Saturday, January 28, 2017

Caring a little less about the Blue Falcon...

Does that make me a horrible person?

I’m amazing myself here and there with how much I think about the Blue Falcon.

Not the risks, but the rewards.

Don't get me wrong, I still care about Copperhead, but with the way he's gone radio silent on me it's obvious that he's working on moving on. Also, deep down, I know he would still want the Blue Falcon to find some sort of happiness, as long as he didn't have to hear about it.

I'm going to text the Blue Falcon later, just to see if we're still on for Monday.

Hopefully he hasn't forgotten about me.

And, that's really all I have to report this morning.

The most recent Ghost story seems to continue to do well with the small handful of fans that I have for it.

I need to get on top of some critiques though. Karma is a bitch. I don't dare launch into another revision today because , on average, they've been taking me about 5 hours. I'm really looking forward to hearing what the thoughts are on my chapter 10.  *evil grin*  That sex scene is one of the hottest (for me, anyway) things I've ever written.

It's my weekend with the Unicorn. So, probably going to be shorter entries today and tomorrow.

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