Sunday, June 3, 2018

49 hours later, I admitted to loving her.

OMG... lol...

So, I just spent the better part of the last hour going over my timeline for the last two'ish weeks and watching the patterns unfold.

Wow... you know, if I wasn't me, I would think that my life is absolutely the most dizzying thing to experience. And yet, this shit is my NORMAL.

My world shifts and spins and discombobulates and recombobulates at an alarming rate and I just get knocked down, and learn, and grow, and get back up, and get the shit kicked out of me again.

It's this utterly lush little whirlwind of beautiful disasters and I fucking love it.

Days like today are the reason I love it.

I'm in love again.

I love someone again.

Now, granted, I haven't met Ash in person yet, but I have very high hopes this time.

*   * *

Okay, so take a look at this timeline with me and see if you can see what I see:

May 16th, 2018: I wake up abandoned by my Wonder Twin, I'm ready to fuck everything and give up.

May 17th, 2018: Jaded (back then, Cuddle Crush) and two others talk me back out of the abyss and I'm fine.

May 18th-22nd 2018: Things fall apart on Jaded's end, I'm panicked to death over losing her.

May 23rd, 2018: Jaded is done with me. I've woken up to nothing. Everyone is done with me. I'm in the hell of the forgotten. This is 4:30 PM!!

May 23rd, 2018: I decide FUCK IT! I'm not letting this shit tear me down. Everyone's done with me? FINE! I'm done with all the shit on this plane, I'm moving to a higher level and pulling a whole new crowd to me. This is 11:00 PM!! - it took me 6.5 HOURS to bounce back from this shit.

So, this was one week after I was ready to give up after losing my Wonder Twin and it took me a day to bounce back. Okay? A week later and it takes me 6.5 hours.

May 23rd, 2018: 11:08 PM I'm already chatting with Iron.

May 23rd, 2018: 11:40 PM Iron is already filling the hole left behind by Jaded as my Alpha. (7 hours 10 minutes from when I lost Jaded)

--> Over the course of the next week'ish I meet the rest of Team Sweetie. Zane and DIE! are also just as important to me here, and please don't think that I'm not counting them in this, but you know that there were two major holes that Jaded left behind <--

Ash also responded to my Cuddle Call, but it was too late to make anything work... the rest you kinda know. We started chatting a few days ago.

May 30, 2018: 6:00 PM - One Week. One Hour. 30 Minutes after I lost Jaded.

I was chatting with another woman.

June 01 2018: 7:00 PM - 49 hours later, I admitted to loving her.

Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy -  This is why Valkyrie calls me if we have to miss a session. Shit moves so fast that even she can barely keep up!!

Again, this is NORMAL. This is the way my life typically runs.

It's actually ODD if things run slow.
- Spawn -  (shrug) We finished one anime and moved onto the next?

I threw together food stuffs with cow, noodles, and tomatoes/sauce?

Yeah... nothing spectacular.

Gonna miss her, though.


 - Ash -  We still chatted off and on a bit yesterday while she was at a friends.

The Spawn knows about her and totally accepts her, so I really hope they get to meet someday.

Not sure how much I'll hear from her today.

I want it to be Friday, lol.  <3

End Notes:  
Spawn’s awake.

See ya!

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