Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Not that my awkward spazz mode isn't adorable.

I'm finding myself opening a lot of new pathways to platonic friendships and that's a very new thing for me.

Profiles and possibilities are flitting across my radar, and I'm checking these people out. My first thought is still 'nope, not my type', but then I find myself adding/friending/conversing with them anyway.

And I'm doing it for no other reason than to open a dialog and to open up the possibility of having a cool new person to hang out with.

I'm actually meeting some lovely people this way.

There's something to be said about the lack of expectation for a relationship, even something as low-key as snuggling.


And I will freely admit this.

It's about the social networking too.

One of these people might know my future Alpha or Girlfriend. Like what if either of my future partners just isn't that big into social media or dating sites and I'm going to have to meet them through social networking?

Someone I'm just meeting now could be the next stepping stone in meeting one or both of them.

I'm sure there are other things too. Other benefits to just having 'friends'. Other things that I've never had the opportunity to explore yet because I've been a shut-in for so long.

Like social gatherings?

Just as an example?

What about the next meetup or munch?

Wouldn't it be awesome if I already knew enough people there that I wasn't a totally awkward spazz?

Not that my awkward spazz mode isn't adorable.

It's just not the best way to get to know someone.

Just thinking ahead here.


- Zane -  He tapped in last night. He’s busy, but still really wants to cuddle again soon. So, it’s really good to know that he’s definitely still on Team Sweetie.

- TCN:Kaden -  Didn’t get a chance to chat with him much yesterday, but it was such a FULL day that I barely had a chance to think about it. I’m kinda hoping today is more relaxed, but I already have 11 messages piled on top of me in Cuddle Comfort.

All men. (sigh)

Potential(s) [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Cain -  Oooo… he has some time off next week… (bites lip) I think it’s well overdue for me to get my Daddy/little girl on.

End Notes:  
So... yeah... friends and dates are still filling in. I don't think I'll be as lonely or alone as I have been...

I do need to start getting comfortable taking the bus, though (cringe). One of my new friends has some mobility issues. It would be good of me to go out to him rather than expecting him to come to me.

Wish me luck there! Okay? The buses out here scare me.

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