Friday, January 27, 2017

And... still hoping to avoid the Blue Falcon...

Still no word from Copperhead.

I'm pretty sure he's pulling back and moving on. I'm okay with that. I really didn't like putting him in a position where I could hurt him. Oh hell, who am I trying to kid? I DID hurt him.

He seems strong, though. So, I'm sure he'll be okay.

I haven't heard from the Blue Falcon either. But, I've not bugged him either. The last message I sent his way wasn't responded to until late at night and he mentioned that he'd been very busy.

I might toss a text at him tomorrow, just hoping that he's still up for meeting this coming Monday.


I’m only working on my second cup of coffee as I write this. But, the plan for today is to stop at 3.

I'm going to wait until Monday to get started on the yoga again, though. Which is also messed up because just as I have the yoga back, I should be getting my blood moon.


Fuck this shit.


Things with Bran continue to improve. He knows I'm happy with my sweeties and that I'm doing okay without him. But, I am still very clear that I want him home with me.

However, I've ALSO been clear with him on my ability to fully move on if he does decide not to come home or anything like that.

He's going to be very busy with two to three jobs when he gets back. So, it's good that we had this time apart. This way he knows I'll be okay without him and that I will keep things going with my sweeties so that I'm not alone too much while he's working.


Then, there's also the writing.

I'm getting fucking good at this shit!!

I have a very small handful of loyal fans. But, they're really letting me know that I have something special. I'm looking forward to writing more and more every day.

I'm still thankful for Gingersnap. He was the one who got me writing again. And, maybe that's all he was good for. Either way, you know me. I don't chase people anymore.

I move on fast.

Go me.

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