Sunday, April 15, 2018

An open letter to Metal-AF

Are you out there?

Are you still listening?

Can you still hear me calling out to you?

Please believe that I still need you. My being able to get up and walk after having my piece of you mercilessly gouged out of my chest doesn't in any way minimize the damage that hole leaves behind.

Damage that will never heal because I don't ever want to stop hurting for you. The pain is a reminder that I found you, bonded with you, loved you beyond measure, and trusted you.

The pain will always make me remember how beautiful our friendship was / is? / could be again?

But, this letter isn't about that.

I'm writing to tell you about new pain... a fresh wound...

My other cuddle buddy? Bright Star? He just abandoned me too. He had his reasons and I let him go, but it fucking hurts so much to be so alone. I feel like this whole poly thing was a mistake. I feel like giving up.

I just lost both my cuddle buddies in the span of a single weekend and the pain is beyond anything I could ever express in words. I'm bleeding to death here, and I need you. I need my Wonder Twin back.


Please hear my call.

Please come back to me.

Please help me. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

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