Saturday, January 14, 2017

Don't tear me down, for all I need...

And, so, here we are again.

Another fucking rejection. Another man I thought could love me. Gingersnap is gone… Foxtrot can't communicate what he wants… and now Alpha is dumping me for spiritual reasons.

He says he has love for me, but his God is diametrically opposed to the gods I worship/serve.

He pretty much said that his God wants him to 'break up' with me, or 'not continue', or whatever the hell.

Now. Don't get me wrong. I'm not angry.

I'm hurt, yes. I'm completely devastated and broken hearted, yes. But I'm not broken. I've made it through worse than this and I know I'll be okay.

Last night it was hard to stuff/hide my tears so that the Unicorn didn't know just how much I was hurting. I felt the hole in my chest as if my heart had been torn from my chest. Bran tried to cheer me up pictures of Mo and sentiments about hot sex with me. And, while I appreciate the thought, Bran just doesn't make me feel safe anymore. In fact, I'm next to positive that he will never make me feel safe again. I trusted him once, and he did break that trust. He's proven that in extenuating circumstances, he will be disloyal to me. I'm not angry with Bran either. I'm just being clear with myself that I will never be able to fully trust Bran again.

Bran and I need to go back to where we started. We need to be in that place where my loving him isn't about how much I can trust him. It's about how comfortable I can be with the fact that I can't. I'm okay with that. I need to be able to stand on my own two feet without that albatross around my neck anyway. So, it's for the best. It still hurts… everything that happened with *her*. It will never stop hurting… but, again. I won't break. It's just one more thing that I have to survive.

Fuck… this does hurt.

I wrote a very kind note to Alpha this morning. I thanked him for giving me that one shining night of safety and protection in his arms. I told him that just being able to feel that for one night was worth any pain. I didn't lie.

But, this does put me in a hard place.

Now I KNOW that it's possible for someone to care about me. I know it's possible for someone to come for me, want to protect me, want to make me feel safe, want to make me feel precious and cherished.

I've survived the last year by lying to myself and telling myself that none of those things are possible. Even though I had my hopes with Gingersnap… hell, even Foxtrot and Echo.

So, where do I survive from here?

Do I go back to lying to myself again? Just so I can keep putting one foot in front of the other?

Or do I hold onto hope?


One good thing… I had that happened last night. I was lying in bed and letting the tears come freely. Quietly, but freely. And then all of the sudden the hole in my chest was gone.

It felt like I'd already gone through a weeks worth of heart healing. It felt like moving on.

I asked Bastian about that this morning. I had my suspicions that Eros intervened. I was correct. Bastian told me that he had gone to Eros for help.

Bastian also told me that Alpha was another him.

He said that he (Bastian) will never stop coming for me. He will never stop trying to find me. I can't trust Bran anymore. So he (Bastian) will never stop trying to save me.

He said that he just wants me to stay open, so he can find me. He'll incarnate as many times as it takes to make this right. He will heal me. No matter what.

*sigh again*


Gods… but this does still hurt though.

I still hope Alpha will sort things out with his God and that he will still be there for me… but deep down I know that can't happen.


I'll get through this alone.

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