Friday, March 2, 2018

Take the High Ground...

Today is going to suck. No way around that. Even if I survive the physical aspects, the mental energy used is probably going to flatten me later, but I'll be okay. I've been through worse.
It's already been a really long week... the kind where I haven't had a day off enough to have the mental energy left over to shower. I'm fine. I don't smell or anything. But my hair!! OMG – Dry shampoo isn't going to work. So, I'm up an hour early to see if that will give me enough time to take care of the problem once I've finished coffee.
This morning (early afternoon) I have to turn in some important paperwork somewhere. And that's fine, it's just that it can be a time consuming process and today of all days, I need to be in and out like the wind BECAUSE::
The school system scheduled the Unicorn's IEP for this afternoon!!
Don't get me wrong. I love being directly involved with her educational system.
But this ALWAYS means having to confront my abuser. And it's been noted that narcissists don’t co-parent, they counter-parent, so this always gets a little... ugly.
Also, this will be the first time I've seen or spoken to him since I called him an egotistical ass.
On the alternate note, that could have worked in my favor and I probably won't find out until today.
At some point I made it onto the list of people he felt he needed to charm. He must have forgotten that I lived with him for four years while he put me through hell. So, if he's realized that I see through is bullshit, he may be worried that other people are seeing through his bullshit too.
Coffee is kicking in, because now I'm thinking of ways I can take the high ground and spin this petty skirmish in my favor.
They HAVE been teaching her mental wellness as a part of her actual curriculum... so, I can use that as a basis to make her own mental health services academic. Also, there was that thing about the FutureSmart App.
I got this.
Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy – I think we pretty much just covered that.
- Writing – By way of interesting note... I seem to have lost my traction with the most recent work. Extenuating circumstances... I'm not sure if it's just that it needs to stay quiet and these recent workS need to stay in a private reserve.  
I just don't know, yet.
I keep going back and forth on it.
- Yarn Therapy – I got a (singular/one) row done yesterday, but then I was too wiped out from Magic Hippo Dance. That's ONE row... just one. One leg warmer got a row. Fuck, I need a day off.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 5 hours 27 minutes, 4x awake, 12x restless, 39 minutes awake/restless - I had to take pain killers because I was workout sore – but I slept okay.
- Fur-babies – When I got back from Magic Hippo Dance yesterday, Splotches was in the hallway of the apartment building. I called Catmom and she was still on her way back from running errands. Then she came to collect Splotches while she asked me to come to her place to see if Dreamy wanted to come to me. It was super cute, he was on top of the cabinets, but once he heard my voice he hopped down and came into my arms. Dreamy and I took our naps together. Then at the tail end of Dreamy's visit we had a Splotches again too, LOL. Long cat day.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Aquatic Therapy – OMG! Yesterday was AWESOME!! I did pushups in the water!! A lot of other arm exercises too, but they all relied on me using my legs/hips/core to stay stable in the water, so it really was a full body workout. It felt AMAZING. I felt it last night though. I really got sore in my hip and shoulder joints. Enough that I had to take some pain killers to sleep, but I feel fine today. I can't wait until I'm done with training and I get to make this a regular thing.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I was grouchy with him yesterday when I got home. He called me out on it immediately and I apologized right away, but he still seemed hurt and I still felt bad.  
It seemed to blow over by the evening, though.  
He bought me this enormous salad for dinner and we even ate together. Then/later when I was digesting last meal, he massaged me a little bit right where I needed it the most.  
Okay, granted, I was sore in my ENTIRE back/shoulders, so anywhere he touched me was where I needed it the most. LOL.
Then he left me to watch X-Files while he finished up his work.  
It was a good night.
- The Unicorn – It's going to be interesting to see how today goes. Also, I don't have her this weekend, so I'll have some time for brain regeneration this weekend. FINALLY!!
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder – He had some really good news! I didn't quite understand it, but he seemed really excited about it, so I'm content to be excited for him.  
- Never Enough – He was actually in my area very recently, but there was no way to arrange a meeting. I was too busy anyway... but I'm glad he's still around.
Relationships / Just Friends:
I hope my friends ankle continues to recover.
End Notes:  
UPDATE: My Case Worker and I just rescheduled to turn in paperwork on Monday.
Now I have time to shower!!  :)
I'll also have time to knit and get into a much better head space to go into this fight.

Some days I just have to remind myself that I've been trained to be the thing that predators fear.

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