Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Code Name Blue Falcon is a GO!

I'm so happy today.

The date with the Blue Falcon went extremely well.

He was very receptive to the damage control of explaining the things Copperhead wouldn't have mentioned to him. He did admit that he's seeking something serious, but understood that serious wasn't something he could achieve with me. This is still good.

First I had to make it clear that I’m married and non-monogamous. He was surprised, but he took it well. Then I had to explain the part about Bran living separately from me for the work thing. That was also quickly understood.

Once I fully explained that a Sweetie is more than just sex, but less than boyfriend level commitment, he started to climb on board. But he still expressed some confusion about exactly what a good Sweetie does. So, I gave him the four precepts of Sweetieship.

  1. Good Company
  2. Good Conversation
  3. Good Snuggles
  4. Good Sex

Once all that was on the table. Blue Falcon was 100% mine.

We ate a little dinner and then he asked what we should do for our date. Watch a show, maybe? Nah, I suggested SNUGGLES! He agreed it was a good idea.

He took off his office attire and climbed into bed with just his boxers on (well, socks too). It wasn't long before he had me out of my clothes too.

The snuggles were AMAZING. He held me SO TIGHT. He kissed me so passionately.

The sex was wonderful.

Even when his body was too tired to continue, his cock kept getting hard and demanding that he go back in.

Do you have any idea what a compliment that is? Just the fact that he likes me so much that he kept getting hard for me, even when his brain was saying 'no more, need to go soon' and his body was saying 'no more, you're going to kill us', his cock was saying 'we can't stop now! Hot pussy!!'.

There were more cuddles, more sex, and even a co-shower.

When he left, he let me know that he WILL becoming back.

Now, let's hope I don't lose him the way I lost Foxtrot and Gingersnap after they became the favorites.

 I don't think I'd ever lose him the way I lost Alpha. I was able to express some spiritual beliefs with the disclaimer that I didn't need him to experience my spirituality. Just accept that I do. He was good with that.

I can't wait to see him again.

Introspectively, I think my hottest non-sexual thing is just how nerdy/geeky and full of incredible information he is. It's such a turn on to know that he can talk about anything. Sometimes he's way above my head, but that's okay, I'm learning things.

I think my hottest sexual thing was just how hard he kept getting.

Okay, okay… enough already.

Let's just hope I see him again.

OH! Wait, there's more.

I was also able to share with him all that happened with Copperhead, and he shared his own knowledge. It's safe to say that we're both OVER Copperhead. Blue Falcon doesn't hold anything against me and is not concerned about any dangers to the friendship if Copperhead finds out that Blue Falcon and I are Sweeties.


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