Sunday, January 15, 2017

Beautiful Reflections...

The purpose of a good narcissist is to hold up a mirror. One should always trust that light, because it is truly the deepest reflection of their inner self.

Untreated, narcissists and borderlines are the worst combination. A borderline can't see their own goodness without a mirror, and a narcissist will start off that relationship by holding up the best mirror. Then, once the borderline is trapped, like a bug in amber, they will take the mirror away. The borderline fear of abandonment goes into a frantic state of trying to get that mirror back, when the light was truly inside them all along.

Treated… Hah…

The borderline can totally call the narcissist on his bullshit.

I love what Alpha showed me. I recognize that it was my deepest inner truth that he was showing me. That the sense of absolute safety and trust comes from deep within me. All I have to do is learn how to be my own mirror.

I regret nothing.

I don't even regret wasting the name Alpha on him. He was only showing me the Alpha within me.

Ye gods… I hope he isn't reading this. He has the link.

I still love him.

I know the pain he caused wasn't intentional. Deep down he truly does believe that he espouses perfect unconditional love. He hasn't quite grown enough to realize that unconditional love means nothing if it comes with a list of terms and conditions. *scoff* It's laughable when you really think about it.

I will always love him.

I will always miss the way he made me feel.

But, here I am again. Right back on my own two feet where I belong.


'Cause I really am that kind of awesome.

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