Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I guess the demon Goddess is on duty... LOL:

So, after some in depth conversations with both Valkyrie and Bran, I get it. I can be intimidating at times.



Valkyrie says that I'm this demon Goddess and sometimes guys see my horns and realize that I'm not what they signed up for. It's like a moth to a flame. They're attracted by the notion of me, but once they get too close and feel that fire. They bail. I've extended some heartfelt apologies to those I've scared off. And I hope they're okay.

I did, however, have a LOVELY conversation with a new sweetie yesterday. His code name is Mystic. He's a lot like me. Empathic, a healer, into all religions and beliefs. Hence, the name Mystic.

We had a wonderful time and cuddled naked. It was very sweet. He didn't find me intimidating at all, but he could clearly see where some young men might be terrified of getting too close to me.

My dance card is filling up really fast again… this time on Fetlife. I'm not sure how I feel about some of the Dom's I'm encountering there. Things are a bit iffy on some of them, yet.

I'm likely to be getting a massage tonight!!

YAY! Go me!!

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