going to laugh SO hard!

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - This you already know.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.

 - The Hopefuls -

  --  Friday  --  Nothing new to report.

 - Honorable Mentions -

Relationships / Former Sweeties:

 - Jasper - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

I'm really hoping the best for the Unicorn's future. There's not much I can do to help her be a successful adult. I’m barely even functioning as an adult. My job is to be her spiritual advisor, and I do that damn well!

I’m sure she'll be okay. I just don't know how to help her get where she needs to go in life. I trust JerkDad and the Blue Falcon to get her there, though.

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