Monday, March 5, 2018

Coffee and Cuddle Crush

Okay... so, I'm awake.
I'm actually not sure when I woke up. I'm guessing it was somewhere around 6am. I got up to grab more water and just couldn't get back to sleep. Naturally I was thinking about Cuddle Crush. Our online relationship is continuing to mature. Target acquired... I was a merciless flirt yesterday.
I was supposed to have an appointment early this morning, so my coffee and alarm were set for a 7am wake up.  
Now, I want to clarify that I got a text from my Case Worker and she was calling our thing off because we got slammed with a winter wind down storm from hell last night. Everything is shut down, especially the schools and she has young children.  
So, there I was, lying in bed, looking at that text, knowing I could just try to go back to sleep.
The coffee would get cold.
Microwaved coffee just isn't the same.
Yeah... I got my worthless ass out of bed an hour early just for the sake of coffee.
True fact.
But, It's also worth it because I'm chatting with Cuddle Crush right now. (squee!)
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – I just can't fucking wait until my session with Valkyrie tomorrow. I love to shock her with shit, but this is going to be epic. "So, Cuddle Crush and I are Ambigusweeties now." OMG... she's going to fall out of her chair... and then she's going to ask for ALL the details. I better make sure I have a chronological bullet list for her so I don't leave anything out.
- Writing – The newest story is titled 'Claimed'. It's a follow up to Half God Half Devil, so it's still Cinn and Reece. This one takes place at a public BDSM 'scene' area (I'm really vague about it). I start at the beginning of the scene itself where Reece is bound to a St. Andrews Cross and Cinn is preparing her to be worked over. Then I'm flashing back to months earlier when they first negotiated these things as Reece's limits. I'm essentially folding time here. I'm showing Reece at the beginning of her submission to Cinn, but also displaying how far she's come and how far Cinn has taken her. I'm showing how much trust has built between them.
It's really quite lovely.
- Yarn Therapy – Nothing new to report.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 4 hours 55 minutes – there were Bluetooth issues and the sleep quality didn't record.
- Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Okay, so, on the one hand, I know that I need to be more forgiving and loving and not take him for granted. I know this and I still try to live this every day.
But, sometimes he just asks the most assinine questions when I honestly feel he should fucking know better and it frustrates the fucking hell out of me and then I completely lose my shit over it.  
However, he's also got a ton of shit on his mind too.
Two jobs, a small (one man) company, and a pending third job assignment that he still doesn't have all the equipment for.  
There just isn't enough room in that head for him to remember all my shit too.
So... I really need to step it the fuck up and ratchet back my bitch mode.
This is the love of my life and I need to keep treating him like it.  
- The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
- Cuddle Crush -  Oh, jeez... the poor girl just didn't even know what hit her yesterday. I slammed her with everything. She fucking loved it, but she was completely taken aback. I don't think anyone has ever flirted with her so mercilessly.
It actually started Saturday night when I was spit balling Claimed at her. She was impressed that I had thought so extensively about the story. I explained that I never stop thinking about her, so this is nothing. It's already been on my mind for weeks.
She says she can't wait to read my work to get to know my mind better... we're going to work on this soon. She just needs the free time to go into it.
Then I showed her yesterday's lead image and explained that she's the succubus in that one. I followed up by explaining that anytime the succubus has darker hair, that's her, because that’s how I see her.
She 'awww'd' at me...
… yeah, then I hit her with this:
"I see all your beauty, your power, your seductive grace... I see the depth of your pain and your unbroken spirit. I see your strength and your courage, your willingness to fight.
You are love personified."
Uh huh, yeah... I did that. Swooned the fuck outta her too.
Then I explained how I knew that she needed that. She needed to be the object of a crush like that. She needed to be adored, wanted, chased. It's a thing... I have this knowledge.
LOL, next I completely blindsided her by telling her that I needed to go get naked and wet, but the story was calling to me. She just about cracked, and then I explained that I was hopping in the shower. (devious smile)
After the shower it got even worse. I took off my glasses and sent her an upper torso pic while I was still naked. I explained that I wanted to be open to her, so she could read my eyes. Heh... she was having trouble even responding by that point.  
She told me that I'm epic, but refused to go into detail.
On to the next onslaught, I told her that my dinner nom was a burger with jalapeno bacon strips and a fried egg on top. She whined and asked where hers was. I told her to come over and (see what I did there?) - tee hee – yeah... I'm mean.
And then I fake back peddled, saying it was too risky because we'd never be able to keep our hands off each other... and then I detailed exactly how it would play out if we were alone in the same room. She was utterly speechless.
I asked her if she wanted me to stop. "Hell no". I asked her if I was disarming her a little bit or a lot bit. She admitted that it was a lot.  
Mission. Fucking. Accomplished.
- Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
- Never Enough - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
I'm willing to bet my medical appointment for this afternoon will have to be rescheduled due to road conditions as well...  
So, there will be a nap in my near future.
Not sure what else, though. Will I have the mental energy to work on Claimed, or #YarnSlut some more? Hard to say.
I kinda just want to chat with Cuddle Crush all day.

Is that a bad thing?

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