Thursday, January 12, 2017

Aftermath - Supplemental - Introspective:

You know I always take these introspective journeys in the days after an intimate encounter. My mind likes to take its time locking onto that 'one thing' that made that encounter so special in my eyes.

Like the time with a former lover, where he was the first person who had grabbed fistfulls of hair and then forced my mouth down over my cock… that was the introspective where I learned how much I love face fucking. And, indeed, the inception of my fantasy regarding my gag reflex. I would love to have no gag reflex whatsoever… just being able to take a thorough throat fucking would make me so very happy.

Okay… so, to take it to more recent introspections:

Gingersnap… how hard he laughed when I told him that I do my yoga to heavy metal. *smile* He thought that was so fucking cool. And, also, the way he read so much of my current narrative. How he had quite literally 'researched' me. He knew exactly how to touch me, how to grab my hair, how to kiss me, and how to fuck me.

Foxtrot… ye gods… that amazing smile of his. How many times I opened my eyes to see the way he was smiling down at me. How this beautiful creature who is light years out of my league was taking so much pleasure in his time with me… fuck… I'm going to miss the hell out of that smile.

And here we are.


It was the sense of absolute safety and trust. Or, more to the point, how many times he said MY lines!!!

I've made kindness my mission for just about a year now. It's been about a year since I came to grips with the fact that no one was coming for me. No one was going to rescue me. No one would ever care enough to want my wounds to heal properly, and once in for all… For over a year, I've held onto the notion that if I just turn my kindness outward, eventually that vibration would call a kindness back to me.

Only, I forced myself to forget the second part.

Being the kindness was always about the others. But, I always LIED TO MYSELF about the fact that I wanted that kindness to come to me.

Deep down… and it terrifies me to say it…

How deep down I've wanted and truly needed to be saved.

I'm just so tired.

I'm so fucking exhausted from this fight.

I'm so tired of living each day with this war for my sanity raging.

I’m just so done. I can't go on like this forever. I can't be the only one interested in saving me.

I just need to be guarded, protected, made to feel safe.

And there he was… so unplanned… the masculine reflection of my kindness.

There he was…

… saving me.

Finally… someone wanted to be the kindness for me, and to me, and with me…

Finally… he was there.

All that unconditional love… all the truth of it. How he didn't even love me past my faults (read: my insecurities and my perceived faults) In so many ways, he loves me BECAUSE of my faults.

In his eyes…

Oh… ye gods… how can I survive this?

In his eyes, my faults are the things that make me what he loves. What he fell in love with, so quickly.

And that's another thing.

He said it first.

The 'L' word…

That hasn’t happened since Bran.

No one ever loves me in return as much as I can love out. I hate to say it, but after the recent horror with *her*. Even Bran doesn't really love me back as much as I can love out.

But, Alpha can. Alpha does. Alpha will.

Mind you… this does not change anything between Bran and I. We (Bran and I) are both fully committed to getting back to what we were, and bettering it. But, that's going to take months and some crucial healing on my end that cannot be generated by Bran. He just doesn't know how to love me like that. I’M OKAY WITH THAT!!

But, in the meantime… Alpha…



In the meantime…

… Alpha

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