Monday, January 30, 2017

Slept better... today is RESEARCH:

And off we go…

The Blue Falcon will be here in about eight hours. I'm hoping to have a better code name for him in less than 10 hours.

I slept better last night.

I think I just needed my bed back to myself again. So, I'm re-thinking the 'overnights' thing with untested potentials. I'm still willing to consider overnights with sweeties a good thing, but if they're like Gramarye and they TWITCH all night. No thank you.

At any rate. Sweeties for ONE overnight. Not two. Never again.

Hopefully I'll just have Bran back with me and this won't be a problem anymore.

I'm going to be taking a break from the book writing for a few days. I need to research and write a short story for another writing contest. First prize is $100. But, I'll settle for extra site currency or getting noticed by a publisher/literary agent.

I need to really knock this one out of the park. It has to SING with uneasiness. I'm just not sure how to make that happen… yet… But, I have to try.

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