Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tired... I'm going to force it to be a good day anyway.

I don't really have profound thoughts to open with today.

Last night something happened, and it wasn't a good thing.

I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it could not have been avoided. It was bound to happen eventually, but that doesn't make it any less annoying.

Now, in Bran's defense, he was just ignorant of the full gravity of the situation. Since it hadn't happened yet, he just didn't know. Whatever. I forgive him.

However, I don't want it to happen again.

Truthfully, I'm only in danger of this on Unicorn weekends anyway. So, I just need to be vigilant of his needs as well, okay? He did nothing wrong. He was just being stupid.

Right, so...

We tried to go to bed.

I took my meds and everything.

And then he starts tossing and turning and making a fuck ton of grunts and noises and then he gets up and looks out the window to check on his truck and then he goes to the bathroom and by this time my sleep window is well closed.

I went off on him.

I think I got to sleep around 5 am. Fitbit data is still attempting to update to confirm or deny this.

I don't really think this warrants a strong 'talking to' tonight or anything. The Unicorn goes home tonight, but on her next weekend, I will make sure to be extra careful to make sure he's aware of how bad things can get for me if he's not tender with how much of a light/sensitive sleeper I am.

Today's going to suck. I'm going to be fucking tired.

I'm going to force it to be a good day anyway.

I have guests coming over.

Mental Health / Self-Care:
Seriously? All this can fuck off today.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
This too.

My blood sugar is 127, though.

I started this genius thing of setting a fucking alarm!!

Now I actually remember to check it before coffee.

(shakes head) omfg... why do the adult things always miss my attention for like, years before I figure out a way to make them happen?

127 is pretty good for fasting too. Goal range would be between 100-120, but at my present weight/health/fitness/diet level - being 7 ticks too high is marvelous.
- Bran -  There were morning back rubs and cuddles and a kiss goodbye as he headed off to work.

He still didn't do everything he said he would in the living room, and he's going to get pissed that I'm going to move his belongings around, but that's just tough shit.

He knows how I want my living room to look for guests.

So, he'll probably be angrier at me tonight than I would have been with him over last night.


My guests will probably leave before he gets home. I might just have time to move his crap back to where it shouldn't be before he notices.

That would be interesting.
- The Unicorn -  We had our usual awesome for a Saturday. Including me making my Chicken Noodle that she loves so much.

We watched Metal-AF's Middle Earth Musical, it was hysterical. The Unicorn loved it.

I'm toying with the idea of changing this section to renaming her my Spawn.

Since my re-entry into the Poly community, I've learned that Poly-Subculture has a whole different meaning for Unicorn and it's something that my child would find utterly appalling.

She's fine with people living the life they want to live, but that would definitely NOT be her personality.


She's looking forward to guests today as well.

We're going to make it a good day.
- AmbiguSweeties -
  - Cuddle Crush -   Pretty tame here... it seems as if we've grown to a comfort level with each other where we don't need a whole lot of contact.

Actually, I think it was just me who needed the contact. I've eased up a LOT. I have a lot more confidence in her now.

Part of this has been our own working out the bugs in our communication... but I'm actually going to go ahead and admit that I believe Metal-AF has had some effect here as well.

He's such a heart-calming influence in my life that I've just settled down so much. My anxiety seems to be at this all-time low when it comes to matters of my fragile heart.

I feel like his love could get me through anything.

Cuddle Crush and I seem to be in a good place I guess.

I hope I get to be with her soon.

I get it if she's still working too hard to sort out her own bad juju for a while yet.

There's one thing I want from her that I'm worried will not happen because there's a time window at play... but, that's not for me to decide or have control over. I just have to live with it if it doesn't happen and love her for who and what she is regardless.

She's a beautiful creature who deserves to be loved.

I just hope she'll let me love her.

  - Pathfinder -  Nothing new to report.
  - Never Enough -  Nothing new to report.


  - Metal-AF -  Ye mother fucking godz - tomorrow can NOT come fast enough.

We need each other's strength right now... so fucking bad.

It's just as bad on his end.

This fucking sucks.

  - Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  

More coffee now.

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