Thursday, June 7, 2018

There's a certain joy in inflicting pleasure.

I think I'm actually going to take it easy on the snuggles tonight.

I think, anyway, I'm writing this bone-tired again, but again, this time it's for good reason. So, my plans for tonight may change as the day develops, but for right now, I'm good.

Heh... yesterday was... oh... (warm sigh) eventful. To say the least. I'm also booked for three out of the next four days, which is awesome! However, that probably means I should try to rest today/tonight.

Yesterday/last night, I fed so hard on masculine energy that I should hopefully be able to sleep tonight.

I slept better last night. A lot better.

I know I did the right thing when I strengthened my Sanctuary Spell. I've rededicated the Chamber of Snuggles as a Temple to the Goddess. Yesterday/last night, in particular, that had me in deep healer/giver mode.

I was able to inflict a lot of fucking pleasure, right where it was needed the most, and that felt amazing!

Having my touch appreciated really means a lot to me right now. (soft smile) And my goodness was it ever appreciated.

That signature soft touch of mine. The one that could paralyze a giant and subdue it. I definitely enjoyed using it on my cuddle buddies (yes, plural). I got to pay attention to some very neglected skin. Attention that was dearly needed and therefore well deserved.

There's a certain joy in inflicting pleasure.

It makes me smile to know I did something good.
- Spawn -  It’s her last day of school today.  :)


 - Iron -  He's super busy on his end, but eventually, we'll work out some more Alpha time.

- Zane -  He's my ride/date for this thing tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to meeting his friends. Not sure if this will result in cuddles after, though. Since he'll be making sure his friends get home too.

- DIE! -  SUPER EXCITED!! We finally pinned down a date/time for our second Cuddle Date. I get to see him on Monday. (squee!)

- Stasia -  We didn't get a chance to chat much/at all yesterday. I'm going to have to fix that today. Also, Cuddle Date this coming Sunday. (SUPER SQUEE!)

- Tristan -  Ohhh... ye godz... where the hell do I even start?

So, I was seriously tired on Tuesday, but I attempted to start/maintain several conversations that night anyway. Things started to die down in the midnight range, and I had just taken a super cute picture of myself, so I sent it to anyone that still showed as available... just to see who was listening.

Tristan responded.  :)

He'd read my blog, so he knew why I wasn't sleeping. He also said that the more he learned about me, the more he wanted to be around me. He appreciates the courage I show when facing my challenges.

Conversation touched on how he's slow to open up, but he welcomed any questions I had for him. Alas, I was too tired to come up with anything, so I ended up expressing my strong desire for cuddles and comfortable silence instead. I also ended up telling him how much I appreciated his interest in me.

Then the veneer cracked just a little bit, I learned that he has needs that are going unmet...

You know me.

I can't have that.

We ended up discussing it and both of us realized that we're in the exact same place when it comes to feeling neglected, needy, and alone.

And, you know I can't have that.

I can't meet someone like him and not reach out. I told him how much I would love to cuddle him, and he expressed the same in return. We ended up setting a time for prevening yesterday. So, yeah, we went from 'conversation at midnight' to 'schedule a date two hours later' to 'first date about 15 hours after that.' I do love a good, quick timeline like that.

I fucking love it when mutual desire and availability coordinate to speed that first date into existence so soon after the connection is made. We stayed up for the next two hours chatting... not wanting to let each other go so we could sleep... that enchantment so profound that contact of any kind is the preference over anything practical.

We talked about skin, and comfort levels with the imperfections of others... I learned that my body shame had no place with him. He saw me as beautiful and the feeling was very mutual there too.

I knew things weren't going to stay platonic with him, and I expressed as much... mutual, again, of course.

I told him what I saw in him... the way he read to me as an erotic being who is too often overlooked and ignored. He saw similar things in me... it just kept looping around to that. We're different, but the same. Just different enough to be what each other needs, but so much the same that we totally understand each other's needs with barely even any words to explain them.

There was just so much in him that I wanted to embrace... he deserves so much acceptance and love. He wanted the same for me. He likes my smirk, ;) - I fucking love his eyes... I could get lost in them for a lifetime.

Touch was clearly a need we were both experiencing in a supercharged sort of way when it came to each other. We were craving each other... it was delicious.

Yet, the hour was late, and we both needed sleep.


Yesterday I had my typical Wednesday, followed by a shower when I got home so I would be ready for him. He got to me about 5pm'ish. We worked through the awkward of getting basic needs like hydration taken care of so we could settle into the Chamber of Snuggles not needing much else or a reason to leave the bed again.

The cuddle pulled in tight almost instantly... silence and soft touch... I tugged him gently down into 'dedicated receiver' mode. Clothing slowly coming off until I was worshiping his body in the way that it deserved to be worshiped. I made love to him with my hands...

My smile of satisfaction every time my caress impaired his ability to even string two coherent words together... heh... rawr... that was so savory. He was mine and I enjoyed making sure he knew it.

Sometimes we just held each other too... but mostly I just couldn't get enough of drinking in his sensitive skin. I was so besotted with his writhing and the little exclamations of pleasure overload. I loved learning his body and how it needed to be touched... just letting my hands read him and give him what he needed...

We did talk a little bit too... but mostly it was just me inflicting the pleasure on him until he had to leave.


... I can't fucking wait to do that again.

This thing between us... whatever it is... it's karmic. We're in each other's lives right now for a reason, but I don't think that exact reason will be revealed for some time yet.

- TCN:Shaw -  (soft chuckle)

This was a much shorter courtship.

He'd responded to one of my comments in a group and it quickly led to the friends and messenger.

I honed in on him swiftly. I was in wolf-hungry, apex predator mode when it came to him. Again, I feel this is all karmic. I was so supercharged from my time with Tristan that it bled right over into Shaw. I felt his need and I bit down on it. I pulled him to me in barely an hour.

Once again, I was called to worship the flesh. I sank my fangs into him and paralyzed him with the venom of pleasure... It was... so fucking lush.

He reciprocated nicely as well. He does NOT suck at pulling hair. He knows exactly what he's doing there... fuck, he had me so wet.

It took a little coaxing, but I got him to express a need... he told me that he was feeling an intense desire to 'take my mouth'. (squirm) "Do it," I whispered up to him.

I'm really glad that I've been working on my gag reflex... I needed that... I needed the way he tore his own pleasure from me...

We went back to snuggling soon, though... he was too tired to do much else other than lie there, prone to me...

He expressed his need for release... it took a little work, but I tore that out of him too... then I let him come back down with soft touches... Sleep claimed him not long after.

Sleep came to claim me not too soon after that either.

He left early this morning and I went back to bed.

Getting up today was hard, but I managed.

I hope I see him again really soon too.

End Notes:  
Again... taking it easy today.

Or, at least, that’s the plan.

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