Sunday, June 17, 2018

I've got a week of anticipation ahead of me...

Well, this week filled up fast.

So much so that I accidentally double booked myself for Wednesday. Which is a total bummer because I really want to meet my date, TCN:Colton. He sought me out last night and we got to chatting.

Lots of positivity and connection there.

And, again, he came after me. Which is awesome as fuck!

I'd seen him post a few times where the poly/kink threads had intersected, but I didn't think I'd be his type, so I didn't ping him. Then I got a surprise message from him on Fet last night saying that he'd been noticing me!! And he was wondering if we might be friends.

Heh! Well then...

(big smile)

We've kinda been chatting non-stop since, except for things like sleep and showers and shit.

He's one of the healers that's been called to me. So, I'm really hoping that time and scheduling will allow for more frequent sessions than what I've been getting with anyone else.

Iron still hasn't made it back for a second date, but he set a lot of shit in motion and other healers, like TCN:Colton are answering the call that he started.

TCN:Kaden will make it back eventually too. I've already messaged him about setting up a cuddle date for next week.

I can't believe all the friends I've been making! This is so wonderful!!

TCN:Colton said that he'd been noticing me because I seemed super open and friendly with everyone and he thought my post about coming out to the Spawn as Pansexual was really sweet. He loves seeing parents raising their kids to be so accepting and open about sexuality.

He's not wrong.

I am really really open and friendly with everyone and the Spawn is an awesome fucking teenager with a bright future of friends and relationships ahead of her.

From there we just got to talking about cuddles, skin, and touch-friendliness, energy exchanges, healing, inflicting pleasure... we connect on a LOT of levels. I was so surprised at how compatible we are and I'm really happy that he sought me out.

We're rescheduled for next Monday... so, I've got a week of anticipation ahead of me... (ugh... *squirm*), but I'll take it.

Everything else this week is going to be a blast too!


Mental Health / Self-Care:
- Therapy -  I've now slept two nights in a row. Lights out, fan on, music... the norm... I was up late chatting with TCN:Colton (2 am), but I have a feeling I can start ramping that back tonight.

This pretty much means that I've come to grips with the fact that Bran is gone, and that I deserve a better partner who will walk by my side.

The door is still open for Bran. It always will be. If he ever decides that he wants to be back in my life at the partner level, he can be, and whatever my partners think of him, they will have to be prepared to accept him. It's as simple as that.

But, I'm not holding out for him to be my sole primary anymore.

His career is his primary.

It's time I found mine.

- Spoons -  HAH!

- Writing -  Um?

- #YarnSlut -  I’m going to make yin/yang friendship bracelets for the Spawn and me.

Well… as soon as I have the spoons… this humidity is sucking the life outta me.
- Spawn -  We had a pretty good day yesterday. Just the standard hanging out. Nothing special. We just enjoy each others company and that's really all we need.

Cuddles [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Team Sweetie -

     - Iron - He has not been well of late... lots of stress and he's been needy in his own way and there hasn't been anything that I could do that would help him. If I had a ton of resources, I could, but I don't... and even though I have all this compassion, it just goes nowhere. So, I don't know when things will ever be able to focus back on what he started. It's entirely possible that he was just there to open the door so that other healers like TCN:Colton could get through.

I still want him as my Alpha... but he's got other, much more pressing concerns right now, and I don't need to bother him with my neediness.

 - Undeclared -

     - Tristan -  (wince) Really not sure what's going to happen there... there was a falling out with the main social group that we were both a part of, and he left... so, I don't know if that changes things between us or not. I made it clear that I still welcome and love him, but he may decide that my continued involvement in said group makes me unsavory to him now.

     - TCN:Brooke -  My cuddle date with her is tomorrow!! I'm looking forward to this. Still SUPER on edge about the female thing. PTSD is a bitch... but I'm really hopeful that I can start working through my issues.

Potential(s) [TCN =Temporary Code Name]

 - Cain -  T-Minus 2 Days and counting.

 - Stasia -  WE DID TAP IN!!! She's been SUPER busy, but lines of communication are still open! I still have a chance to worship my princess. (squeee) omg (swoon).

 - TCN:Colton -  (frustrated sigh) A week. I have to wait a whole fucking week.

Friends:  [TCN =Temporary Code Name]
 - TCN:Elliot & TCN:Brielle -  I've been friends with this couple going way way back! All the way back to when Bran and I first co-habitated and E&B had just moved to my area. We were neighbors and fast friends within our community. We helped each other out a few times.

We haven't exactly fallen out of contact, but we haven't been really close either.

Anyway, Elliot has been pretty concerned about me lately, given the nature of some of my blog entries and my Facebook status updates. He and Brielle want me to hang out for a bit and fill them in on WHAT THE FUCK HAS BEEN GOING ON?!?!!?

LOL... yeah... so, that's my Wednesday and why TCN:Colton and I needed to reschedule.

E&B are also mine and the Spawn's dates for the 4th of July fireworks.


 - Nolan -  Due to mutual mobility, transportation and health issues, Nolan and I are both shut-ins. However, Nolan is just a bit more of a shut-in than I am... so I have plans to bug my caseworker about bus fare tomorrow so I can go out to Nolan for a Platonic Supernatural Snuggle on Thursday. YAY!!

End Notes:  
Sooo... I'm sleeping AND my social calendar is starting to round out more...

I'm pretty good with this.

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